
Drupal 6: Render Views 2 data in a page tpl file.

I think the answer might be obvious but I can't seem to figure it out. How do I render a view I've created in Views 2 (Drupal) in a page-pagename.tpl.file? My thought was that it would be some sort of PHP snippet but I can't find documentation about it. Any thoughts that might steer me in the right direction. ...

Drupal: Views titles

I have a View that outputs a page. Under Basic Settings I set a "title". When I load the page, I see that title as the page title (at top of the browser) - all good. How can I print this value out in the "Display output" .tpl file? The $title variable doesn't seem to hold any value here. Do I need to use a preprocess function? Thanks ...

Drupal View/Block not displaying

Another Drupal question: I have a View of type Term that outputs a block. It shows taxonomy items from a single vocabulary and the Preview of the View shows this content correctly. Whatever region I assign this block to, nothing displays. I've set a title and empty text in the View but those don't show either. I created several blocks t...

Update Drupal views argument via AJAX

Hello, I have a request concerning Drupal 6.x I'd like to have this behaviour: imagine to have 2 columns, on the left a list of nodes (only titles for example) and on the right a view showing just one of the contents on the left. My idea would be to achieve this with an AJAX-fashion: clicking a link in the list on the left updates the v...

view and primary link

I have a primary link "accommodation", then i have created a view , called "listing", and set that listing path to "accommodation". but when i access url myurl/accommodation , the view was not show up. but default content of primary link "accommodation" showed up. how can i make myurl/accommodation to show my "listing" view. thanks ...

Drupal views - how to remove string pattern using "Rewrite the output of this field"?

Views - Fields: I want to remove a certain matching word from a returned string by using the "Rewrite the output of this field". Is there extended syntax for this or is there a way to use php string-functions/regex in this field? ...

Drupal 6: Theming a field in views

Basically I want to create a php code in my template (views-view-field--body.tpl.php) that would say the following... if [body] print [node_view] endif ...

Drupal - Getting node id from view to customise link in block

How can I build a block in Drupal which is able to show the node ID of the view page the block is currently sitting on? I'm using views to build a large chunk of my site, but I need to be able to make "intelligent" blocks in PHP mode which will have dynamic content depending on what the view is displaying. How can I find the $nid which...

Drupal view rows output

I'm trying to create a page by using view 2. This page list all the nodes and grouping by their taxonomy term. In this view the Style as Unformatted and Row style as Fields. The fields as following: Node: Title Node: Teaser Taxonomy: Term The problem is that I want the first row under each term display both Title & Teaser and the re...

how to organize my menu, taxonomy, views, pages in drupal 6

i am try to build a web site, it has a 2 level menu. global|asia|euro|u.s (this is locaion menu) about|home|news (this is content menu) if a web site user clicks on global, it will show global|home page, if the user clicks euro , it will show euro|home page, clicks on u.s it shows u.s|home page. global|home , euro|home, u.s|home, all...

Drupal: listing content types with content count

I'm new to Drupal. I have a couple of Content Types and some of them have a special field called Foo. This field has value 1 for some Contents and 2 for others. I need to create a page that will list all the Content Types which have Contents with Foo equals 2. In this list, each item must be linked to 'some-page/$s', where $s is the Co...

Calling small app in template : Django

Lets say I have a website with a small application that lists the 10 newest members, or something dynamic like that. I want this to view on every page, perhaps in a sidebar. How would i go about doing this. My thoughts on the mather... I might not get the whole django thing just yet, but when I have a url like /foo/ calling a view bar -...

Conditional link to node within views?

I have two content types, book and chapter. Each chapter node contains a node reference of the book to which it belongs. I have created a view which displays the title of each chapter for a given book. Within the view, the title field has been configured to link to its node. All works well. I am now interested in updating the view t...

Sorting cck fields in drupal6 views by 'revision date'

I'm looking for a way to construct a view in drupal6 by letting it grab the 'added date' from a nodereference cck field which has multiple values. What I need is a list of titles of referenced nodes, sorted (desc) by the date they were added to the reference-list. I've tried setting up a 'node' view, letting it grab a node ID from the...

Drupal view and path urls..

Hello, I've a problem with drupal paths in one view that I building. Right now my view has this form: contents/2/6. Where 2 and 6 are the Ids of two nodes, I'd like to manipulate these ids to translate them let's say the title of those nodes. I can not do this from the view because I'm sending these values to a panel, and the panel MUS...

Node relations in Drupal Views

I'm struggling a little bit with a View that gets data from a node that uses two node reference fields, that points to the same type of content. From my path I'm getting one string as the argument, let's call it $fruit. The query I would make if I was writing the query myself would be something like SELECT * FROM recipe WHERE (fruit_1=...

Show secondary links in views only

I'm building a site in Drupal and I only want to show the secondary links on the pages that use the Views I've created. I tried using the $secondary_links variable in the views-view.tpl.php but the variable is null. How can I achieve this? ...

grouping items in a view

I have a content type called "convention" and a content type called "convention session". Each session has a node reference to a convention. A convention has a "from date" and a "to date", and each convention session has a simple "from date". When a user browses to the full node view of a convention, I want a block to be displayed on th...

Drupal: Views Grouping Issue

With CCK, I've added a field to the basic "Page" node type called "Resource Type". There are four possible resource types to choose from, in a dropdown, "Training, News, Research, Tools". I've created a view that should group the nodes by their resource type. I've created 8 nodes, 6 of which are of type "Training", 1 is of type "Tools" ...

Possible pitfalls on a multilingual Drupal site?

I'm about to embark on a journey to build a multilingual Drupal site, where I will most likely have to use Views, Panels and Taxonomy pretty heaily. I am a bit worried about the new-node-for-every-language approach, especially using Panels. So far I've gotten it to work similarly to what I want by not having multilingual support for th...