
Checkboxes instead of select in views filter

Hi, How do I change an exposed views filter in Drupal 6 to checkboxes instead of the default multi select? Thanks, ...

best way to give editors ability to assign background images in drupal 6

I've got a design in drupal that calls for a different background image on different pages. I'd like to make it easy for the site editors to assign the image. My first thought was adding a cck field to the Page type where they could assign the image. That will work nicely for node pages, but won't work for views pages. I guess instead of...

Drupal Views: Adding Edit button and other buttons per item

I've setup a view in drupal that lists items like this: IMAGE 1 | IMAGE 2 | IMAGE 3 | IMAGE 4 desc | desc | desc | desc where "desc" is, you guessed it, a description of the node. What I need is to end up with something like this: IMAGE 1 | IMAGE 2 | IMAGE 3 | IMAGE 4 desc | desc | desc | desc EDIT | EDIT | ...

Drupal question: Views, arguments and nodequeues

Hello :) I posted this same question on a drupal-oriented site, but didn't get any replies at all. I grumbled to myself and wished that the site was more like StackOverflow, so I thought, why not try asking it here :) I'm playing around with a view that displays nodes belonging to a taxonomy term. The vocabulary also has a taxonomy node...

Theming Views 2 Exposed Filter pointers needed

How can I theme the Filters Exposed in Views 2 ? As of now the input fields (text fields) of the filters exposed are too long and protruding out of the webpage. Please Suggest of some way to do this. While this can still be taken care of I also wish to know if its possible to somehow .. have drop downs, checkboxes etc displayed for the e...

How to store session/cookie in Drupal 6 on the computer of the visitor

Hi, I have created a search for a client website using Finder module in conjunction with Views module. The problem is that my client wants that each time a user selects and searches for the businesses in a certain area, then the same should be stored as session or cookie on the computer of the visitor. This would ensure that a repeat vi...

Creating a location wise search in Drupal 6 using Views and CCK

How Can i create a search for the CCK fields in Drupal? Currently using a Finder Module is giving some error. If there is some other way kindly help me with it . Also .. is it possible to have a drop down for the Location Module fields which are visible on the Nodes? Since if I use use them for search then in the search the "ABC" and "a...

How to remove nodes from Views in drupal 6

My view holds a list of nodes ranked by rating (vote-API/Fivestar). I wish user to hide nodes they do not wish to see in this view. Can this be done? ...

How to reference *just* the image part of an image node in Drupal 6

Hiya, I'm building a recipe management system for a cooking website in Drupal, and I have to say the whole node / view / template thing is working very nicely! I've got one problem though and that is that I can't get a view to display JUST an image - it always comes bundled with it's title and a link through to the gallery. Can anyone...

How to resolve an "Illegal choice detected " error in Drupal 6

Hi, Drupal is giving me an error message which says : "An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator" on the site : http://naplesres.designbracket.com Whats worse is that this error is preventing me from logging into the website . Each time i input the uname/pwd of any of the users it throws an error.(I have...

Exposed Filter for an Image Cache preset?

Is it somehow possible to expose an Image Cache preset using an exposed Views filter so that the user can have the option of selecting a preset? Exact requirement as under: With Image Cache module in conjunction with Image Cache Actions its possible to specify the background of Images, change their color etc . I wish to create a form ...

PHP XML-Export as file download

hi there! i have written a script that prints a XML file to the screen but I want it to open a download dialog so that i could save it as a file. how could i do that? thnx! the script: <?php print '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'; print "\n <data>"; ... print "\n </data>"; ?> ...

How can I set the user selected value of an exposed location Views filter for the entire Drupal 6 website?

Hi, I am currently working on a website which lists the businesses as per either their location or the category to which it belongs. Check: http://frugalmillionaire.net/ Existing Functionality implemented (Views, CCK and Taxonomy): On clicking the Primary Menu Links the Business Category are passed as an argument to the View. Hence th...

Drupal 6 / Views2 - Attaching Feed Path only to certain Node Types

I have a feed being built in Drupal 6 using the Views2 platform in the form of /node/%/feed, which correctly generates the feed when /node/% is of a particular node type using arguments. However, Other node types also use their feeds in the format /node/%/feed, but use a different view all together. Some points to consider, which is mak...

Finding information about fields in Drupal Views

I have a node type with multiple file attachments and would like a node view to show the latest file attached to the node. In Views, I have options to sort by node:updated or revision:vid, but of course they don't tell me which file was added last. Is there a way to sort by the updated time of a field? And, more generally, is there a ...

Drupal path problem - views vs node

I've got a problem with my site search not linking properly to my views pages. I've got a views page set up to display recipe data. It has the URL properties of: index.php?q=recipe/%1/%2 where %1 is the recipe category, for example, breakfast, and %2 is the recipe name, for example, Muffin. The view goes through the recipe node conten...

how can I best display a list of affiliate links in Drupal?

I have a Drupal 5 website on which I want to display a list (or grid) of affiliate links to different products, sales and offers. Each 'affiliate product' node will have a title, description, an image and a URL. When either the image or URL link is clicked, the user should be redirected to the URL. I've gotten close to this, using a v...

drupal > views > exposed filter > submit on change

I've got a view with a single exposed filter (a select). It's using ajax to re-populate when the user clicks "Apply". I'd like them not to have to click that and just re-populate when the select is changed. I'm assuming I'm going to need some JS more or less like this (though this doesn't quite seem to be working): $('#edit-tid').change...

Why does drupal_get_title() return empty on a Views page?

I have used the menu_breadcrumb module as the basis for a module that produces a breadcrumb based on the current URL path. It works great on regular nodes, but on any pages that are rendered by the Views module, the breadcrumb cannot get the title of the page. The module's call to drupal_get_title() returns an empty value. I wouldn't be...

Drupal OG Views: cannot create view of all groups of which I am *not* currently a member

(Also posted as http://drupal.org/node/596860) I would like to create a view showing only those groups of which I am not already a member (or a pending member). However, the obvious way of doing this (take the og_my view and change the filter "Organic groups: Group member" to false) does not work. The reason is that the SQL query essen...