
How could I have a cck field get the computed value of another cck field?

Lets say I have a cck field called foo. It is a text field with php input. Say the php code in foo field results in the value of 1,256 when computed. I need cck field called bar to pick up/obtain/have the VALUE (1,256) of cck field foo. Node XYZ Foo:*some php code* ===>results in value of 1,256 Bar:1,256 If I just have cck fi...

views argument in the empty text field

hi. i am using the views 2 module. i have a view that gets a taxonomy term as an argument. i want my view to display a text, in case there are no found items, "Cannot find any $args[0]". where $args[0] is the view argument. but i cant figure out a way to add php code to the empty text configuration, i can see it supports filtered and fu...

Drupal services node.save with Key auth

When posting a node from my slavesite.com site to my hostsite.com site, it keeps giving me the error : "1 1 Invalid API key.." I checked the key I set up on the host site and I gave the key a method access of "node.save". I built a simple module I got from this site(http://thejibe.com/blog/10/8/saving-node-remotely-using-services-and-ap...

Wordpress-like configuration for TinyMCE in Drupal

I am using Drupal's WYSIWYG module, and i have added the latest TinyMCE and have configured it succesfully. Now I would like it to display its buttons and toolbars precisely the way Wordpress displays them. How should I proceed from now? ...

drupal form alter remove cck field from content create/edit form

What's the code to remove the display of a cck field from a content-type create/edit form page? ...

What is the correct way to obtain the Drupal installed document root?

Inside of a Drupal module I need to obtain the base path where the Drupal site is installed. For example, if the drupal site is installed at: www.example.com/mysite/ then I want to get '/var/www/myseite' If it is installed in: www.example.com/ then I want '/var/www' What is the proper Drupal way to get this? I want to avoid PHP's serv...

is there a drupal module that enables a live chat in a drupal site?

is there a drupal module that enables a live chat in a drupal site? ...

Drupal: passing arguments to drupal_get_form form function

Is there any way to pass arguments into a function called via drupal_get_form function something like drupal_get_form('form_func', array('arg1' => 1, ...));? ...

hook_theme() does not pass arguments

I currently write a module that generates a block. The output should be defined by a template. Nothing special, yet the arguments don't seem to get passed properly. This is the theme-method: /* # Theme {{{*/ function browse_by_taxonomy_theme() { return array( 'browse_by_taxonomy_block' => array( 'template' => 'browse_by_tax...

Revert deleted node (or replace "Delete" with "Hide") in Drupal 6

I need to set up a content system in Drupal where accidentally deleted nodes can be retrieved. Is it possible to do it with any existing module? If not, is there a module that let's me hide nodes instead of deleting them? Thanks! ...

jQuery access input field by name[value][id]

I have some HTML code like this: <input id="fieldname-1" name="field_name[value][1]" value="1" type="checkbox" /> <input id="fieldname-2" name="field_name[value][2]" value="2" type="checkbox" /> <input id="fieldname-3" name="field_name[value][3]" value="3" type="checkbox" /> I want to access this with jQuery like: $('input[field_name...

Preventing exploits in Drupal

Is there a good resource or list of known fixes for exploits in Drupal (including common modules) that I can use to close up holes in my sites? I'm using 6.19 on all my sites, as well as making sure that any security updates for modules are installed immediately. Is there anything else I can realistically do? (Such as restricting access...

Moving a Drupal site from plain HTTP to HTTPS - Issues?

I'm planning to move a site from plain HTTP to HTTPS. Should I make any adjustments to the settings or my modules? ...

jQuery/Drupal Append string to all HREF on site (Any page)

So I have a site with a dozen pages on it using Drupal as a CMS. Wanted to know how to set/append all href links on any page with a dynamic attribute? so here is an example URL: http://www.site.com/?q=node/4 and I wanted to append to the URL like so: http://www.site.com/?q=node/4&amp;attr=1234 Now I have a nav bar on the site and ...

Drupal date formatting

In lieu of using php's date() function directly, I'd like to trigger a date format that I've created at admin/settings/date-time/formats. At first glance I thought I could do this: format_date(strtotime($date), 'customformat'); But it looks like format_date() has a few formats hard-coded and doesn't communicate with the date/time for...

Drupal: session variable is lost when not logged in

I have a module in Drupal 6 that saves some information in the $_SESSION array. I use this information to customize some content in another page. The problem is that when I'm not logged in Drupal, the information is not saved in the session. When I'm logged in, it works as expected. Any ideas? Thanks. ...

Why does a basic Drupal view return no results

I am starting out with views and I wrote an extremely simple view which really just filters if the node is published and if it is of type banner. In preview and when I try to print the view I get no results. When I search through my content and filter by type banner and published, I get 3 results (in /content/node/overview). I must be do...

Drupal 6x - Primary Links jquery accordion menu

Hi, I'm trying to transform my primary link menu block in a jquery accordion menu (link text). I've tested the Accordion Menu module for Drupal, but it does not function for me. For my Primary Links Block I would have more or less this html output: <ul id="accordion"> <li> <a href="#recent" class="he...

Flexible web form creation a la Drupal + Content Construction Kit - for Java

I'm looking for a Java equivalent to Content Construction Kit + contributed fields for Drupal. I'll settle for pretty much any view technology that can run on Tomcat. The following features are important to me: Specify form field types, Ids and labels Arbitrary ordering of fields Specify form URL and method Validation according to f...

Positives for a Java developer in a PHP-Drupal job?

Is working with Drupal + snippets of PHP for an extended period a likely career dead end for a Java developer? What positives can an industry newbie take from the experience? The SQL aspect of the job is not new, and the PHP required is only slightly more complex than copy and paste, so it's really only the CSS/Javascript stuff that is b...