
problem with new content type created via module

I trying to write a drupal module. I'm following book "Learning Drupal 6 Module Development ". I have created a new content type (mybio)in module. I'm able create new node and edit node for new content type , it works fine but I'm not able to see new fields for mybio content type when viewing node. I have placed mybio_info.tpl.php file ...

Theme a CCK input form in Drupal 6

In my template.php file I've this: function myadmintheme_theme(&$existing, $type, $theme, $path) { return array( 'node_form' => array( 'arguments' => array('form' => NULL), 'template' => 'ccktype', ), ); } And I've a ccktype.tpl.php in the same dir: <b>works!</b> But is not working, if I enter to node/add/cckt...

Try Joomla, Drupal and other PHP CMS package online?

Is there any website that allows me to try joomla, or drupal online? Basically I want to learn Joomla and Drupal, but don't feel like download the whole source and install it on my computer and start configuring it. I would prefer an online service ( preferably free!) that allows me to do just that. Is there any such websites availabl...

Drupal, or Joomla Form Builder

Hello there. I am evaluating Drupal and Joomla, and one of the requirements I have is how well supported it is when comes to Form Building, storing the information in the database, and the showing of those information upon query. I don't know which one is better in this regard, Drupal or Joomla? Is there any third party extension I hav...

How do I print a single comment in drupal?

I want to print a individual comment in drupal based on it's comment ID. How can I do this? Google and other sources have yielded me nothing. Thank you. ...

How to store user's first-name and last-names in Drupal?

I can not see a first-name or full name field in Drupal's create/edit user form. I am using Drupal 6. How do I store a user's full name in it? ...

How can I allow a role of users to access a content type in Drupal6?

I want to allow only one type of user to access a certain content type. It's simple and I've done it before, but today I can't figure it out. ...

How to store Blobs in Drupal?

I want to store PDF and Image files in Drupal. By default Drupal seems to store binary/uploaded files into the filesystem. I want to to be able to store files so that - I can have workflows, metadata, IP information and URL aliases? Update, am still stuck at how to create URL aliases for files on the file system. Drupal only seems to al...

Get all Comment ID's within a Drupal node

I have a node in Drupal with a few comments. Is there an easyish way to get the CID of every comment within the node? Also, is there a way to sort them by various parameters, chronology, karma of the comment etc. Thank you. ...

Drupal - Apache's Mod_Deflate breaks CSS

We have enabled Apache's mod_deflate on our drupal site. From that point onwards, we are noticing that CSS files aren't getting loaded properly. It doesn't happen every time. Kinda random. Did anyone else notice this issue? If so, any suggested solutions? ...

Drupal CCK: how to output a node teaser with its fields?

Hi, In a module of mine, I'd like to output the node teaser. The node has CCK fields, and I'd like them to be displayed accordingly to the visibility settings you can choose in the content types / field settings administration area. But when I do: $html = theme('node', $n); the resulting teaser won't contain the CCK fields, only tit...

How do upload images remotely to Drupal using the Image module?

Images can be uploaded through Drupal's frontend interface with the Image module. However, I'd like to be able to upload and create image nodes remotely by requesting a URL and passing the image as a parameter. I have the REST API module, which works fine, but I can't figure out what function I need to call in the backend to create the i...

How to search by categories using Drupal trip_search module

I am using trip_search module and when searched it displays all the results. I just want search result only from one table. What can I do for this? And I don't have any idea about function module_invoke used in trip_search module. Hope to get answer. ...

Prevent TinyMCE/Internet Explorer from converting URLs to links

I'm using TinyMCE to provide users the capability of simple text formatting (bold, italics, lists) on a textarea form field. Everthing is working properly except that in Internet Explorer (8 but I've read it happens on earlier versions), when users type a URL (e.g. www.google.com) it is automatically converted into an HTML link in the T...

Finding a $cid based on $nid in drupal

I have a node in drupal. I want to be able to input a node id and then then have it output a single comment id which was made on that node. How would I go about doing this? Thank you. ...

mySQL Query to list number of comments my site received each day?

I run an online magazine and would like a dead-simple way to track 3 metrics: How many comments are left each day. How many links my users submit. How many new members I get each day. This information is all my database, I'm just not sure how to get it out. I have a "comments" table with about 3500 comments. Each comment gets a row...

Can I use one single exposed filter to filter multiple block views on a different page?

I have four block views on a page (call it "info" page) that are filtered by proximity to give me four pieces of information relating to one particular filtered location. I would like to be able to create an intro page with an exposed proximity filter that when executed would take me to the (info) page and simultaneously filter the four...

Drupal node?destination not working

Hi, I've troubles with Drupal 6 and (maybe) mod_rewrite: if I go to and then I save the node, I don't get redirected to admin/content/node, but it directs me to node/115 :-( Why?? In my .htaccess I uncommented: RewriteBase /drupal (because my drupal path is /var/...

How to get the full URL of a Drupal page

Hi all, I need to be grabbing the URL of the current page in a Drupal site. It doesn't matter what content type it is - can be any type of node. I am NOT looking for the path to theme, or the base url, or Drupal's get_destination. I'm looking for a function or variable that will give me: http://mydrupalsite.com/node/number In full. E...

Tips on speeding up Drupal site

We just implemented a drupal site. Performance of the site seems to be an issue. We enabled drupal caching, set up apache caching derivates. Repeated page visits are fast enough (coz CSS and JS are cached), but initial page visits are still a problem. Drupal experts, could you offer us some pointers, on different techniques used to s...