
IE6 is duplicating characters, can't figure out why. Suggestions?

Problem is located on http://www.preownedweddingdresses.com/ We have a dresses slider at the bottom, select tabs different dresses shown. Works fine everywhere else, but for some reason, in IE6, the letters "ls" (from the tab "Best Deals") are duplicating inside the content and causing rendering issues. I've yet to find anything that ...

duplicate one element from php array

how i can duplicate one element from array: for example, i have this array: Array ( [LRDEPN] => 0008.jpg [OABCFT] => 0030.jpg [SIFCFJ] => 0011.jpg [KEMOMD] => 0022.jpg [DHORLN] => 0026.jpg [AHFUFB] => 0029.jpg ) if i want to duplicate this: 0011.jpg , how to proceed? i want to get this: Array ( [LRDEPN] ...

Case insensitive duplicates SQL

So I have a users table where the user.username has many duplicates like: username and Username and useRnAme john and John and jOhn That was a bug and these three records should have been only one. I'm trying to come up with a SQL query that lists all of these cases ordered by their creation date, so ideally the result should be somet...

Removing contiguous duplicate lines in vi without sorting

This question already addresses how to remove duplicate lines, but enforces that the list is sorted first. I would like to perform the remove contiguous duplicate lines step (i.e. uniq) without first sorting them. Example before: Foo Foo Bar Bar Example after: Foo Bar ...

What is the SQL statement that removes duplicates but keep additional column's data?

Hello: I'd like to know what should be the SQL statement (for ORACLE DBMS) that would get back unique (by CUSTOMER_ID, VEHICLE_ID, DEALER_ID and EVENT_TYPE_ID) rows BUT it will return the latest date (EVENT_INITIATED_DATE) for that row too. I've tried DISTINCT and GROUP BY, but wasn't able to figure out how to handle EVENT_INITIATED_DA...

MYSQL variables - SET @var

I am attempting to create a mysql snippet that will analyse a table and remove duplicate entries (duplicates are based on two fields not entire record) I have the following code that works when I hard code the variables in the queries, but when I take them out and put them as variables I get mysql errors, below is the script SET @tblna...

Duplicating table in MYSQL without copying one row at a time

Hi folks, I want to duplicate a very large table, but I do not want to copy it row by row. Is there a way to duplicate it? For example, you can TRUNCATE w/o deleting row/row, so i was wondering if there is something similar for copying entire tables UPDATE: row by row insert is very painful (because of 120M rows). Anyway to avoid that...

INSERT..ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE - but NOT using the duplicate key to compare.

I am trying to solve a problem I have inherited with poor treatment of different data sources. I have a user table that contains BOTH good and evil users. create table `users`( `user_id` int(13) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT , `email` varchar(255) , `name` varchar(255) , PRIMARY KEY (`user_id`) ); In this table the primary key ...

SQL query producing duplicate rows and I can't see why

My query always produces duplicate results. How best do I go about troubleshooting this query with a database > 1 million rows. Select segstart ,segment ,callid ,Interval ,dialed_num ,FiscalMonthYear ,SegStart_Date ,row_date ,Name ,Xferto ,TransferType ,Agent ,Sup ,Manager ,'MyCent...

Removing same values from a dataset

Hi Could anybody help me for avoiding this issue. My issue is that i have one dataset that populates some values like value1, value2, value3, value1, value3, etc. And i am showing this values in a dropdown list. But my requirement is that i have to show the same value once. That is the dropdown should be display like this, value1, value...

Problem with duplicate urls after rewrite

Hello, Can you help me solve this problem, please. In my .htaccess file I used this rewrite rule: rewriteRule ^country/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/([0-9]+)/(.*)/(.*)?$ search.php?loc1=$1&loc2=$2&loc3=$3 [L] To get this kind of urls: /country/13/196/2693/germany/frankfurt Everything works fine, but I get unwanted duplicate URLs also: /...

(SQL) How do I query for a list of items that share attributes while listing the rows independently?

Hi All, Having a bit of a "special" moment here. Basically I have a DB table for listing files and their attributes (size, creation date, etc). Being a self-proclaimed (borderline delusional) SQL-whiz, you can imagine my surprise when I failed to figure out a quality manner by which to individually list only files whose [INSERT ATTRIB...

how to use UNIQUE index correctly?

i have 4 fields at DB.i set them become cant duplicate entry.They are: 1. Model Varchar(14) Unique 2. Serial varchar(8) Unique 3. Lot varchar(5) Unique 4. Line char(5) Unique Model Serial Lot Line First data remocon x0001 ...

finding duplicate file trees in backups

i changed computers and OSes here a few times and had a linux backup machine running at some point. I now have 2 disks, which contains backups of each other, where some file trees are nested in each other but might be identical. what is the best way to figure out which trees are identical, so I can get rid of some duplicate trees and cl...

Eliminating Duplicate Records in a DB2 Table

How do delete duplicate records in a DB2 table? I want to be left with a single record for each group of dupes. ...

avoiding duplicate transient instance in nhibernate

My main entity (Account) graph looks like the following: Account Manager SalesPerson Trader The Manager, SalesPerson and Trader entity are of type person. Now while creating the main entity (along with inner entities) I need to create a new Person if it doesnt already exist. This introduces a problem, where in if the same (...

SQL Insertion without duplication

Is there a specific command in C# for SQL Server in order to INSERT a lot of rows with the condition : if a row already exists in database doens't duplicate it during insertion ? Edited In a sqlbulkcopy, I'd like to avoid exception because a row is already in the table ? ...

Entity Framework. View return duplicate records

I use Entity Framework that contain view. And I have query: var data = this.context.vwRevenues .Where(x => x.revenue >= 0); .OrderByDescending(x => x.year) .ThenByDescending(x => x.month) .Take(10) .ToList(); This query return set of entities, but 1st entity equals 5th. data[0] == data[4] // true I take sql scr...

Perl MySQL - How do I skip updating or inserting a row if a particular field matches?

I am pretty new to this so sorry for my lack of knowledge. I set up a few tables which I have successfully written to and and accessed via a Perl script using CGI and DBI modules thanks to advice here. This is a member list for a local band newsletter. Yeah I know, tons of apps out there but, I desire to learn this. 1- I wanted to avo...