
Is it possible to pass an arraylist object to sql procedure with sql server 2000 and java 1.4?

I have defined a class FieldProperty with some of properties corresponding to field defined in it.ArrayList object contains objects of class FieldProperty. now i want to store data in table .There is one record in table corresponding to each object of FieldProperty.if i call query for each record insertion.It will be very slow.Is there a...

array insertion (Bulk insertion) in oracle table with OCI.

Hi, Can anybody help me in a OCI program. I need to insert multiple row in a table (bulk insertion i.e. multiple rows at a time) with one column with clob data type. I am not getting any appropriate example for this. ...

Insert a point into a finite 2D region with maximum distance to existing points.

I have a set of 2D points inside a finite 2D region of space (let's say a world-aligned rectangle to keep things simple for now). What would be an exceedingly efficient way to insert a new point into the set that has a relatively large distance to its new closest neighbour? I could slowly build a Delaunay triangulation and limit my sear...

flex: move item around in a tree control

Hi everybody, I have a tree control and I want to give the user the ability that he can move up and down the element he just selected with a up and a downbutton. The tree gets generated from XML. I managed to insert the selected item a second time at a other place, with the following code: var parentXML:XML = XML(containerTree.selecte...

how to insert NSDate in sqlite ?

HELLO i am trying to insert Current date in my database table i have a column dateVisited of type datetime NSDateFormatter *formatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init]; [formatter setDateFormat:@"yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss"]; //this is the sqlite's format NSDate *stringTime = [NSDate date]; NSString *formattedDateStringTime = [formatter string...

overloaded stream insertion operator with a vector

I'm trying to write an overloaded stream insertion operator for a class who's only member is a vector. It's a vector of Points, which is a struct containing two doubles. I figure what I want is to insert user input (a bunch of doubles) into a stream that I then send to a modifier method. I'm working off other stream insertion examples su...

Can't get syntax correct for dynam. create onclick the ie way.

I was hoping to keep cross-browser compatibility and afaik this is the only issue so far. .setAttribute("onclick", "return showRapidText("+itemnum+");"); This works PERFECT but I'd like to make it IE compatible by putting it in this syntax .onclick = new Function("fnDisplay_Computers('" + alines[i] + "')"); so... I tried .oncli...

How to add a new node to a dijit.Tree

I want to add a new node to a dijit.ree as a sibling of the currently selected node. I've found sample code (I'm new to dojo) that adds a new item to the tree using the newItem method of ItemFileWriteStore, but the new item always appears at the bottom of the tree. How would I add to the store at a specified position, in particular the...

A question about indexes regarding to the gain of inserts & updates in database

Hi, I’m having a question about the fine line between the gain of an index to a table there is growing steadily in size every month and the gain of queries with an index. The situation is, that I’ve two tables, Table1 and Table2. Each table grows slowly but regularly each month (with about 100 new rows for Table1 and a couple of rows f...

SQL select from last inserted

Hello, in MySQL, I have table. One column has auto-increment. When I insert something mysql_query('INSERT INTO `table` SET `column` = "data";'); Now, what I want is, without further queries, to get the value of the auto-incrementing column, maybe like this: mysql_query('insertion = (INSERT INTO `table` SET `column` = "data"); SELEC...

Slow insert speed in Postgresql memory tablespace

Hi, I have a requirement where I need to store the records at rate of 10,000 records/sec into a database (with indexing on a few fields). Number of columns in one record is 25. I am doing a batch insert of 100,000 records in one transaction block. To improve the insertion rate, I changed the tablespace from disk to RAM.With that I am a...

How to insert bulk data into mysql table from at once.

Hi, I have a requirement that I need to read an excel sheet using and insert all the records into mysql table.The excel sheet consists of around 2000 rows and 50 columns. Currently,upon reading the excel records ,I am inserting the records one by one using a prepare statement into mysql table.But its taking around 70 secs to ...

Java JSpinner Prevent Letter Insertion

A JSpinner is used to store a number in my application (with a SpinnerNumberModel). As expected, the spinner doesn't allow invalid characters (letters, symbols, etc.) to be stored. However, those characters do appear in the spinner component when I type them in. As soon as I switch the focus to another component, they disappear. Is the...

Transfer Data between databases with postgres

I need to transfer some data from another Database. The old database is called paw1.moviesDB and the new database is paw1. The schema of each table are the following Awards (name of the table)(new DB) Id [PK] Serial Award Nominations (name of the table) (old DB) Id [PK] Serial nominations I want to copy the data fr...

jQuery: dom insertion selector problem after .get

HI Volks, here is my code block which I want to replace by the ajax respond: <div class="results"> <span id="like9"> <a class="like" rel="ajax.php?id=9" href="#">klick</a> </span> </div> this is how I observe the ajax link: $(document).ready(function() { $('.results .like').click(function() { params = getUrlVars($(t...

Need to make context available to C++ ostream insertion operators

For an API that I am working on, I want to allow the user to insert custom objects into an ostream, but these objects have no meaning on their own, and are too memory constrained to include an additional pointer or reference for context. (Think tens of millions of 16-/32-/48-bit objects in an embedded system with limited memory.) Suppo...

A particular problem with btree insertion.

I have been playing with the very cool btree applet at I'm having trouble understanding a particular behavior. Take a look at this starting state: This particular state was arrived at by inserting the following sequence: 10, 15, 30, 16, 70, 1, 9, 27, 45, 50, 55. My question is regarding what happens to the [45, ] node whe...

Don't see the image in the ckeditor wysiwyg

Hi, I try to use an imanager (or ibrowser) in plugin. I found the solution to implement this plugin. The process : in config.js, I insert this line config.extraPlugins = 'imanager'; in the plugin folder, I created a directory with imanager in this directory : i created a file plugin.js inside this file, I have inserted this line...

How can I postpone the actual DB insertion of my CMP2.1 bean in JBoss 5.1 ?

Hello, I am migrating a Weblogic 9 application to JBoss 5.1, and bumped into the following problem: A session ejb manages CMP 2.1 entities. Those are inserted at the time of the call to MyEntityLocalHome.create() method. Since the database table has "not null" constraints, some of the fields, who are normally set after the call to the ...

How to add an image at a specific location in Flex/Spark TextArea or TextFlow

I have a Spark TextArea: <s:TextArea id="editor"> <s:textFlow> <s:TextFlow id="_tf" > <s:p>Lorem ipsum etc.</s:p> <s:p> <s:img source="" /> </s:p> <s:p>Aliquam tincidunt tempor etc.</s:p> </s:TextFlow> </s:textFlow> </...