
ASP .NET DynamicData Custom Provider

I'm implementing a custom DynamicData provider for ASP .NET, but for the life of me, I can't figure out where in the API to define how my custom provider should do saves/updates/inserts... For my custom provider, I've created: DataModelProvider TableProvider ColumnProvider AssociationProvider and an IDisposable DataContext (which is ...

When combining asp.net Dynamic Data and MVC MetaModel.Visible contains tables with Scaffold==false

I combined MVC and DD by creating a new DD project and adding the MVC stuff (references, routing, usings, etc). The list of tables on default.aspx (from DD) will show all tables, including the ones with [ScaffoldTable(false)]. The URL's of the tables with Scaffold==true have the expected form (DD/TableName/List.aspx). However, the URL's...

Need help with Dynamic data custom foreign key field template

When you have a foreign key to a table with a lot of rows, the default dynamic data dropdown box is not really handy. So I decided to make an autocomplete control. I copied the ForeignKey_Edit.ascx and changed the layout, see the ascx at the end of the post. (The PersonSelectedId textbox will be hidden in the future...) With some jquer...

Data Structure data materials

Possible Duplicate: Good Data Structures text book Hello, Where can i find full title with all the details of dynamic data structures: lists, stack, trees, graphs and etc... Thank you ...

UIHint not working for Edit.

I have the following metadata declaration in a NotificationTemplateMetadata class used in the [MetadataType(typeof(NotificationTemplateMetadata))] attribute for my NotificationTemplate class. In this class, property ExternalRecipient1Sms is a string with max length of 800. The metadata: [UIHint("MultilineText_Edit")] publi...

Disable filtering on a Dynamic Data list view.

I have an entity set of NotificationTemplates, and each one of these has a collection of zero-many SmsTemplate entities. When editing or viewing a NotificationTemplate, I have a link to View SMS Templates. That link takes me to a List view for the SmsTemplates entity set, filtered for the NotificationTemplate I was viewing. How can I ...

ASP.net 4 Dynamic Data Many-to-Many with extra columns

I'm using ASP.net 4 to create a Dynamic Data site. I have a Many-to-Many relationship as described here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd742359.aspx It works fine when my middle table only has the foreign key columns of the parent tables. This is a customer<->products setup, where multiple customers can have multiple products....

What is a good example Dynamic Data application?

I'm giving a demonstration of Dynamic Data to a bunch of geeks in two weeks time. I'm looking for a simpe, but comprehensive data model to build the application on. I basically just want to register the model and demonstrate the application, as built (scaffolded) without any customisation, to start with, demonstrating list and detail/e...

Which ComponentModel.DataAnnotations attributes are used in the Dynamic Data metadata classes?

This namespace contains a lot of attributes for use in, I'm sure, many different applications. I'm curious to know which subset of the attributes in this namespace can be and are used in the Dynamic Data proxy class system, where the entity class is given an attribute that specifies a metadata type. That type contains properties with t...

Automatically set a property value for a new record in a Dynamic Data application.

I have a SalesOrderItem table, and it has a UnitPrice column in case the salesperson wishes to override the unit price of the Product for that order item. In an ASP.NET Dynamic Data application, what would be the best way to set that UnitPrice property on a new SalesOrderItem based on the standard UnitPrice for the product? In other wo...

Dynamic Data: Find DropDownList in DetailsView object

Hi! I am using Dynaic Data template project. There is DetaislView Control in ListDetails.aspx, that automatically generates table with controls, based on Database structure (relations, filed types), like <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="DetailsDataSource" Visible="false" DefaultMode="Insert" AutoGenerateIn...

How to add custom actions to items in a ASP.NET Dynamic Data site?

Is it possible to add custom actions to be show for each item in a Dynamic Data Site? For example, to show a "Suspend" link next to each User row in addition to the default Edit|Delete|Details link. ...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data for other languages.

Hi. i am new on asp.net Dynamic Data. my web application are not in english language. I'm using the Persian language. is it possible to use this language and alignment for it (Right To left) on asp.net Dynamic Data? and persian name for my labels gridview and etc.. Does my question Clear? How to supports persian or arabic language in Dy...

ASP.NET Dynamic Data TextSearch Custom Filter Template

I'm trying to implement a custom filter template for all text based searches and running into problems constructing the query. I've been following the instructions posted on this blog but not sure how change the GetQueryable method to perform a WHERE columnAttribute LIKE '%something%' query. In the example on the blog the expression i...

Restricting the values of nvarchar column using dynamic data entities

Hi, I am using ASP.NET Dynamic Data Entities project to generate a web application for my database. I was wondering what is the easiest way to restrict the allowed values for a column without changing the database structure to make that column a foreign key or modifying the database in any way. For example. I have a table called Assets...

Optimal way to display dynamic data in a grid-like structure

I have a requirement where I would not know the columns and any result set information at design-time, so I'd be generating the data-display control dynamically. What is the most suitable way to display this type of information on-the-fly in a table/grid like structure on an ASP.NET page considering the following parameters (in order of...

Linq2Sql, DomainService & DynamicData 4.0 INSERT error: "...Id is required"

Hi, I am working on a Webforms app (in VS 2010, .net 4.0, VB) that uses SQL2008, Linq2Sql, Domain Services and Dynamic Data. My problem is that when I try to insert a new record, I get the error: "..CustomerId is required" but the ID is set as primary key and Identity in the database and the Customer entity in the L2S Datamodel is also...

What's the best and easiest way to Populate a dropdown based on another dropdown.

Hi all, Very simply, I have one dropdown menu dynamically populated with data: SQL Code $querycourse = "SELECT course, COUNT(course) AS count FROM acme WHERE course IS NOT NULL GROUP BY course "; $procc = mysqli_prepare($link, $querycourse); $queryc = mysqli_query($link, $querycourse) or die(mysqli_error($link)); PHP Code echo "<s...

C++ [] mapping, possibly through templates

Hi, I have a little problem in C++ I don't know how to solve. The first part of the problem is to access an element in a struct via [], or better, to map [] to a subelement. My struct looks like this: struct e { std::string content; std::string name; std::map<std::string, std::vector<e> > elements; }; If I want to access ...

Best approach to configurable system structure.

Hi, I need some help with decide what is the best solution and how should be created system that has dynamic structures. The structure look something like this, that we have an process that contain various number of parameters that can be in different type and those parameter are represented in individual test. Whole that can be conf...