
C++: Dynamically access class properties

Hi, I'm wondering if it is possible to access a property of a class dynamically without knowing the name of the property accessed at run-time. To give you a better understanding of what I'm aiming at, this php code should demonstrate what I want to do: <?php $object = new object(); $property = get_name_out_of_textfile(); echo $object->...

grab mysql result based on field values

Hi all, I am taking over designing a CMS from another programmer. As the site is filling up, we're finding loops in mysql queries causing long hangs. I have found a temp solution for this one, but am wondering if there is a quicker way of doing it? take the table (tracks resources): id resource click 1 res_1 192 2 res_2 12 ...

Create unordered list of dynamically loaded objects using jQuery so that I can use 'sortable' of jQueryUI

Hi, I am loading dynamic objects in the DOM. How do I keep adding them dynamically to an unordered list using jQuery ?? ...

Abstract: Should I choose ASP.Net MVC over Web Forms or ..

I've been working with web for over 7 yrs and I've upgraded from html->ASP->ASP.Net and now the new flavors of ASP.Net itself. I was to begin with MVC last year but due to deadline and the complexity involved in MVC I couldn't. Now, once again there's a new upgrade - I've begun with the ASP.Net DD (Dynamic Data) Templates (the latest one...

Grails: How do I make a g:textfield to accept only numbers or only letters??

I have different g:textfields throughout my code, and I want to make some of the to only accept numbers or letters, but I don't want to validate for them, I want them to be immediate, like if the textfield does not accept numbers when I try to write one nothing should happen. Thanks in advance! FG ...

ASP.Net Dynamic Data or MVC2 ?

I've been working with web-forms and I want to switch to the MVC pattern based on some facts and other goodies that I see in it. I was going good with MVC review when I came across the latest Dynamic Data (which in past was called Dynamic Data Templates). Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe in backend both MVC2 & DD use the MVC patter...

Objective C dynamic array creation

I have an entity which stores generic information about an event. In the entity, the date the event took place is stored. My view hierarchy is such that I want the user to be able to select a year, which loads another view requesting the month in the selected year. This finally opens a view with a record of all the events that took plac...

Filters on an N:M relation

It's simple. I have three tables, for example: Persons(ID, Name, etc.) Lessons(ID, ClassroomID, Description, Etc.) Person_Lesson_Link(PersonID, LessonID) The third table links the two others in an N:M relationship. A person can follow multiple lessons, and a lesson is given to multiple persons. I've created an entity model around these t...

Combining mulitple fields in ASP.NET Dynamic Data foreign key display

I have two tables (Person and Location) In the Dynamic Data Site, when adding Location info, I am need to choose a person from the dropdown box which is populated via a FK. That dropdown box defaults to the field in "Person" that is titled "fname" which is first name, so it looks like "Jim" or "Steve". I'm trying to have that dropdown...

Creating a many to many editor for ASP.Net using Entity Framework 1.0

I'm moving a bunch of code to Entity Framework and I need to represent a many to many link visually. This is done by a list of checkboxes with some of them checked to represent the join table. I've looked at Dynamic Data and while that works well, I can't see how to extract their ManyToMany_Edit.ascx file and use it in ASP.Net. Another ...

Is it possible to dynamically choose which Control to render based on bindable attribute in Silverlight 4?

I have a ListBox with an ItemTemplate which renders a Grid with two columns. The first column is a TextBlock and the second is a ComboBox. The idea is to present to the user a list of questions and a Combo from which the user can choose an answer. This works ok with this xaml: <ListBox x:Name="QAListBox" ScrollViewer.VerticalS...

dynamic data website using ado.net entity framework and mysql giving an error just on the server

I have an asp.net dynamic data website .net 3.5 built on ado.net entity framework with mysql database. Currently I have just one table in my entity model. Everything is working fine on my local machine but when i uploaded on my server i got this error message: "More than one item in the metadata collection match the identity 'mtDBModel...

Dynamic Data - Success or Failure?

Hi Azure, probably ASP.NET Webforms. We're building a management interface for about 8 tables. Usual CRUD :-) 2 backend users, and doesn't need to look flash. We'd like to use Mindscape's LightSpeed as the ORM tool Question: Is Dynamic Data worth pursuing? (Mindscape have a connector to DD). We've also got the Telerik Suite which...

Retrieving values of ReadOnly fields from DynamicData DetailsView in Edit Mode on Updating using LinqDataSource

I have several tables in my database that have read-only fields that get set on Inserting and Updating, namely: AddDate (DateTime), AddUserName (string), LastModDate (DateTime), LastModUserName (string). All of the tables that have these values have been set to inherit from the following interface: public interface IUserTrackTable { ...

Dynamic Linq and substitution values with unknown number?

Typically a dynamic linq query with string can use a substitution value such as: result = db.Persons.Where("Name == @1", "John"); I have an unknown number of strings that I want to pass into the Where clause. I have no problem with integers, but the API cannot seem to handle a string without a substitution value. Does anyone kno...

Dynamically Hiding Columns/Rows in Cross-Tab Reports

Suppose I have the following cross tab report: Rows: - City - Neighborhood - Gender Columns: - Blocks - Building A cross-tab report for mapping a country residents, I would like to know if at run time, I can choose to hide the gender from the rows and leave the other rows (i.e. stop sorting by gender), or if at run-time I could h...

How can I reuse Model Metadata for custom View Models?

Hi, I'm working on an ASP.NET MVC 2 project with some business entities that have metadata dataannotations attributes applied to them (Validation attributes, Display attributes, etc.). Something like: //User entity public class User { [DisplayName("Vorname")] [Required(ErrorMessage = "Vorname fehlt")] ...

dynamic Linq queries with Entity Framework

I am aware of few efforts in constructing Linq queries dynamically, such as this, and this. None seem to be ideal as I would like to avoid putting expressions in a string, and omitting a where if it is not needed. My main concern is that the query is optimized for the database, and dynamically omits unnecessary clauses whenever possi...

jQuery Template Plugin or custom functions?

What I've got are chunks of code that are used over and over again in HTML. For example: <div class="row"> <span class="label"></span> <span class="control"> <!-- content here --> </span> </div> Here we have a simple row that I use in forms. Naturally, this chunk of code happens over and over, page after page. I'm ...

Mysql -> what is the best dinamic column soulution for advertisement webpage?

I'm developing website in which will be categorized advertisements. In each category will be possible different fields of input (example: for car there will be motor size, for cat there will be a race). So I'm thinking how to build database to manage this (I will use MYSQL database). One way you can see in attached picture, I know that a...