
How to add Dynamic Data to an Existing MVC 2 Web Application

I'm a total noob at Dynamic Data and I need help. I have an existing MVC 2 .net web application in which I would like to include Dynamic data. This here worked fine, but I wanted to have a Dynamic data project in my solution and then add a pre-build event that would copy only the needed files from the DynamicData project to my webApplic...

WPF/C#: Get the endpoint of the a dynamic path and add an object to it

Hi, I am looking for way to get the endpoint of a dynamic path and add on object to it - similar to this kind of pattern: where the red circle is where the endpoint of the given path is located. take note that the path is created thus, instead of this: <Path x:Name="path" Data="M621,508 L582.99987,518.00011 569.99976,550.00046 511.9...

Password Field with Asp.Net Dynamic Data

I have a User table that I want to use with Dynamic Data. The Problem is that I have the Password Field that I need to encrypt using MD5. I am Using Entity Framework, How I do this? ...

DateTime in the dynamic data framework

Hi All, I am using the Dynamic Data framework with scaffolding. Quite nice for a small home database that I am creating. I notice though that if I create a field in the database of type 'date' (not datetime) the value is shown in the dynamic data site as a datetime. i.e. as this, 1/1/2010 12:00am I just want it to display 1/1/2010 as...

Dynamic VBO in OpenGL

What is the best way to store dynamic data for use in VBO (or vertex arrays). Only examples I saw were 2D static arrays and the pointer to that array was used with next parameters as stride, bytes used for one element etc. I can use "dynamic" arrays so I can specify it's size on-air, but just once. My point is that if you, for example, a...

Dynamic content loads into jQuery qtip in all browsers except IE

Hi all! qTip...a jQuery custom tooltip plugin... isn't loading dynamic content for IE8 (haven't tested in IE6/7). qTip initializes but no content (text) loads into it. Here is my code: errorPlacement: function(error, element) { var errorcontent=eval(error); element.parents('.rightfields').find('.nore...

How to dynamically change data in the HTML textarea or text field with php?

I will have a web-application which will use a few complex forms. One form will have examples field on the top and field for user on the bottom. There will be approximately 10 examples. It will be great if i can change text and images without reloading full HTML page. Form will be based on HTML. Php will do all logic processes. I haven'...

[jQuery] How to work with dynamically created fields?

I have web layout, which can contains several links on it. Those links are dynamically created, using AJAX functions. And it works ok. But, I don't know how can I work with those "dynamically created links" (ie. how to call some JS or jQuery function if I click on them). I guess that browser can not recognize them, since there are creat...

How to create a dynamic linq to entities query

Hello all. Now this is probably really easy but being the tool that I am, I'm not sure the best way to attack this problem. I have a DAL and a load of methods using EF that populate drop down lists in a UI. i.e. material, source. From these, I want the user to populate a gridview with the product data based upon their criteria they s...

Add Dynamic Data to Existing Site Results in Errors?

I had a website and I attempted to add Dynamic Data to the site using the instructions in this MSDN article (and elsewhere, when that failed): http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ee923692.aspx Right now I get around seventy errors. Most of them look like this: 'ApplyEqualityFilter' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to ...

getElementsByClassName not working

I coded a php page that displays information from a mysql database neatly into tables. I would like to hide empty table rows with an onLoad event handler. Here is a sample table with code that hides a <td> when it has no content. but i can only get it to work with different IDs: <script type="text/javascript"> function ...

Disable Delete in Asp.Net Dynamic Data for One Table but Allow Insert

Hi I have a site where I use a User Table. I want to be able to add users but not delete them - I need to update a filed in the database that said Is Deleted - Any Idea how to do this? ...

asp.net 4.0 dynamic data generating search or filtering for each columns

Hi, I am using dynamic data entities linq to sql project. For my test project I have one table, with 10 columns and a single primary key for example. Almost all the columns are varchars. I can get the basic project up and running fine - update, delete, insert etc. Since it has no foreign keys, there are no search filters rendered. I w...

How can I set the size of edit controls in ASP.NET Dynamic Data details views?

How can I, if I can, set the size of textboxes generated in the details and edit views of a Dynamic Data application, without resorting to custom page templates? ...

asp.net 4.0 dynamic data GridviewPager specifying number of pages

Hi, I am currently using Dynamic Data Linq to SQL for a project. I was wondering if there is a way to change the available options for the number of items to display on a page for the GridView. Currently the "Results Per Page:" drop down list only gives me options for 5, 10, 15 and 20. I want to add 50 and 100 options to display 50 or ...

What might the ASP.NET code for capturing data from dynamically created text boxes (in Javascript) look like?

Let's say I have some HTML and Javascript which adds text fields dynamically to a form: <script src="/wp-includes/js/addInput.js" language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"></script> <form method="POST"> <div id="dynamicInput"> Entry 1<br><input type="text" name="myInputs[]"> </div> <input type="button" value=...

Using expression evaluator to execute dynamic LINQ strings on multiple Enumerables - DLR / NCalc / Flee?

I have a generic object with properties: Class MyObject { public Dictionary<string, Object> properties = new Dictionary<string, Object>(); public object this[string name] { get { return properties[name]: null; } } List<MyObject> People= new List<MyObject>(); People.Add(new MyObject(age = 50, home = "Dublin", name = "Bob", Income...

How to dynamically retrive the all the possible attributes (variable attributes) values of one of the xml node ?

I am using the following XML structure <SERVERS> <SERVER NAME="A1" ID="1"></SERVER> <SERVER NAME="A2"></SERVER> <SERVER NAME="A3" ID="3" Parent="XYZ"></SERVER> <SERVER NAME="A4" ID="4"></SERVER> <SERVER NAME="A5" Parent="abc" value="10"></SERVER> <SERVER NAME="A6"></SERVER> </SERVERS> I am accessing this xml file by using LINQ to XML ...

TargetInvocationException using .Net 4 dynamic data with Entity Framework 4

I created a simple class library, dropped in an Entity Data Model and dragged in a bunch of tables from my database. In the same solution, I created a Dynamic Data Entities Web Application. Within that project, I added a reference to the project my EDM is in. I imported the namespace in the Global.asax.cs file, and registered my dataC...

How to get error messages on Dynamic Data Edit page template?

I have the following markup at the end of my Edit page template in a Dynamic Data project: </asp:UpdatePanel> <br /> <asp:Label ID="errorLabel" runat="server" Visible="false" ForeColor="Red">Helloooo</asp:Label> <br /> And I have the following code in the code=behind for the template: protected void DetailsView1_ItemUpdated(object se...