
How to create class objects dynamically?

Let's say I have a class box, and an user can create boxes. How to do it? I understand I create objects by className objectName(args); but how to do it dynamically, depending on the user input? ...

dynamic server time

Hi! As I understand there is no way I can get dynamic server time in IE with settimeout() in script.. I found this example: function timeExam(){ $.ajax({ url : "inc/clock.php", success : function (data) { $("#clock_time").html(data); } }); var func = function() { timeExa...

Dynamic Image Creation Using Python over a Web Page

Hello everyone, im new to learning python and i've been trying to implement a text to image converter that runs on a web page. 1.I have succeeded in making the functional code that converts the text into image ,in python using the PIL module. (i.e user enters input text at run time and that gets converted into an image and is stored in...

How to efficiently cache dynamic content in asp.net mvc ?

This blog post describes how to properly handle dynamic content caching when using python with GAE. It covers DownStream caching, conditional GETs, 404 responses, Etags... I haven't found anything as comprehensive related to a targeted asp.net mvc implementation. What would be the most elegant/readable/maintainable way to implement this...

create dynamic array with jquery.

Hi guys. I need some help regarding jquery arrays. var queryArr; $(markersArray).each(function(index) { var _locationId = index; var _locName = markersArray[index].name; var _markerLat = markersArray[index].marker.getLatLng().lat(); var _markerLng = markersArray[index].marker.getLatLng().lng(); //I DO NOT ...

Dynamically load a class in JAVA- Anomaly

Guys, I have got a slightly different problem with Java Dynamic class loading. I have to pass an object( lets say Object A1 of class A) to the constructor of a different object B1 of class B, So that the A1's details are stored inside B1. B1 does not know what kind of object it is receiving. So all it knows is that A1 is an object. N...

Accessing Methods and functions of a object whose class type is dynamically known

Guys, I have an object A1 of type A. I dynamically find that out , that object A1 is of type A. I now have a property say "Name" which I want to access from A1 , how do I do it ? Now the biggest problem is that the object A1 can even be of type B. If it is of type B then I will have to obtain the value "Address". Now How I resolve thi...

ASP.NET - Dynamic controls created in Page_Pre_init() or Page_Init() or Page_Load()

Where is the best place to create dynamic controls in ASP.NET? MSDN says Pre_init , another MSDN article says Init, and some people say the Load event (which I read isn't good to do). I'm studying for a MS certification and I want to make sure I know which one is ideal and why. My initial thought would be to create the object in pre_i...

Flash Dynamic Text Field - Embeded Image Shrink and Stretch when appying width and height to dynamic text field

Pardon me if this post was already answered in any post or forum, I tried searching but could not able to find any solution. Please help! ACTION SCRIPT CODE private function addContent ($mcBox,$x,$y,$w,$h):void { if($mcBox.getChildByName("TextAreaMC")){ $mcBox.removeChild($mcBox.getChildByName("TextAreaMC")); } var padd...

Creating an anonymous type dynamically??

I wanna create an anonymous type that i can set the property name dynamically. it doesn't have to be an anonymous type. All i want to achieve is set any objects property names dynamically. It can be ExpandoObject etc. But dictionary will not work for me. What are your suggestions? thanks a lot ...

dynamic define the function name and function body with variables in python?

All, I have below functions def foo_001(para): tmp = para + 2 return tmp def foo_002(para): tmp = para * 2 return tmp def foo_003(para): tmp = para / 2 return tmp def foo_004(para): tmp = para - 2 return tmp those functions only have different in function names while the algorithm line e.g. "tmp = p...

C++ project compiles as static library but not dynamic (Visual Studio)

I'm a little new to c++ in visual studio, and I'm trying to compile a massive C++ project with Visual Studio. I've gone through and added all source and header files to my project and also updated all of the include paths in the project properties. If I have the type of project set to "Static Library (.Lib)" the project will compile wi...

Dynamic LINQ with Data Objects

So I have been searching for a simple example to hopefully a simple problem. I have a simple object a List of ListTest (List) public class ListTest{ { public string perName { get; set; } public string perSex { get; set; } public ListTest(string pName, string pSex) { this.perSex = pSex; this.perName = pNa...

Add ASDoc documentation to Flex Builder help

Is there any way to add my project documentation, generated with ASDoc, to the Flex Builder dynamic help? Or not necessarily to the dynamic help, but somewhere so that Flex Builder searches it when I press F1. I'm using Flex Builder 3 with SDK 3.2.0. Thanks. ...

How can i create dynamic buttons on button click event (C sharp ASP.NET)?

I want to create dynamic buttons on button click event(for example., btnCreateDynamic_Click). I tried creating dynamic buttons on page_load event and Pre_int event.They are all working but i want to create them in button click event. How can i do this in c# asp.net? ...

Birt area chart with dynamic X-axis markers

I have two DataSets application performance measures over time (pairs float/datetime) (SQLDataSource) software version changes (pairs string/datetime) (ScriptedDataSource) I want to generate a grapth with both data mixed which can easily show performance changes over software changes. We are trying to create an area graph and set v...

Using OUTPUT Parameters within Dynamic SQL within Stored Procedures- Possible?

I have a SP that I have created to check for validations and return an OUTPUT Parameter of 0 (No Error) or 1 (Error). However, I have to run this SP within Dynamic SQL since it will be ran through a loop of different data. Can I pull the OUTPUT from the SP through the EXEC sp_executesql @SQL? I can not post the actual code, but I can g...

Add a python script at runtime

Hello, I am beginning python and working on a project, and one thing I would like to be able to do is download and run a script dynamically at runtime. The general idea is to be able to connect to a server, download a python script on demand, and run that script that was just downloaded without having to restart the program or hard cod...

How to handle dynamic user control events in aspx page.

Hi, I have an aspx webpage in which an user control is added dynamically as follows: UserControl testUsrControl = LoadControl("TestUsrControl") as UserControl; testUsrControl.ID ="test"; Then I tried adding an event handler of user control inside aspx like below: testUsrControl.Drpdatafield_SelectIndexChanged += new EventHandler(this...

Dynamically adding news to feed

Hi everyone, I'm running a Wordpress website and I have a <marquee> on the front page that runs the news. Is it possible to have it dynamically generate the news? What do I mean by that? Would it be possible to make it so that whenever a new post is made with a category of "News", it will automatically be fed into the <marquee> on the...