
How can I view the Eclipse platform logging?

I am using the AccuBridge plugin for AccuRev. This plugin uses the acdiffgui tool for carrying out diffs. The acdiffgui tool lives in /usr/bin as a symbolic link: acdiffgui -> /opt/accurev/bin/acdiffgui This works fine within Eclipse; I can diff two files with no problem. However, the acdiffgui tool is rather limited and I would like t...

Eclipse Create Multiple Class at Once

Eclipse as a option to create a class automatically once a undefined Object is detected e.g. Tester test = new Tester(); It will ask if you want to create the Tester class. Does it have an option to create multiple class/batch create the necessary classes? I have have 50 classes to create and this is kinda tedious ...

What Eclipse source code analyzer plugins are there for C/C++ projects?

Hi, The Metrics plugin I installed ( seems to work only on Java projects Is there an Eclipse source code analyzer plugin for C/C++ projects? Thanks, Kenneth ...

Best practice for passing values from a non-UI thread to a UI thread in an Eclipse plugin application

Is there a best practice/shining example out there of passing values from a non-UI thread to a UI thread in an Eclipse plugin application? ...

Easiest way to know LOC on Eclipse

I am working on a project using Eclipse 3.4.2, and would like to know how many Non Comment Lines of Code (NCLOC) it has. It is OK to be a simple plugin, but I don't wan too much bloat. My machine is already slow the way it is. ...

Does FlexBuilder 3 work with Eclipse 3.5.1?

I m trying to install Flex Builder 3 into Eclipse 3.5.1 as a plugin on Mac 10.6.2. During the installation phase, FB3 says it only support eclipse 3.3 & 3.4. But I started the installation anyway. After the installation was done, I can't find Flex perspective from Eclipse. So I google around and found out the possible way to manually ...

eclipse E4\eclipse 3.6 debuging java script with rhino

hi, i am interested in the E4 eclipse project or eclipse 3.6 this platform offers few thinks that i really find interesting, like debugging javaScript with rhino. unfortunately (but expected) i could not find any material about this platform (in case i succeed i would love to share the knowledge) does anybody knows if the they have ...

I installed Eclipse IMP, eclipse ide can't open

I installed IMP project on eclipse, when i restart Eclipse, OPS..... # # A fatal error has been detected by the Java Runtime Environment: # # SIGSEGV (0xb) at pc=0x00000000, pid=13303, tid=3020905360 # # JRE version: 6.0_16-b01 # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (14.2-b01 mixed mode, sharing linux-x86 ) # Problematic frame: # C 0x0...

JDO designer eclipse plugin

Is there an eclipse plugin for jdo which has a designer tab and a source tab like the xml editor? The designer tab would have a table for me to key in all the fields, each row per field, with columns defining if that field is String, persistent, etc. Then I flip over to source tab and, voila, is the java class source. Or something lik...

Can I use eclipse JDT/EST for other programming languages?

Can I use the AST / JDT for other languages? for example to write my own parser for C# that uses somehow the AST technology? ...

How can i define a custom action for "Open Declaration" (shortcut F3) in Eclipse

How do i register an additional handler/action/command for "Open Declaration" (aka F3) in a plugin? I want to use F3 on String literals in Java code to navigate to the files declaring resource bundle keys. I already have a context menu action ready that does the job. All that's missing is a way to bind it to the key that users are used ...

Where are the preferences for HGEclipse plugin in Eclipse 3.5?

Hi, I've installed HgEclipse plugin from the update site: From some reason, when I go to Window->Preferences, I can't find the category Mercurial under Team. Someone knows how to solve this? My eclipse version is 3.5 (Galileo). My plugin version is 1.5.0 I have hg 1.4 installed on my machine. I'm r...

Extend ExportWizard defined in Plugin A in a depending Plugin

I'm having Plugin A which extends the 'Export Wizard' via the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizard ExtensionPoint. Plugin B depends on Plugin A, is it possible to add WizardPages defined in Plugin B to Plugin A? I know adding Pages dynamicly is possible withhin the same Plugin with the DynamicWizard and function getNextPage. ...

What are the static tool analysis options (apart from CAST) via plug-ins for Java code with framework?

Need to know about static tool analysis options via Eclipse plug-ins for Java code with framework especially for Struts, Spring and Hibernate. The purpose is primarily analysis (and not Quality metrics) of references (similar to References option in Eclipse). The task to accomplis is impact analysis for applications with a lot of framewo...

How can I install the BlackBerry v5.0.0 component pack into Eclipse?

I'm trying to install the latest v5.0.0 "beta 2" BlackBerry OS Component Pack into Eclipse 3.4.2 with BlackBerry Eclipse plugin v1.0.0.67, but have hit a few problems. Has anybody found an easy way to do this? I had no trouble installing the v4.5.0 and v4.7.0 Component Packs. It's rather strange that BlackBerry are shipping new phones...

Best Eclipse Plugins for java development making use of spring/ struts /hibernate?

I am looking for plugins which make developer's life easy while using technologies like Struts/ Spring/ Hibernate. For instance, here is a requirement: If I were to change an Struts Action, I should be able to list out all the Struts Actions for my webapp, right click and add a method/ do some changes. So, basically, I need to know w...

Block selection in eclipse

Does anyone know if block selection (or rectangular selection) is possible in eclipse? Maybe there's a plugin? I haven't been able to find one myself yet... ...

Developing an Eclipse Plugin and adding a submenu item to navigator

This is my first attempt at an Eclipse plugin- the plugin architecture is vast and a little overwhelming, but I've found a number of tutorials and how-to's online which is helping, but trying to do the following is driving me nuts: I want to add a submenu item that is available in the navigator context menu when you right click on an E...

Eclipse Plugin-ins: How can I add a group to the popup context menu?

I have a command available in the eclipse context menu when I right click on a project folder. THe submenu is visible in what I believe is the 'additions' section of the context menu. However, I want a line separator do distinguish my contribution from other additions. How can I do this? I know that with action contributions, you can use...

Redirect classes to a remote location in eclipse

I am using eclipse 3.2 in windows environment. I have deployed the webserver in Solaris environment. I want to redirect the class files to the WEB-INF/ folder of the web server in Solaris. I tried using the RSE plug-in of the eclipse. I could see and access the files using the remote explorer but could not transer / redirect the class fi...