
Setting up OS X for Android development. OR Are *nix environments intentionally prohibitive?

I'm trying to start doing Android development on OS X (trying is the key here). I've read all the fun stuff at I get the basics, install the JDK, Eclipse, the Android SDK, the Eclipse plugin and ADT. That's a lot to do but I get the point of each step, so, OK, fine. Then there are a millio...

Does any one know of any APEX refactoring tools?

The company that owns the company that I work for has recently decided unilaterally that the and platform are where we are headed. Currently, we're a C# .NET shop and we frequently use Visual Studio and Resharper in our daily work. I'm not happy about this decision but, like any good developer, I'm willing to gi...

Eclipse/EPIC source formatter sometimes works sometime does not. why?

I have EPIC installed for Eclipse to be used for perl development. EPIC used perltidy for souce formatting. The problem I am facing is this - When I select a bunch of code and press CTRL+SHIFT+F the selected code gets formatted according to the preferences saved. However, sometimes this does happen even though the select code is not corr...

Eclipse plug-in - Finding source parts location

I am writing an Eclipse plug-in that should modify the source code in the Java editor. How can I figure the location of the source section like class declaration imports class fields methods and so. ...

How to detect eclipse compile errors (Java - JDT)

Hi everybody, I need to detect compile errors in the java source code after a POST_CHANGE event (usually it is fired after saving changes in the java file). I'm using IElementChangedListener for doing that. So, for detecting errors I tried the two possibilities bellow: 1: boolean error = IMarker.SEVERITY_ERROR == iFile.findMaxProblemS...

Eclipse jQuery, Javascript helper plugin?

Is there such a plugin available for Eclipse? Able to assiste with Javascript programming and click on function to go to function? ...

Want to create a table using org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Table, working on a pugin project.

I am adding only three columns to the table but an extra column is also being displayed, I want exactly three columns. While resizing the window the column size is not increasing , what should i do. I am using GridLayout, should I use other layout. Thanks in advance. ...

How to open windows explorer on selected resource in Eclipse

I was looking for a small plugin for Eclipse that would allow to open windows explorer on currently selected resource from Package Explorer tree. I know that Aptana Studio provides this functionality via context menu on the resource, but it has tons of other stuff that I am not interested to. Are there other solutions? ...

Communication between custom eclipse view and running program??

Hi, I am working on a project that is some kind of a 3d visualization of some simulation. This visualization is a separate eclipse plugin that can be run. The problem is that the gui is imagined as a new eclipse perspective with custom views where at runtime, while the visualization is running, in eclipse views in our own perspective val...

Ubuntu: Configuring Xdebug (PHP) for Eclipse 3.2

Hi, I have installed Eclipse 3.2 in my ubuntu system. I have added the php plugin to eclipse by following steps Help > Software Updates > Find and Install.. > selected "Search for new features to install" and clicked "NEXT" > clicked "New Remote Site" > Gave name = "PHP" and url = "" > Cli...

Install Eclipse plugin - "no repository found at jar"

I am trying to install a plugin I wrote. Using Eclipse Add/Remove Software, I am using the "Add Archive" and choosing the zip file I just distributed. (Plugin written and tested in eclipse-RPC and I try to install on MyEclipse) During the installation I get: "no repository found at jar" error. Any clue? ...

Eclipse .classpath file. How to control server name entry?

I'm using Eclipse Galileo with a kind of well known plugins to develop Java Enterprise Applications. Now having a Java Project, Eclipse writes the following line to the .classpath file in the projects root folder: <classpathentry kind="con" path="org.eclipse.jst.server.core.container/org.eclipse.jst.server.generic.runti...

How do you fix loading plugins in eclipse 3.5.1 on linux?

I have two linux boxes. Both Fedora 11 x64. On one, I downloaded the eclipse-java-galileo-SR1-linux-gtk-x86_64.tar.gz. I unpacked it to /opt/eclipse-3.5.1/ and used the Install New Software... item to install the SVN team provider and the Polarion SVN connectors. Everything works. On the second, I copied the tar.gar for eclipse ther...

How to not write the DocumentRoot to the XML

Hi, I'm using EMF, and I created my ecore from XSD. I notice that the XML that are being saved by the editor have the element DocumentRoot, which is not part of my original XSD. Can I somehow not generate it, so it will not be in the XML files of the editor? Ido ...

JUnit View in Eclipse on OSX Snow Leopard

I recently purchased a mac and am trying to get junit tests working on Eclipse. I am using the latest Galileo, but for some reason there is no option to "run as junit" on the tests. What am I doing wrong? There's no JUnit view panel either. However I went into the "About Eclipse" thing and it said JUnit is installed. I also port installe...

BlackBerry JDE Eclipse Plugin 1.1 on Windows 7

Has anybody been able to run the new plugin beta v1.1 on Windows 7? When I run the installer, it pops up an error that states "Please select another location to extract the installer to". It allows me to chose another folder, but after I choose, it shows me the same error dialog. ...

Use JDT to get full method name

I am new to eclipse plugin development and I am trying to convert a IMethod to a string representation of the full method name. I.E. my.full.package.ClassName.methodName(int param, String string) so far I have had to hand roll my own solution. Is there a better way? private static String getMethodFullName(IMethod iMethod) { String p...

Eclipse Development: Eclipse Properties View - Display properties as read-only

Hi all. I am developing an Eclipse plugin in which the elements shown on my Editor (a GEF one) can have properties modified within the Eclipse Properties View. The problem is that, in some cases, depending on a readOnly flag set in the element, its properties should be displayed but not modified. Is there a way to achieve this behavio...

Eclipse StarTeam plugin?

Are there any decent plugin's for Eclipse that allow integration with StarTeam? I miss the 'tight' intergration I used to have with CVS/SVN. ...

Adding jar from eclipse plugin runtime tab

I want to add .jar files for plugin from the Runtime tab of manifest file. When I use the add button, I can see only sub-directories of the plugin project. So if I want to add same .jar file to more than one plugin project where should I store the .jar files. ...