
Eclipse plugin:TextSelection cannot resoleve.

Hi, I am trying to develop my first plug-in. The plug-in should manipulate the content of the selected text in the active text editor. I started with the “hello world” example from the “Cheat sheet” which worked perfect. When tried to modify I found that project not recognizing many types. I added the following jars to the project bui...

Lift and Eclipse RCP Integration

I work on a fairly simple but large two-tier application that consists approximately 40 Eclipse RCP plugins. We have a new use case that is taking us to the web for a very small portion of this functionality. I'd like to prototype this using Lift. Clearly, I'm facing a few challenges. Lift + OSGi. Can Lift get at OSGi bundles? Can...

Eclipse: which plugins for HTML & Javascript?

Which plugins do you use for editing (with syntax highlighting) HTML & Javascript in Eclipse 3.5? ...

JavaDoc plugin for eclipse?

Hi there, i was looking for a javadoc plugin for eclipse so that i can document for methods etc. I know in eclipse you can do ALT + SHIFT + J but i was wondering if there was a more powerful plugin, I use GhostDoc in VS 2008 which basically when you say document it enters all the parameters and return values and even starts the paragr...

FindBugs eclipse plugin classes location

Is it possible to specify the classes location like you can in the findbugs ant task? or is there another way to exclude a directory of class files (we compile our test classes to a different directory and don't want to use findbugs on those) P.V. Goddijn ...

How to pass paramater into code-template in eclipse-plugin

I want to create a plugin which defines a new code template (like this blog post). How can I pass a parameter into the template? like ${name:param}? ...

Is Regular Expressions the best way to go about matching and replacing text?

I am well aware of what regular expressions are, so please avoid giving me definitions. I am merely looking for an opinion, and maybe even some advice. I am graduating soon with my degree in computer science, and to this point, The only education I have gotten on regular expressions, is through a course on PL design and development. We ...

Eclipse Keyword Index Issue

Hello, I have a problem with the Eclipse Keyword Index for a Remote Infocenter. I have the following index.xml file (also specified as the primary index in my plugin.xml): <index> <entry keyword="Electricity"> <topic href="electricity.html"/> </entry> </index> When clicking the index tab (from Help->Help Contents) i g...

Will my .project file cause problems in other peoples workspaces?

Hi, I share a project with other team-members over SVN. Now I am using the SpringIDE-Plugin in my Eclipse which adds a <buildCommand>-Element to my .project file, which is also under version control. None of my team members does use the SpringIDE. So my question is: If I commit the .project-file, could my colleagues workspace break aft...

How to pass object from editor to property sheet in eclipse plugin development ?

I have an editor, this is suppose to interact with property sheet and outline views.I used Iselectionprovider interface to achieve this.But i cannot able to do interaction between these editor and views. Please give me some sample code snippets for this. Thanks in advance Mathan ...

Putting Eclipse plugin on System classpath

I am trying to desrialize an object of type A located in plugin C. Although my plugin has the proper dependency on plugin C which has type A and can also create and instantiate an object of type A, when I try to desiralize an object of type A, it fails. The reason I believe is that the* classes which are actually doing the d...

How to write a validator for an xml based file format in eclipse?

I am trying to write an eclipse plugin that will show errors in the gutter on the left side of the editor when someone types data into my xml file that is not valid. This is basically like a compiler would do for a language. I can't seem to find any documentation out in the world that suggests how to do this. Any help would be greatly...

Eclipse plugin with custom validation

I'm new to Eclipse plugin development, but I've been able to cobble together a plugin that defines a content type and a corresponding editor. I've gotten custom content assist going, so I know the editor is coming up okay. My problem is that I need to create some custom validation for files of this content type, and I've found scant inf...

Scala errors in Eclipse 3.5 using Scala 2.8.0b, "Syntax error on token String"

I seem to be missing libraries but I am not certain. In this file: object Test { def main(args: Array[String]) { for (arg <- args) println(arg) } } I am not certain what leads to these errors: Description Resource Path Location Type Syntax error on token "object", interface expected TestSrc.scala /ScalaDataMining...

Eclipse - Java Heap error while in interface

Hi there, I am pretty new to eclipse and it was working fine but now its giving me Java Heap problems and sometimes outofmemory issues... Can anyone help me with my eclipse.ini ... i have increased some memory values and it got better but not perfect... I am using this java but currently not doing java editing as such i am just in the...

Eclipse-plugin how to get current text editor corsor position

I try to show popup dialog at text cursor position in editor. How can I get text cursor position of active editor (Point) and show popup dialog at this point? ...

Problems using eclipse Hibernate plugin - could not locate sessionfactory in JNDI

Hi Guys, I'm using the reverse engineering capabilities built into the eclipse hibernate plugin to generate dao's and hbm.xml files for each table. It does it quite well but when I try to use the generated Objects I get a Could not locate SessionFactory in JNDI error. I saw a post that suggested this happens when you name your Session...

Eclipse plugin: create a new file

Hi, I'm trying to create a new file in an eclipse plugin. It's not necessarily a Java file, it can be an HTML file for example. Right now I'm doing this: IProject project = ... IFile file = project.getFile("/somepath/somefilename"); // such as file.exists() == false String contents = "Whatever"; InputStream source = new ByteArrayInput...

Mercurial Eclipse Plugin

Where can I find a good Eclipse Mercurial Plugin? ...

Eclipse doesn't recognize lua files after installing the lua plugin

I downloaded Eclipse Classic off of the Eclipse website then the Lua Eclipse IDE plugin. I followed the install instructions but Eclipse doesn't seem to recognize or be able to understand lua files. Can someone help? ...