
best resources to start programming eclipse plug-ins

Either books (free or not), online tutorials, articles, etc. ...

Difference between feature and plugin.xml ?

I have some basic questions in eclipse plugin development, can anyone give clarification of the following questions, When should we have to add features in our plugin development ? What is the difference between feature and plugin.xml ? Regards Mathan ...

accessing to image in eclipse plugin

I'm trying to set the background image of canvas using canvas.setBackgroundImage(image); How can i set the image with a *.png file that is stored in plugin's image sub-directory ? Something like this: PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getSharedImages().getImage(ISharedImages.IMG_OBJS_INFO_TSK) but I want to use my image file instead of t...

Tutorials for creating and deploying a simple java portlet in pluto 2.0

Hi! I'm new to portlets and pluto and would like to start with getting a simple hello world portlet up and running on pluto 2.0, but most of the resources I found for this are for earlier versions of pluto or not specific enough for me since I'm new to this area. The eclipse plugin also does not work for pluto 2.0 Please provide links ...

Eclipse RCP: How to access internal classes of plugins?

I want to use the default XML editor (org.eclipse.wst.xml.ui) of Eclipse in an RCP application. I need to read the DOM of the xml file currently open. The plugin doesn't offer any extension point, so I'm trying to access the internal classes. I am aware that the I should not access the internal classes, but I don't have another option. ...

IDEs Used for BlackBerry Developement

Hi Friends I have installed eclipse JDE plugin (ie BlackBerry_JDE_PluginFull_1.0.0.67.exe) , i can create a blackberry project only for BlackBerry JDE 4.5.0 . when i see in window ->preferences ->blackberry->installed components of eclipse ony BlackBerry JDE component package 4.5.0 is available, if i want to have multiple JDEs what sh...

Using preprocessor directives in BlackBerry JDE plugin for eclipse?

How to use preprocessor directives in BlackBerry JDE plugin for eclipse? ...

Can I set up arbitrary commands in an Eclipse Java project run configuration?

I have a Java Eclipse project, but I don't run it from the command line using java.exe. Instead I run it through a python script that runs the java. What I'd like to do is run this when I hit the 'Run' button in eclipse and see the output in Eclipse's console window. Unfortunately the available run configuration options available are a ...

Can I add a multipageeditor to a multipageeditor

I have an EMF project and i want to use the editor from the emf inside a multipageeditor i have created. Can I do it? or should I change the multipageeditor from the emf to regular editorpart (keep just one editor) ...

VEditor (Verilog Editor for Eclipse) in Eclipse Galileo

Hi all! I installed VEditor ( in Eclipse, apparently successfully. But I can't seem to use it! I'm new to Eclipse plugins (and to Eclipse itself, as a matter of fact), but I'm guessing I would have the option to create a new project with the type "Verilog Project", or something, but there's no su...

Attempting to export/deploy an Eclipse plugin I created, Eclipse complains of bad ANT classpath

Hi, I've developed an Eclipse (3.5) plugin for my employer (a university) using Graphical Editing Framework (GEF). Deploying the app should be as simple as pressing the "Export Wizard" link and entering an archive name and hitting "Finish" (shown in the images below). But then I encounter the an error dialog protesting "Could not find...

Eclipse function/plugin that finds corresponding junit class?

I've been searching high and low for an Eclipse feature that lets you right-click on a main source class and find the corresponding JUnit class(es), without me having to navigate through the test classes of my project. I am using Mylyn which helps reduce the clutter but it would be much easier if there was a feature that performs a find ...

How do I resolve a dependency in an Eclipse plug-in I didn't write?

I'm trying to use a relatively new Eclipse plug-in ( It doesn't have an update site, so I can't install it through the UI in Eclipse, which usually resolves dependencies. All that's available for download is a single .jar, and the instructions on the website say to just drop it in ecl...

Installation of eclipse php in ubuntu

How to install eclipse php in ubuntu platform using apt get install. Any other utilities are required to do that ...

Is there an offline w3c validator tool?

Hi, I have a website which is constantly changing and I would like to W3c validate it before deploying to live - are there any tools that can help me with this? An Eclipse plugin would be perfect but I'd settle for a standalone tool. Any pointers appreciated, thanks. ...

Eclipse "Open Type" dialog restricted to a particular interface

I'm trying to create a JavaUI.createTypeDialog() which restricts the user to selecting only types belonging to a particular interface. How could I do this? ...

I want to plug ADT plugins with eclipse 3.5 using archive.

I am facing a problem of installing ADT from and It shows some transfer error. I have downloaded the ADT plugin archive Can i use this archive? If yes please let me know. If no, then please tell me some alternatives. ...

Subclipse : Package explorer don't show packages, it shows file directory view :(

I have a problem regarding Subclipse and the Eclipse Package Explorer. The svn update-progress itself works perfect, however when I restart Eclipse after having updated the sources with Subclipse, the Eclipse Package Explorer shows every file/directory as if it was a single package. Thus the view is confusing. Is this a known problem? Do...

Ant scripts cccheckin/cccheckout using the CCRC plugin to eclipse?

Is it possible to use Ant scripts to checkin/checkout source code elements while using the CCRC plugin to eclipse? I am getting an error message saying that the element the script is attempting to check out is not part of the VOB, but of course it is there and I can check it out manually. ...

How to properly setup Mercurial plugin for Eclipse?

Just added Mercurial plugin ( to Eclipse (Web Dev Version, Build id:20090920-1017), and got this error on startup: Cannot run program "hg": CreateProcess error=2, The system cannot find the file specified Found a thread on the same problem, but have no idea how to fix it. Here's more from the log: !SUBENTRY 1 com.vectrace....