
Default class naming customization in Eclipse using CDT

When I try to create a new class in Eclipse using the CDT plugin I enter in the name of the class. For example MyClass. This generates the default file names MyClass.h and MyClass.cpp. I want to change the default file naming to be of the form my_class.h and Can this modification be made and if so can it be done from wit...

What's the proper way to upgrade an eclipse plugin to a different platform version?

I have an Eclipse RCP project that's targeted to Eclipse 3.4. Now that 3.5 is out and I'm using it, and while I don't have any reason to change my plugin to target the 3.5 platform, I'm left wondering how exactly is one supposed to do it. I can't seem to find any option which lets me change a plugin's target platform after it's been cre...

Is having Eclipse OSGI Activators inheriting from each other a good idea?

If you have a common eclipse/osgi code platform on which you build various products can you/should you inherit activators from the common code E.g. org.test.common.PluginActivator org.test.common.ui.UIPluginActivator org.test.product1.Product1PluginActivator org.test.product1.ui.Product1UIPluginActivator org.test.product2.Product2Plu...

What are the differences between scm adapter and CCRC eclipse plugin?

Eclipse SCM adapter - spawns another window in order to do operations and not within the IDE? CCRC - integrated with eclipse, e.g. label decorator can be seen in IDE. It only supports to a specific version. ...

The activator bundle is invalid

I'm trying to create a simple plugin in eclipse. When I run the application, i saw this error in log file.. org.osgi.framework.BundleException : The activator for bundle org.x.y.Activator for bundle org.x.y is invalid. Do you have any idea about this error? ...

eclipse plugin - treat non java extension file like a java file

Hi We are developing an eclipse plugin and we have an extension like say, ".xyz" but it actually contains java code. JavaCore.createCompilationUnitFrom() accepts only files with extension ".java". JavaCore has JAVA_SOURCE_CONTENT_TYPE which returns the extensions that it treats as Java source files. My questions is How do I add ".xyz" ...

Are externalised plugin.xml strings available to downstream plugins?

If I have plugin common, with plugin A and B as separate plugins/products, both depending on plugin common. In plugin common, I externalise the strings in plugin.xml, this gives me %bundle-vendor = "My Company Name". In downstream plugins A and B, can I use the common bundle-vendor property for vendor. I tried prepending the common pl...

Eclipse - Plugin Installation Error

Eclipse Version I have: Version: 3.4.1 (Ganymede) Build id: M20080911-1700 I am having an error installing any plugin for eclipse. I didn't have that problem but suddenly now I can't get any plugin installed like PMD, JADclipse, etc. The error I get is: An error occurred while collecting items to be installed No repository found co...

Code Signing as part of the build process

I'd like to understand some of the best practices with respect to code signing. We have an Eclipse-based application and think it would be appropriate to sign our plug-ins. This raised a lot of questions: Can/Should the private key be in source control? Should we sign the code as part of our nightly build process or as part of our rele...

'Restore Defaults' Preference Page Functionality in Eclipse

Is there a programmatic method of achieving the same results as clicking 'Restore Defaults' in an Eclipse preference page? I already know how the field editor system works and preference storage works. Thanks! :) ...

Plugin: how to get all the types available in my eclipse Workspace?

Hi, I'm writing an eclipse plugin, and I want to get all the types that are available in my workspace, like when pressing Ctrl+Shift+T, but in a list or array. How can I do it? ...

Eclipse perspective switcher as in google chrome or riena

Hi! Does someone know how to implement eclipse perspective switcher so that each perspective shows as a separate tab on top of the window? Menubar should be inside tab content, below tabs, as seen in google chrome. I saw Replacing the Perspective-Switcher in RCP apps and Creating your own Perspective-Switcher - A first try but it...

create a new java file in eclipse plugin

I'm creating an eclipse plug-in. I have a string with java code, and I want to save this code to a project. I used the IFile to create my file. Is there another way that is better for saving java code? Ido ...

Eclipse plugin activator class

What is the role of activator class in eclipse plugin ? ...

My plug-in can't run only in the Plug-in Development perspective

I have a problem when i run my eclipse plugin (java) i can see the menu item that i had added, but the UI that should then appear are not displayed. if i change to the Plug-in Development perspective it run normally. Is there any dependance on this perspective? What shall i do to avoid this dependance? Thanks a lot. ...

Filtering Export Wizard availability by File extension

I am using the org.eclipse.ui.exportWizard extension point in Eclipse 3.5. When the user right-clicks on files in the workspace project explorer I only want my Export Wizard to be available if the IFile being selected has a particular extension. I can use the selection element to define that the Wizard should only show up for an IFile. ...

Aptana Plugin for Eclipse and jQuery code assist

I want to use autocomplete for jQuery in Eclipse. The Aptana Plugin is installed: Aptana Web Development Tools Version: Support for jQuery also: Aptana Support for jQuery Version: JavaScript/WTP is installed: JavaScript Developer Tools Version: 1.1.1.v200906091427-77-FGBCcNBC-BeMcE...

Eclipse development on the Mac

I am moving my Eclipse development to the Mac and as far as development goes, I am completely new to the Mac. I use Eclipse to write code for Android, BlackBerry, straight Java, etc... On the PC, I would install an instance of Eclipse into a separate folder for each platform that I was developing for. This is so that the plugins for ea...

Eclipse - Installing plugin with dependencies

Hi, I'm trying to install web tools platform for eclipse. But alas I'm getting a big long list of unsatisfied dependencies. I am now running Ganymede, but remember in an older eclipse installation there was an button marked ‘Select Required’ which would basically download and deal with the dependencies automatically. What happened to t...

How do you contribute a command to an editor context menu in Eclipse

I want to contribute a command to the context menu of any text editor when text is selected. In "the old days", I would have done this using objectContribution and a nested action with "enablesFor='+'". How does one do this using commands instead of actions? ...