
add build path to eclipse plugin

Hi, I need to add a variable to a jar in my eclipse plugin project. I get No class definition found exception. My thoughts is that i need to add it somehow in the manifest file? Thank you, Ido ...

reference non plugin project to eclipse plugin project

Hi, Can I add a reference from an eclipse plugin project to a non plugin jar? This is a jar that I can not change, so i have to use it as is. Thank you Ido ...

Eclipse-plugin: Can't see my results in AbstractTextSearchViewPage

I've implemented a ISearchQuery and ISearchResult. They get loaded into my class that extends AbstractTextSearchViewPage. I'm using some code taken from the FileSearchPage to show the results in both a TreeViewer and a TableViewer. protected void configureTableViewer(TableViewer viewer) { viewer.setUseHashlookup(true); Fi...

Change Menu Items Programmatically From Eclipse Plugin

I would like to be able to completely remove menu items upon startup of my eclipse plugin application. What I want to do is be able to add these menu items later depending on business logic based off of the user's actions. Is there a way to do this? I've looked at using contributions, but I feel like it's not going to be exactly what I w...

Eclipse Plug-in Installation Error

I get the following error while trying to install PMD, Find Bugs, Lint4j etc. Any idea? An error occurred while collecting items to be installed No repository found containing: org.aspectj.ajde/osgi.bundle/ No repository found containing: org.aspectj.runtime/osgi.bundle/ No repository found ...

How to get the project name in eclipse?

How do I get the name of the current eclipse project? I'm in a GMF view and need the projectname when some submenu of the popup menu ist used. ...

Eclipse rcp classloader hell: moved class still visible at compiletime but not at runtime anymore

I've a strange and new issue with an eclipse 3.5 rcp application: Everything worked fine, then I changed the running system and moved a single class from one plugin to a dependent plugin. No big issue, but all of a sudden the application complains with a class not found exception (or NoClassDefFoundError - don't know exactly but will loo...

Headless build of eclipse features - PDE Tools or Buckminster?

I am trying to set up a headless build for a big eclipse feature, containing other features and plugins. As some needed plugins are generated using GMF and EMF, the build workflow must be something like this: SVN Check-out Invoke Generation Run Tests Build all Publish update-site Over the last couple of weeks, i played around with...

How to let Eclipse accept the canvas tag?

I installed the Aptana plugin in my Eclipse, and I use canvas tag in my html file. I find that the Eclipse can't recognize the canvas tag, it highlight my canvas tags, and display follow msg: < canvas > is not recognized How can I fix this problem? thx in advance. ...

how to open the find type dialog programmatically in eclipse

Hi, I want to open the "Ctrl-Shift-T" dialog (find a type) programmatically in eclipse plug-in. I tried the FilteredItemsSelectionDialog and ResourceListSelectionDialog, but how do I get all the types in the workspace? Thank you, Ido. ...

Eclipse plugin for Objective-C?

I'm going to learn Objective-C, and I was wondering if there was an eclipse plugin out there to do things like syntax highlighting and easy compiling/project management. I did some preliminary searching, but I couldn't find anything. What's my best I can do for an IDE? I don't have a mac. ...

Why do I get a warning: " does not exist"

This appears to be something to do with the Plugin Development Environment, but I'm not writing an Eclipse Plugin. How can I stop getting this warning? Thanks a lot! ...

change type of fields in emf editor

Hello, I'm using EMF to let the user create a model using a generated editor. In the editor properties, in one of the properties of the model I want the user to click on "..." button instead of using string value. after he clicks the "..." button i will open a dialog that I created for him to pick from a list. How do I change the proper...

Eclipse: Tree View And Table View

Hello Guys, I want to know if it's possible to use the same content and label providers for Tree and Table in Eclipse views or they must have separate content and label providers. I am trying to use the content and label providers i wrote for the tree for the table as well but i see nothing on the table view. Thanks. ...

Projects from Eclipse Package Explorer

hi! I develop an Eclipse plugin project, I started a few days ago and I have a question. My plugin works, my plugin toolbar has a button, named Extract the project. When I click on this button, the plugin writes the names of the open projects from the Package Explorer. How I can get the names of the projects from the package explorer? ...

How can I use Sun's JAI-ImageIO with an Eclipse BIRT plugin?

I'm trying to write an extension (plug-in) for Eclipse BIRT reporting. It involves extracting images from a file according to database entries and displaying them. I am using Sun's JAI-ImageIO to access TIFF file data and convert to PNG for display within the report. My code complies, but throws a NoClassDefFound runtime exception: SEV...

How can I get multiEditor rather than IEditor ?

Is there a way to get multiEditor rather than just getting IEditor? IEditorPart editor= getSite().getPage().getActiveEditor() to MultiPageEditorPart editor=?? ...

Structural comparison of two ASTs in Eclipse

I am working on an incremental builder for Java code in Eclipse. Eclipse provides a ResourceDelta that tells me which resources have changed since the last build. However, I would like to have more detailed information, e.g. what methods or what field definitions changed. There seems to be functionality similar to what I want in the "com...

Is there an Eclipse line-width marker?

I have a specific project where I need to wrap every code line at 65 characters. I have set up the eclipse Java code formatter properly for this. But what I really want is a vertical line to be drawn in the editor showing where the max line width while I am typing, not just when I run the formmater. I know this feature is available in so...

BlackBerry HelloWorld deploys in Eclipse under 8130 simulator but not 950

I followed the steps in If I pick the 4.5.0 JDE with the 8130 simulator, I can navigate to the HelloWorld icon, click it, the app runs, I can hit breakpoints, etc. I then switch to the 4.7.0 JDE, erase the simulator files (Blackberry | Erase Simulator File | Erase All), and change the simulator fr...