
regenerate ecore after schema changes

Hello, I have a schema in xsd file. once in a while a new version of the schema is created, and I need to update my .ecore (and .genmodel). How do I update them, without deleting them and re-generate them. I have made some manual modification to the ecore, and i want to keep this modifications. Ido. ...

Will eclipse/osgi activators always be called at least once before code is accessed?

In Eclipse (3.3) I have a plugin User, depending on plugin Provider. Provider has an activator. On the Plugin Editor for provider it has a checkbox "Activate this plug-in when one of its classes is loaded". Checking/unchecking this will change a Manifest setting : Eclipse-LazyStart to true/false. My question is that the checkbox, to m...

Eclipse New plugin project wizard can target eclipse versions, but where is this information saved

In Eclipse (3.3) if you start the New Plugin Project Wizard, the first page has a Target Platform, where you can target a version of eclipse. Is this information saved/used and if so where? Also if you then create an extension the plugin.xml is created, and at the top is (for me) : <?eclipse version="3.2"?> Where did this version ...

Where should Eclipse third-party plugins be stored?

We have an Eclipse RCP product, which means it depends on a number of Eclipse plugins (for the UI etc). We have set up a reference Eclipse ("target") to supply the latter. Our product also depends on a number of third party plugins. Is there a standard location for these to be put? We have a few of our third-party plugins in the /plugi...

Tool for downloading eclipse plugins from update sites

I need to install an eclipse plugin to a machine not connected to the Internet and I cannot find a dist to use for a local install. Is there a tool for downloading a plugin from an update site and create a local installation archive (or a local update site)? Rumors says you can do this with eclipse, but I cant find any info on how to do...

Can i get the project build path programicaly?

I want to a project build path (default is src...). Can I do it using some java API? ...

Eclipse extension for opening TIFF (type 4) images?

I need to display a TIFF (type 4) image in Eclipse from a Java stream. TIFFv4 is not supported, so I need an image library. Sun's JAI-ImageIO has native code -- I can't wrap it easily into a plugin. I can't just import jai-imageio.jar (et al) from the lib\ext directory because Eclipse has its own ideas about classpaths. Any suggestion...

NullPointerException in PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage()

//obtain the active page IWorkbenchPage page = PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage(); returns Exception in thread "Thread-3" java.lang.NullPointerExceptionµ. What shall i do? ...

What is the best open source common lisp implementation that works with Eclipse?

I have started working my way through Practical Common Lisp and am looking for a Common LISP implementation that works on Eclipse. It would be nice if it had some kind of IDE integration besides the editor and the REPL (although I'm not sure what that would be). Also, I have Linux, Windows, and OS X, although my primary workstation is a ...

ToolTips In Source Code

Hello Guys, I want to thank you all for your previous replies. I am showing package names, class names, methods and fields in a view(in tree and table format) of a plugin. I am using the method below so that anytime the user clicks on the package/class/method/field name then the source code in the workspace will open and that particu...

Installing Flex Builder Plugin on Eclipse 3.5 (galileo) Mac Cocoa 64bit

Is there a way to get the Flex Builder plugin working on the latest Eclipse running on the Mac? I've read that there is no hope with the Cocoa/64 bit version, but some report it works with the Carbon version. I need the 64bit/cocoa version on the Mac in order to have access to the JDK6 libraries via the embedded maven support in the Ec...

ASTNodes And Views

Hello guys I would like to know if there is a function that when i give it an ASTNode object (the ASTNode can be a class, method or a field in a CompilationUnit) as an argument it can show this object in a view (Tree view or Table view). If there isn't any such function, is there another way or workaround of doing it? Thanks for your h...

blackberry JDE 4.7 - TouchEvent Class - difference between getX and getGlobalX

In the blackberry JDE 4.7, under the TouchEvent, there are two similar sounding methods: getX(int touch) "return mapped x coordinate" getGlobalX(int touch) "return global x coordindate" Does anyone know what the difference is between the two? The javadocs talk about mapped vs global but I'm not sure what that means. Any help poind...

What plugins do you use along with Eclipse CDT?

Suggest some plugins you find useful in your day by day work. Eclipse CDT repositories: Helios: C++ Development Tools: Plugins: Subclipse: Eclipse Linux Tools:

How to change the order of entries in "order and export tab" of eclipse java build path programmatically ?

I am stuck in a great problem, I need to change the order of two jar files in java build path of eclipse. there is some operation on which the junit3.jar will be set before junit4.jar, but i am not able to find any clue. Please help me... Thanks in advance. ...

How to add a folder to java build path as library, having multiple jars or entries in it ?

First I want to say lots of thanks to "Rich seller" to solving my query for changing the entry order in eclipse java build path programatically. I want to add my Library folder to java build path which has several jars in it. It should behave like a classpath container. I tried with IClasspathContainer but failed to implement. Please h...

Removing popUpMenus from CNF (Common Navigator Framework) in Eclipse.

Hello all, I have been partially successful at removing almost all the popUp menus from the Commons Navigator Framework simply by configuring the plugin.xml file. There are 2 menus that refuse to go: group.edit and group.reorganize. My plugin.xml config looks like this: <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.navigator.viewer"...

eclipse hang when copiying / pasting code

Hi coders ! I have a big problem. Eclipse is hanging up when I do any copy/paste with ctrl+C ctrl+V keys. Is it due to the Eclipse validation code system ? Do I mess something in my eclipse setting ?? Here is my conf : eclipse 3.4.2 plugin RSE Windows XP pro Service Pack 2 java vm version = 1.5.0_11-b03 ...

How to shutdown the UDC (usage data collection) from eclipse

I want to shutdown the UDC. It's very heavy for my pc. I already uncheck the "Enable Capture" checkbox but I have the feeling that it stay enable in the background. It constantly ask me the user and password of the proxy. I do not want an eclipse always trying to connect to internet and doing background procesing that I don't need. ...

What Clearcase eclipse-plugin to use in order to work on both clearcase 6 and 7 projects?

Using Eclipse 3.5, what clearcase plugin to use in order for me to work on both clearcase 6 and 7 projects? ...