
JFreeChart with SWT

I'm developping a plugin for eclipse and extending the org.eclipse.ui.views extension point. I want to use JFreeChart for drawing some graphics in eclipse view. Is it possible to use JFreeChart with SWT in eclipse view ? ...

Using Scala as a scripting language from Eclipse

Is there a way to execute a scala script from Eclipse with scala plugin? A scala script is a scala file which is executed line by line, without forcing you to write a main method. See the Description section in scala's man page. ...

How do I get eclipse's web page editor to work?

I installed the eclipse web page editor from the help->updates->Ganymede Update Side-> Web and Java EE Development. - version 2.1.0 Whenever I try to open an html page though, I get the error: java.lang.NoSuchMethodError An error has occurred. See error log for more details. org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.StructuredTextEditor.isBlockSelection...

Eclipse RCP with JFreeChart

I'm trying yo use JFreeChart in RCP application with a simple view. I added JfreeChart jar file as a referenced library to project. The view could not be created because of the error : Could not create the view: Plug-in "ViewJFreeChart" was unable to instantiate class "viewJFreeChart.View". java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jfree/da...

Using eclipse comparator from command line

Can Eclipse Compare tool be called from command line? I just want to use it as a merge tool from an external tool. Thanks a lot. ...

get content of a specific svn revision in subclipse plugin

hi, my eclipse plugin is comparing a specific revision of svn with the same revision that was patched by another user. i want to retrieve the content of a specific revision to my plugin, what is the best way to do it? ...

Programatically installing an Eclipse plugin from within Eclipse?

I want to create an automated installer for an Eclipse plugin (i.e. not through the "Update Manager"). My scenario is simple: the user closes Eclipse, drops a downloaded JAR into the dropins folder, starts Eclipse and the rest of the process is automated. In older Eclipse versions, before the era of P2, Eclipse had (still has) a class c...

Remove Spket Perspective from List in Eclipse

Hi: I uninstalled the Spket plugin from Eclipse, but there is still an "<Spket IDE>" perspective in the Perspective list. How do I get rid of it? I've made sure there are no more Spket directories under eclipse_dir/plugins, eclipse_dir/features and eclipse_dir/dropins. Where does Eclipse keep a list of its perspectives? Cheers ...

two instances of the same editor

I created an editor using the eclipse PDE. Every time I double click on the same file it opens a new instance of my editor instead of just selecting the one that already opened (like in .java files). My Editor input implements IEditorInput. How can I change it? ...

Eclipse package explorer type icons

Does anyone know of an eclipse plugin that changes the file icon used by the package explorer to something that indicates type? It would be handy if the icon looked different for interfaces, abstract classes, enum, and concrete classes. ...

adding action to toolbar in formpage

I want to add a button to the toolbar in my page that derives from FormPage. I use the code: Action action = some action... action.setImageDescriptor(som descriptor...); toolBarManager.add(action); When i run the editor I don't see nothing in the place were the button should be. If I'm hovering it with the mouse it changes to a hand ...

Eclipse plugin to find out unused methods in a class/package

I am looking out for an eclipse plug-in that could be used to detect unused methods or classes across a project. Does any one know a efficient good to use plug-in of that kind? ...

Code analyzers: PMD & FindBugs

1. Regarding PMD: 1.1 How do I set the PMD checks, to ignore some of them, like "Variable name is too short, or too long", "Remove empty constructor, etc" - and if I do that, another warning appears that says the class must have some static methods. Basically, the class was empty, for later development, and I like to leave it that way f...

how to add menu to section title?

Hi, I have a section with TITLE_BAR, and i try to add a menu to the section header (like in the PDE editors). All I could find is the context menu. ...

Using IDE plug-in in an Eclipse RCP application?

I'm developing an Eclipse RCP based application, that uses the resource model of eclipse (workspace, projects, resources, etc.). For basic usage of the resource concept, there is no need to depend on the IDE plug-in. But many dialogs, wizards or views I want to use are inside this plug-in. I read about not to have any dependencies on IDE...

hiding tab in pde

Hi, I have an editor (emf editor). And I only want one of the tabs in the editor. If I do not add the other pages, I still see one tab in the tab selection. Can I hide the tab, so the user will not see it is a multipageeditor? ...

Is there any free plugin for eclipse that helps managing layouts

i just look the last version of netbeans (6.7.1). desktop applications almost like .net very easy to design... Is there any free eclipse-plugin which helps on managing designs like netbeans...? ...

Fixing Vanishing LaunchShortcut in Eclipse Plugin

I'm developing an eclipse plugin for creating a plugin for another java platform. I've managed to figure out the LaunchShortcut concept, LaunchDelegate, etc. The basic codepath of the plugin: I have a launchShortcut display if it detects the project right clicked is a "plugin" project. This is detected via a propertyTester Once succes...

Is there an Eclipse plugin to run system shell in the Console?

Do you know of any Eclipse plugin to run a system shell in the included console? It would be awesome. Dolphin, KDE's file navigator, has this feature, you can press F4 and a console shows located on the directory you are standing. It would be awesome to have a similar feature on Eclipse, with the shell located on the directory of the pr...

How to run with old version of Junit 4 in Eclipse (Galileo)

We need to run unit tests with an older version of JUnit4 (for arcane reasons). Eclipse has a choice between Junit3 and Junit4, but there is no way to add/change the Junit4 version. A temporary work around was to copy the junit plugin from Eclipse Ganymede, but this gets clobbered when Galileo updates itself. It looks as far as the up...