
Developing Eclipse plugins without Java

Is it possible to create Eclipse plugins/program Eclipse RCP apps without Java? (preferably in Jython) ...

How do I go about creating a compiler/editor in Eclipse?

My question is somewhat specific, but the answer I need is general: (turned out very wordy, so boldened the important bit) I have to use a light-weight proprietary language to code in at work, which only has a basic text editor with syntax highlights. Because I need to do a lot of testing, I want to create an Eclipse plug-in for the l...

Rapid switch to Java for an experienced C++ developer

I'm am looking for online tutorials/books, which assume a solid knowledge of OOP/Design patterns concepts and stress on differences (both conceptional and syntactical) between C++ and Java thus allowing for a rapid development in the latter. Thank you very much in advance, appreciate your time. ...

Eclipse git checkout (aka, revert)

Is it possible to do the equivalent of git checkout from within Eclipse using the EGit plugin? I have a file that's been modified. I want to discards the changes and revert the file back to what's in the source repository. In Subversion this is called revert. In git the equivalent is checkout. I can't find any menu item under Team that...

Eclipse Project Printing

Hi all, I have to print out one of my projects and the built-in print function of Eclipse isn't doing a good job at all. Font, font size, page border etc.. Does anyone know a plug-in or tool to print out my whole project easily? Maybe with some formatting options on it? After a little bit google, I've encountered enscript but its an ...

Functional depedency analysis

Developers who have used eclipse cannot miss out the Cntrl+Shift+G combo - the easiest way to find all references to a particular member/method/class in your workspace. Consider a scenario where you are a new guy maintaining a web application written in java. Now, you are about to change a method signature, and you do a Cntl+Shift+G to ...

Building a custom Eclipse JDT New Porject Wizard?

I want to develop some project templates for a few common Java projects I work on. Basically i want to capture a few pieces of info in an extra Window on the standard New Java Project Wizard. Then do some text replacements on a bunch of template files and add them to the project. I have hunted high and low for a tutorial on how to do ...

Two Eclispse projects -> One Eclipse Plug-in

Background I'm a developer of the Vrapper project. Vrapper contains of 2 major parts Vim-emulation library (vrapper.core) Eclipse part that makes a good use of it We want vrapper.core to be Eclipse-unaware, so it's reusable outside of the Eclipse. Currently, we can "vrap" all sorts of Eclipse text editors and our little mock text e...

Finding about Eclipse dependancy (e.g. for red5)

According to the Red5 plugin for eclipse, You must use the JEE distribution of Eclipse. The standard Java distribution will not work. But what part exacty of the JEE distribution is needed. This way I can bring my current distribution of Eclipse to the level needed for Red5 without having to install an entirely new distribution ju...

How to create an Eclipse editor plugin with syntax checking and coloring as fast as posible?

Hello, I'm working on a project that requires to create a series of editors for some quite different languages, these syntaxes are defined by ourselves. I'm looking for a solution about that. Is there a shortcut to take in this problem? ...

add toolbar to section

Hello, I want to add a toolbar to a section in SWT. There is an example i saw in the PDE manifest editor. How can i add this toolbar or buttons? maybe i need to use a different control? Thank you, Ido ...

Eclipse plug-ins disappeared after update

Have been updated Eclipse PDT using Window->Check for Updates feature. After restart all trird-party plug-ins seems like switched off. Starting with -clean command line key doesn't helps. Eclipse Installation Detals contains information about all my plug-ins correctly. Error log: eclipse.buildId=M20090917-0800 java.version=1.6.0_0...

run jar in eclipse

Hi! My problem is that I want to run some jar files in eclipse within a plugin. This jars make analysis on an eclipse project: String run_tool ="cmd.exe /C start java -Xmx400m -cp org-jcolumbus.jar;org-jcolumbus-schema.jar;lib/antlr.jar org.jcolumbus.tool.BuildModel -tasks "+src_dir+" -jsi "+SelProj.getLocation()+"/result/temp/"+SelPro...

Eclipse: Within a plug-in, how to access another plug-ins preference store?

I have an Eclipse plug-in with a checkbox in the plug-in's preference page. This checkbox is used for enabling and disabling an editor, which is being launched from this plug-in. However, the problem is, I would also like to be able to enable and disable this 'editor-launch' from another plug-in, by having actions which change the value...

Eclipse – ASP classic plugin

Where can I find an Eclipse plugin for ASP classic? ...

How to get eclipse to recognize preprocessor statements?

I've managed to get the IDE to compile the java project correctly by modifying the config.ini, but the IDE itself is still showing errors concerning the processor statements: //#ifdef VER_X public class Video extends FirstCanvas { //#else public class Video extends SecondCanvas { //#endif ... Is there a setting or a plug-in that would...

Plugin configuration in Eclipse

I'm investigating the use of Eclipse as a platform and I am trying to figure out how a plugin provides configuration. For example, say I have a plugin to display a user defined message. Further, I want that user defined message to be configured by the user. What is the standard way for the user to edit this message in the platform? Is th...

Diff tool that can compare sub-sections of files

I'm looking for a diff tool that will allow me to compare just a sub-section of a file with a section of another file, or even of itself. Preferably eclipse based but will take all suggestions. Yes I know I can copy out the two sections into different files and compare those, but that is very tedious when you are trying to do a large am...

Is there a way to extract a class with methods in eclipse?

I am trying to refactor a class I have into 2 classes. Unfortunately eclipse's extract class function seems to only support the variables which really isn't all that helpful. Is there a way to do it that extracts the methods or Is there a plugin that does it? Thanks ...

Problem updating Eclipse Ganymede

Hi, I am predominately a .NET developer so forgive me if I am missing something obvious. I use Eclipse Ganymede (3.4.0) for Blackberry development. I have Blackberry JDE Plugin installed and would like to install 4.5.0. I try using Help -> Software Updates to get it but get the following error: "Cannot launch the Update UI. ...