
How to get line number?

Hi, I have developed a plugin to search the references of a method.I want to print out the line numbers where the method is referenced.I search for method going through IMethod class and check for a particular function reference.Now i want to print the line number.How can i do that?Help Thanks ...

How to get line number from SearchMatch object ?

hi, in my plug in after performing search, each matches are sent to acceptsearchmatch(searchmatch) function as objects of searchmatch.I want to get the line numbers where the match happened.cant use getoffset because it gives relative to source can i get the line number?help thanks ...

how can I maintain a GWT1.7.1 application if I already have the new google eclipse plugin?

I have a GWT 1.7.1 application. I recently recreated my eclipse with the new google eclipse plugin. When I try to run the hosted mode the browser tries to connect to the google browser plugin page and tries to install the IE plugin into the hosted mode browser. It seems like it is mixing the GWT2 tech with the old project. Is there a so...

Traversing through the AST node

hi, i want to find out the line number where a call is referenced using AST api in a package. How can i do that? ...

Using nameFilters for excluding a particular type of items.

In eclipse's plugin extentions we can have pop up menus applicable for particular item depending on the type we specify in the nameFilter field. But now i want it to be reversed, means I want this pop up menu not to be shown for some types of items(based on its extensions). So is it possible. Need help badly. Thanks ...

Need help with maven example

Hello all, I'm trying to learn maven ASAP as its required for my current work place. I found this great book which pretty much explains everything about maven. I'm using eclipse for java development and I installed maven eclipse plugin, in the book I mentioned above there is example(which may or may not be relevant) 4.2.1. Yahoo! Weath...

Deriving function name

hi, i want to get the simple function name from the acceptsearchmatch method.For ex- say the match occurs in a fun foo(),how can i retreive just foo from match object?help thanks ...

Plugin eclipse : How to create a web static programmatically ?

I need to create a plugin eclipse.This plugin will create a web project. I have got a wizard named CustomProjectNewWizard, it runs. But when i want to create the project, i can only generate a JS project : IJavaScriptProject jp = JavaScriptCore.create(project); JsNatureInstaller jsnatinst = new JsNatureInstaller(); jsnatinst.installNatu...

AST-based search for Eclipse

Is there a plug-in for Eclipse that lets you search based on the Java AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) of your project files? The "Java Search" feature doesn't seem to cover cases like: "Get me all the fields declared as type 'X' in all classes" I can imagine many more possibilities that would open up with an AST-based search, but I don't e...

API to get all the resources of a content type in a Eclipse project

Is there any API to get all the files of particular content type in a Eclipse project? One option is to visit all resources and collect the files of a content type. I am looking at API which takes IProject and content type id as parameters and returns IPath or IFile or IResource objects. For example get all Java files in a project. T...

Cannot use RSE (Remote System) - SSH not available only 'linux'

I am running Eclipse 3.5 and have RSE installed, however, when I try to add a site only 'linux' is available. It should have SSH among other options. How do I fix this? ...

Installing an Eclipse Plugin that you've compiled from Source?

I've successfully compiled js-test-driver plugin from source ( and I am attempting to install it on Eclipse 3.5.1 Galileo. I understand how to install a plugin from an update site; I even understand how to install a plugin from an Archive. But what is the trick to installing a plugin ...

Compiling JS-Test-Driver Plugin and Installing it on Eclipse 3.5.1 Galileo?

I downloaded the source of the js-test-driver from: It compiles just fine, but one of the unit tests fails: [junit] Tests run: 1, Failures: 1, Errors: 0, Time elapsed: 0.012 sec [junit] Test FAILED I am using: - ANT ...

SVN client integration into Eclipse

I had integrated a Subclipse plugin into the Eclipse to perform SVN related operations. I had successfully checked-in, checked-out and commited my project to the SVN. But now when I am trying to commit or update my project, it is showing the following error org.tigris.subversion.javahl.ClientException: Unsupported working copy format ...

Scripting Eclipse with Rhino: classloader belongs to the plugin providing Rhino, not the plugin using it

I am using Rhino to script an Eclipse (RCP) application. The problem is that from Javascript I only have access to classes available to the plugin that provides Rhino, and not to all the classes available to the plugin that runs the scripts. The obvious answer would be to put Rhino in the scripting plugin, but this doesn't work because ...

AST in search button of eclipse

hi, i want to know whether AST is used in the implementation of search button in eclipse..any idea ...

AST usage in search button of eclipse

hi, I want to know how AST(Abstract Syntax Tree ) is used in the search button of eclipse.Can anyone provide me the link or some info about it .Help ...

how can i get the class name ?

hi, i have an instance of IMethod type. i want to get the class name from it. How can i do that ...

Unknown Host error when attempting to connect to connect to Eclipse plugin repository

Hello, I am running Ubuntu 9.10 and I'm attempting to install a plugin for Eclipse 3.5 from a repository that my company created. This worked in the past on this linux box and also works just fine on my laptop which has Windows XP installed. The exact error message I'm getting in Eclipse is: Unknown Host: <location of repository> org...

Record editing session in eclipse

Is there any plugin that let us record the editing session in ECLIPSE? Say for example I want to learn from the best programmer how he codes in Eclipse etc, and we can replay how he does stuffs. ...