
Android Device Chooser -- device not showing up

I'm using the android plugin for eclipse, and when I try to run my program using a real device through the android device chooser, my phone is not listed as a device. I have updated eclipse and all of the android packages, but it still isn't showing up. My phone is running 1.6, which is also the target version listed in the eclipse proje...

Looking for a plug in for eclipse to draw state charts

I am using Java in eclipse, It would be wonderful if I could find a plug in which can draw state chart from a XML format. ...

TFS plugin for eclipse

Are there any TFS plugins available for the Eclipse IDE? We are trying to centralise our SCM, and since we also develop Java 2 EE applications, we would like to have TFS integration in eclipse. Which plugins are available? Which have you found most useful. I heard that Microsoft may be releasing one, does anyone know about this? I h...

How to remove and reinstall the plugin?

I installed datanucleus plugin in my eclipse .HOw to remove and reinstall the plugin . ...

Android Plugin in Eclipse 3.5 on Ubuntu 64bit got problems with properties

Hi there! I got a huge problem with the Android Development Tools ADT running in Eclipse Galileo (3.5.1) on Ubuntu 9.10, 64bit. On this platform, I do not manage to see any property edit dialogs for layout properties. E.g. the one where you can select a string resource ID for text fields, or a drawable ID for image fields or backgrounds...

Custom key actions in Eclipse

Hello ! Today I have question about Eclipse. I use this IDE very long and I think it is good, but last time I miss for some functionalities... Is it possible to set some shortcut which will do something like: Mark some text ('Hello world'), trigger shortcut (Ctrl+T) and it will do something with that text - in example adds text before...

Is there a free Eclipse plugin that creates a UML diagram out of Java classes / packages?

This seemed to me like the easiest thing to find, a simple way to display my classes as UML in eclipse But except this: and this I haven't found any new, maintained and "good" implementation (with all due respect to the above two) Anything else I've m...

Personal Plugin in Eclipse

I own a plugin for eclipse, but I want to use it at work. Is there a way to make eclipse use plugin files without it affecting other people using the same central version of Eclipse? Maybe some custom preferences? Thanks. EDIT: Started a bounty. Please specify a step-by-step solution to this, as I'm not very experienced with the inner-...

Why do you have to define dependencies twice in Eclipse RCP?

I have an Eclipse RCP plug-in project, called proj.a. I have another Eclipse RCP plug-in project, proj.b, which has a product definition file in it. This project uses depends on the proj.a plug-in. When I change proj.a, say to include JUnit tests, the dependency to JUnit is automatically added to the build path of proj.a. But when I ...

Java multiple class compositing and boiler plate reduction

We all know why Java does/should not have multiple inheritance. So this is not questioning about what has already been debated till-cows-come-home. This discusses what we would do when we wish to create a class that has the characteristics of two or more other classes. Probably, most of us would do this to "inherit" from three classes....

selectionChanged() of IActionDelegate in not getting invoked

I have an action class which I would like to enable depending on the file extension. I have written this logic in the selectionChanged() of the action class. But when I start my eclipse, and click on the file for the context menu, this method is not getting called. And when I click on any action, there after any click on the file invoke...

how can i get variable in a function?

hi, i am developing a plugin in which i search for a particular method.Now i want to display all the variable declared and used in it along with their types.How can i do that?method name is of IMethod type.Help ...

Eclipse CDT Custom Compiler Error Parsing Plugin

I'm using an uncommon C compiler with Eclipse CDT. I have a make file setup which is nice, but I'd like IDE integration with the error / warning output of my compiler. Does anybody know what steps I can take to write a plugin for parsing / supporting my compilers output? I think it should be easy but there is a barrier of entry of fig...

Unable to start XAMPP server from eclipse 3.3 in which PHP plugin is installed

I have installed PHP plugin in my Eclipse 3.3. Eclipse is installed on ubuntu 9.10. I have installed XAMPP 1.7.2 for linux version of xampp. whenever i am going to start the xampp or mysql server then following error is shown: "can't find path app sudo /opt/lampp/lampp start" while i can run xampp server from my terminal using this co...

adding/removing actions toolbar when editor has focus

I'm extending Eclipse using the Eclipse plugin infrastructure, and I've come into a problem: I created a text editor and I would like to add actions to the Eclipse toolbar when my editor is open and has focus. For example: textViewer.getTextWidget().addFocusListener(new FocusListener(){ public void focusGained(FocusEvent e) { /* add...

Custom project in Adobe Flex Builder 3?

Is it possible to create a custom project type using Adobe Flex Builder 3? I'd like to create my own custom project template that creates certain directories, sets Source Path and Library Path values, etc. so that I don't have to do it manually. I'm using the standalone version of Flex Builder, which is running on Eclipse 3.3. Thanks!...

trying to create a eclipse plugin that will call "replace with" -> "Latest from Repository"

hi, I'm new to eclipse plug-ins. I'm trying to write a plug-in that calls "replace with" -> "Latest from Repository" for a specific project every time i start my eclipse. couldn't find the class which i have to call to execute that command. any help is appreciated. ...

How to add menu entry to "Run As"?

Hi, In Plugin Developpment Environnement of Eclipse, How ca i add an menu entry to "Run As" for a specific Editor? ...

How to disable Caret Blinking?

Hi, I have created an Eclipse Editor (extends EditorPart) containing an TextViewer. I would like to disable the Caret blinking (I want an Caret allways visible)? How can i do? ...

getting variable declarations

hi, i created a parser of ASTParser type for a compilationunit. I want to use this parser to list all the variable declarations in the functions present in this particular compilationunit.Should i use ASTVisitor? if so how or is there any other way? help ...