
How can I stop an SWT composite control from firing a MouseExit event when the mouse enters a component control?

I have subclassed org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite to create a new composite control. I want to capture MouseEnter and MouseExit events in this control but the problem I have is that when the mouse is hovered over a component in the control (say, a Label) the MouseExit event is fired, even though the label is part of the whole Composite...

Can't see a menu for using wireframesketcher in Eclipse

I dont know how to use wireframesketcher in eclipse. I've installed it, and now i dont know how to use it. ...

Eclipse Java EE Plugin to edit the Deployment Descriptor

Okay, so I have been using Java EE with glassfish for a little while now. And have started to realize that my deployment descriptor is getting really cluttered up and hard to find things in it anymore. So I was wondering if anyone knows of a plugin for Eclipse that makes managing the descriptor easier, perhaps something visual? I know th...

Creating a Dynamic web project of existing code I've pulled from the repository with HgEclipse

I've installed the HgEclipse plugin, now I'm just wondering how I can create a dynamic web project out of the code I've pulled from the repository with HgEclipse? ...

Android - Eclipse setup missing Google APIs

Hi, I just finished setting up my Eclipse with the Android plug-in. (i.e Now when I do the following 1. Eclipse > Preferences > Android, I see a lot of "Target Name" like Android 1.1 - Android 2.1 However, in the book that I'm reading, I'm also supposed to see a "Target Name" called "Google ...

Eclipse standard warning/error overlay icons

I'm writing an Eclipse plug-in... In my custom label decorator, I want to overlay a warning icon, and I'd like to use the standard one used by eclipse (the little yellow triangle). How can I get an image descriptor of this icon? I tried using workbench.getSharedImages().getImageDescriptor(ISharedImages.IMG_DEC_FIELD_WARNING) since t...

Where is the JTree definition for eclipse's Project Explorer?

Hello, The JTree implementation / Renderer used in eclipse (see the navigation pane on the left side) is extremely good. I've checked out the eclipse source code and am looking through it, but can't seem to find the reference to the JTree used. Does anyone know which package contains the definition of this pane? Thanks! ...

Import Eclipse Plugin

Hey everybody, I developed an Eclipse plugin (a view) using the plugin development version of Eclipse. I exported the plugin as a jar archive and now I would like import it in another version of Eclipse, but it doesn't recognize the plugin. This is my first plugin so I might have forgotten something obvious. I searched the internet for...

How load text into JavaStackTraceConsolePage programmatically?

In my Eclipse plugin I'd like to send a Java console output (loaded from some other system) to the Java Stack Trace Console. In pseudo-code it'd be something like: get the console output from the other system obtain a reference to a JavaStackTraceConsolePage instance send the text to the console page display the console i.e. switch fro...

Eclipse Profiler Tool URL

Where can I get the url for the eclipse profilert plugin ? I want to update it directly to my eclipse rather than downloading and installing I need it for Eclipse 3.2 and Eclipse Galileo ...

How to set initial window size in Java OpenGL

Hi guys... I just built a Java OpenGL application in Eclipse... and when i was trying to export the application using EclipseP5Exporter, it requires me to initialize the window size (not viewport size, a window may contain several viewports). I already googled some solutions in the net but I can't seem to get anything useful.. I've tri...

Plugin for aptana/eclipse that saves my opened files ?

I wonder if there is a plugin that is able to save the current state of my opened windows? In my case I work at a large system, and attend several bugs in different locations, i submit a bug to test, but lots of times some adjusts must be made.. the point is I don't remember the files i changed after a few days, so It is desirable that ...

How do i remove m2eclipse from my eclipse installation?

I don't need m2eclipse to work properly, I just need to remove m2eclipse for now and let eclipse behave normally. how do i do this? ...

How to export Java OpenGL (JOGL) from Eclipse?

Hi guys, I recently built a JOGL Application using Eclipse IDE.. It works perfectly fine when i run it on Eclipse.. However I want to make a .jar file for this application so that I can put it on my website.. Unfortunately when I tried to export it, It says: JAR export finished with warnings. See details for additional information. - ...

Why no refactoring tools in PHP Eclipse? Do I need to install something?

I'm looking for the "Highlight code -> right-click -> Extract Method" type of functionality I see in Eclipse Java. Does this exist for PHP? ...

AVD is located over UNC path and cannot start.

How does one tell it where to put the AVD? by default it is creating it in my windows home directory under a .android folder. i cannot start my avd if its located over a \unc path\to\avd. our sys admins put all of your home directories on another shared server. Thanks in advance, Kirby ...

Purpose and benefits of Athena Common Build for Eclipse plugin project

What would be the purpose and/or benefits of implementing an Athena build for a private Eclipse plugin project? (using a private Hudson setup) It seems like no search results ever answer this question, and I would really like to know. Thanks in advance for your insights! ...

Using branched svn repository in Eclipse without Subversive/Subclipse

How can I use a new branch in Eclipse if I'm not using Subversive or Subclipse? Do I have to checkout the new branch and import that as a new project into Eclipse? Is there an easier way to do it, or is using Subversive or Subclipse the only reasonable way? I know there are many discussions on the pros/cons of Subversive or Subclipse ...

Use packages from plain old Java project in eclipse plugin project

I have the following setup: eclipse a standard Java project (A) an eclipse plugin project (B) How (if possible) can I use packages from A within B without first compiling a JAR file from A and adding it to B? Thanks! ...

Opening IProject properties when another (adaptable to IProject) object is selected

I have a custom view displaying a hierarchy model of the current project. The root element is of class MyProject which is my own class, but it represents one Eclipse IProject, and it's adaptable to IProject. I have a "properties" menu option in the popup menu for that view, and I'd like to open up IProject's properties when a MyProject ...