
Eclipse autosave workspace.

Is there a plugin for Eclipse which would automatically save the eclipse workspace every say 5 minutes in the background because every time eclipse crashes the entire workspace layout reverts or open files gets lost, and it is quite annoying at this point. ...

Eclipse Blackberry Preprocessor Not Working?

I've already followed the directions @ for making sure the blackberry plugin preprocessing hook is (theoretically) enabled. I'm using Eclipse 3.5.1 with Blackberry Plugin 1.1 with BB SDKs 4.7.0 and 4.6.0. I have my preprocesso...

Compile time error plugins for Php

I know that php is a scripting language like perl.python. But, is there a eclipse plugin which gives a error when a function taht is called doesn't exists. Or when a variable which is defined in the doesn't exists. There are too many careless mistakes that are happening with me in a huge project. I miss java for this. Any compile tim...

Using Maven to build an Eclipse Plugin - latest opinions

I am building a plugin for Eclipse - but as we use Maven as a standard build platform I would like to be able to build the plugin using Maven. I have found a previous question about using Maven with Eclipse Plugins - but as it is a year old I thought it was worthwhile collecting some new answers:

How can I embed Clojure in an RCP application

I am currently using javascript to add scripting to an Eclipse RCP application, but I would prefer to be able to use Clojure. However, I have run into classpath difficulties because while Eclipse can find the Clojure classes, Clojure itself can't. The plugin activator's start method: public void start(BundleContext context) throws Exce...

Launching an SWT window/process from an RCP app

Ok, I have a(n) RCP application (that I didn't write), and an application I've developed using just SWT. What I want to do is basically import and launch the main method of the SWT application with arguments, such that it runs in another window, like it's another process. The argument I want to pass is a complex data structure that I d...

Can't get Logback Eclipse plugin to display output

I followed these instructions here: I have the correct and found logback.xml, it is set up correctly, and the port is listening. Nothing shows up with logger.error("Test"); It logs to sysout fine when I remove logback.xml, which shows to me that the logback is working fine. I installed the pl...

How to change eclipse plugin's default parent-first classloader policy to child-first classloader policy?

Hi All, I want to change the behavior of eclipse's parent-first classloader policy to child-first classloader policy. The scenario would be : Plugin A has class C in dependent external jar. When the classloader of the jar looks for "META-INF" folder - it should find the META-INF folder of the jar and not the one found by its parent cl...

Eclipse plugin for CSS intellisense

Hi, in my Eclispe IDE i'd like to have intellisense for css in HTML, XHTML, JSF etc. files. Is there a good lightweight plugin besides Aptana IDE? THX ...

How do I fix JavaHL (JNI) Not available after I have changed the logon password on my Mac?

I have installed Eclipse 3.5.2 and the plugin Subversion JavaHL Native Library Adapter and this worked without any problems. However, this morning I was forced to change the password to logon to my Mac and since then I get the message that "Subversion native library not available" when I try to save any changes. Can anyone help? ...

If you install the Google Plugin for Eclipse, do you still need to download the App Engine Java SDK?

It's not clear to me if the Eclipse plugin completely replaces the need to download the SDK. ? ...

Tab not working properly in Python

Hey! I have been using NotePAD++ for editing Python scripts. I recently downloaded the PyDEV IDE (for Eclipse). The problem is that when I wrote the scripts in NotePad++ I used "TAB" for indentation, and now when I open them with PyDEV, every time I try to write a new line instead of "TABS" PyDEV inserts spaces. (even if I click the "TA...

Please tell me how to integrate blackberry and androied into the same IDE.

I am Using phoneGap as a environment to develop the code. so i need to know how to integrate blackberry and androied into the same IDE(Eclipse ). ...

Adding Tomcat Plugin to Flex Builder

Is there anyway we can add the tomcat eclipse plugin to Adobe Flex Builder 3? In other words can we add all eclipse plugins to Flex Builder also? ...

Lightweight alternatives to CDT for C++ edition in eclipse

For a few years now, I've been using Eclipse as my all-purpose file editor, regardless of the language I use (which mainly includes C++, Matlab and python, with some XML thrown in for fun). However, I recently got a new machine with more a recent Eclipse, and the wonderful Colorer plugin, which I previously used, crashes (Which is a se...

Gallery of GEF/Draw2D figures

I am new to GEF/Draw2D, I've seen some tutorials on the topic, but I am wondering if any of you have seen a gallery of all figures which are shipped together with GEF? So that one can quickly see what do they look like and what's their purpose? ...

m2eclipse not finding maven dependencies, artifacts not found

I'm using m2eclipse as my maven 2 plugin for eclipse. I'm brand new to maven, so my mistake might be simple, although searching has not yielded any solutions for me. I can run maven from the command line and it build successfully. However if I import as an existing maven project, or use mvn eclipse:eclipse and then import I get the ar...

Eclipse: Customized folding

Hi, Eclipse has built-in support for folding class/method definitions. But if/else, brackets and other blocks cannot be folded by default. I looked at the preference page, but there seems to be no rule to fold these elements. I'm wondering is it possible to define custom rules? Thanks, Bryan ...

How to install php-ide plugin for eclipse directly from Eclipse environment?

Hello, I got clean Eclipse Java-SDK. I'd like to make it suitable for developing php applications, so I need php-ide plugin (or something like that). How could I install it from Eclipse environment? Thank you ...

Eclipse, how to combine 2 editions

I'm using the PHP edition of Eclipse, but was told that I also need the JEE edition. I'd like to install them both in the same install (single launch) and not have to open 2 editions in parallel. Is there a way to easily get this done? I'm new to eclipse, so detailed instructions are welcome. ...