
Eclipse plugin that reveals the id of (workbench) parts under the mouse cursor

As far as I remember there exists an Eclipse plugin that reveals ids of workbench parts under the mouse cursor, e.g. the id of a coolbar contribution etc. Does somebody know its name? ...

Does Eclipse has a plugin for code clips like in Coda?

There is a very useful "Clips" feature in Coda, do we have such thing in Eclipse? What it does is pretty simple, you save once a code clip which you use very often and assign it a shortcut and when you want to re-use it on editor you type the shortcut you assigned and it automatically pastes that code clip and sets caret position to the...

How can two eclipse plugin use the same preferences store?

I have two plugins, say and I'd like to separate core part from UI part, so at plugin I created Preferences page where I defined some preferences, which should be used by I check article at Eclipse site, but it is quite outdated, and linked bug also do not ...

What Eclipse Plugins would give the equivalent of Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate ?

Visual Studio Ultimate can reverse source code into uml sequence diagram. Are there any eclipse plugins which can do the same for free ? ...

Plugins installed on Eclipse not visible

When I install a plugin in Eclipse everything goes well. But after restarting the new plugin is not visible. I have tried it with different plugins, but they have all the same problem. The only place where I can see them is when I look at "What is already installed?". What could be the problem? ...

How to interrupt Eclipse RCP shutdown

I have a plugin into an eclipse rcp application. I need to detect a scenario whenever a particular perspective is closed or if the application is closed and based on the outcome, I may need to cancel the closing of the app or perspective. If I had access to the application's WorkbenchAdvisor class, this would be trivial. As a plugin t...

Word/Line count tool in Eclipse

Is there any tool or plugin can do this? CodeBlock has this neat tool which is really nice. Wonder if it's available on Eclipse. Thanks. ...

eclipse plugin development

I want to develop an eclipse plugin. Which is the best way to start? ...

Eclipse Plugin: Enablement of an Action based on the current selection

I am using the org.eclipse.ui.popupMenus extension point for adding a sub-menu whose Action that is bounded to the following class: public class MyAction implements IObjectActionDelegate { private Logic logic = Logic.getInstance(); // Singleton public void setActivePart(IAction a, IWorkbenchPart targetPart) { // No...

My Perforce Eclipse Plugin works only partially

Hi all, I installed Perforce plugin version 3.4 on Eclipse Ganymede, configured my connection and workspace. My perforce perspective works just fine. However, when I work in the Java perspective, and I right-click any file in the project explorer, the "Team" context menu does not display the perforce options to check-out, sync etc. It on...

Single console in eclipse for both Server and Client

I am building a client server application using Java Sockets (in Windows XP). For that I need different consoles for both Client and Server(for Input and Output operations). But in eclipse both share a single console. Is there any plugin or some sort of cheat through which I can do this. After googling I got this, http://dev.eclipse.or...

Is there any way to run eclipse plug-in applications without fully start the eclipse platform

Consider a simple "Hello world" plug-in, how can I run it without having to fully launch the eclipse platform? ...

disabling MercurialEclipse

How do I disable MercurialEclipse? I don't really use it anymore and it causes startup delays, but I can't find any option to turn it off. (note: this is Eclipse 3.4.2) ...

The method split(String) is undefined for the type String

I am using Pulse - the Plugin Manager for Eclipse and installed. I have the Eclipse 3.5 for mobile development(Pulsar) profile with a couple other profiles. I realized that the split() method called on a string from code such as below: String data = "one, two, three, four"; data.split(","); generates the error: "The method split(Stri...

How To Export to JNLP in Eclipse

I watched today as someone painlessly exported a NetBeans java project to a JNLP file and HTML file that he could just copy to his web server. I, for whatever reason, have found making JNLPs someone challenging, and would love if I could do the same in Eclipse, but I can't seem to find such a function or a plugin which does this. The o...

Eclipse plugin using actionset which will prompt a window for selection,how to do??

*In eclipse plugin using actionSet Here blue icon for some code(using actionset) ,when i click on that it should prompt a window(some popup) which contains two or more link like web links, when i click 1st link it should perform the 1st action and window should disappear so on...Can anyone help me in this how to do that??? See the pic...

Eclipse plugin for code review.

I would like to know which Eclipse plugin do you think is best for doing code reviews? Thanks. ...

Problems with eclipse-plugin dependencies.

I write eclipse-plugins. I finished one plugin yesterday and it works with Run As Eclipse Application. I build a feature and an updateSite but when I try to install the plugin from the updateSite i get an error : Cannot complete the request. See the details. Cannot find a solution satisfying the following requirements org.eclipse....

Anyone who actually got Tycho to work?

I'm trying to get Tycho working with m2eclipse. Problem is that all I find are outdated sites and old versions to download. I've found my way to and downloaded the source. Problem is that the guide at isn't of much help. When trying to build I...

Image gets slightly erased on SWT/Windows

I have an Eclipse plugin which includes a view. The view has several icons in the toolbar. I'm experiencing a very strange problem: on Windows, in some occasions (after prolonged use), one of the icons gets slightly erased. This does not happen on other platforms. This looks like a memory leak or some other resource misuse, but I just ...