
Eclipse Python Integration

I found this python plugin list but thought I'd ask if anyone has any experience with anything listed there? I'm totally new to both python and dynamic programming languages if that makes any difference. ...

I just cant get to open WSDL file in Eclipse J2EE Galileo

As far as i can see, i have the option of creating web services and WSDL file in Galileo. Also, Looking here there is the Eclipse WSDL viewer : How can i open a WSDL file in Eclipse ? If i just browse and open the file, nothing happens. Someone please help, this is real...

Eclipse: Synchronizing project on Thumbdrive with PC

I have a thumb drive (memory stick, flash drive, etc.) on which I use for my projects when I am away from my home PC. Currently I am accessing my Eclipse project directly from my thumb drive when connected to my PC. I would like to copy my files to the PC, develop on the PC, then "synchronize" with the thumb drive (update files on th...

What call from the Android Development Tools API should I use to poll project target loading?

I'm writing my own eclipse plug-in that integrates with the Eclipse Android Development Tools (ADT). However, I'm getting a CoreException ("Project target not loaded yet.") thrown when I attempt to call on an Android project as part of a unit test: IProject project = importProject(...);

jslint eclipse plugin?

Can anyone point to a functioning JSLint plugin for eclipse (3.5)? thanks ...

progress view stop button listener

Hi! I develop an eclipse plugin and I added an eclipse progress view to it. There is an stop button on the progress view and I want to create some kind of listener to handle the events of the chancel button, but I don't know how I can do it. I know the monitor has an isChancel() method, but I have to create come kind of listener to list...

how to open jar selection dialog at the eclipse pulgin code...

Hi all. At Project > Properties > Java Build Path > Libraries tab you click Add Jars button, you will see the JAR Selection dialog. I like to open this JAR Selection dialog on my plugin code. How to open this? ...

Blackberry SDK 4.2.1 not available in Eclipse Plug-in 1.1

Hi there, I need to develop an application for Blackberry Java SDK 4.2.1 and above. I'm currently under Eclipse Classic 3.5, and I have installed the BlackBerry Java Plug-in for Eclipse v1.1, with all the Blackberry Java SDK available, versions 4.5 to 5.0. Unfortunately, there isn't any SDK available under 4.5. Is anyone know how to solv...

Is there a way to replace the Eclipse JDT's code completion list with a multi-level tree?

I know that the eclipse code completion widget can be customized to add new suggestions and even to change the order. I'm wondering whether there's a way to replace the current list format (or single-level tree, if this is a tree control) with a tree of multiple levels. Thus, for example, instead of selecting from a list of methods so...

Eclipse JUnit Plugin Test very slow to re-execute Test Suite on Windows

I'm having an odd, and stressing, problem with running a large JUnit Plugin test suite in Eclipse. When I try to re-run a JUnit plugin suite that has just been executed, Eclipse hangs for quite some time before it eventually wakes up and launches. It can take up to 5 minutes sometimes, and increases with the size of the suite. Visually, ...

checkstyle: disable ++ warning

I recently installed the checkstyle addon for eclipse, while it does help me make some parts of my code clearer, there are some stupid rules. I've been capable of disabling most of those besides the using ++ is not allowed rule. Does anyone have any idea how I can disable that one? ...

How to add a pulldown button in a view's toolbar?

I need to add a pulldown button to a view's toolbar in an Eclipse plugin. Actually buttons in the toolbar are added like that : <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.viewActions"> <viewContribution id="..." targetId="$MyViewId$"> <action id="..." toolbarPath="action1" class="Class extending Action and implement...

Create Batch File From Eclipse Project

How can I create a runtime package of some sort -- an all-in-one jar with the Main class specified, a Mac .app, or similar -- from an Eclipse Java project? I would like to get all the required jars and so forth without having to make the batch file myself. ...

Scala Eclipse IDE suddenly ignoring breakpoints

I've been using Scala 2.8RC1 and Scala Eclipse plugin for 2.8 RC1 happily for a few days. However, last night after adding a couple jar files to my environment (apache http client jars) the debugger just stopped stopping at breakpoints in scala code. Java code stops fine at breakpoints. I tried creating a new mimimal scala app breakp...

Internationalized strings in Eclipse plugin.xml file are not found when installed in Eclipse application

Hi, I have created 2 plugins, implementing an ODA driver plugin and its UI plugin for the BIRT extension to Eclipse. My plugins both work as expected when eclipse starts up another eclipse application where I can then test the plugins I am developing. However, when I install my plugins into an Eclipse application and then start it from...

Why does headless PDE Build omit directories I've specified in's bin.includes?

One of my Eclipse plug-ins (OSGi bundles) is supposed to contain a directory (Database Elements) of .sql files. My shows: bin.includes = META-INF/,\ .,\ Database Elements/ (...which looks right to me.) When I build and run from within my interactive Eclipse IDE, everything works fine: calls to ...

Error when installing plugin in Eclipse

When I try to install a plugin in Eclipse I get these error messages Registry event dispatcher Error notifying registry change listener. Error notifying registry change listener. Invalid registry object Error notifying registry change listener. Invalid registry object Error notifying registry change listener. Invalid registry objec...

Schema missing from eclipse plugin environment

I am getting this in my plugin perspective. I get a generic menu istead of specific items e.g. action, etc. My "Preferences / Plugin development / Target platform" looks like : When I go to edit it looks like : ...

Activating Eclipse Django Editor on OS X

I installed a plugin for Eclipse called Django Editor. I can't figure out how to use it. The editor is not in my list of editors so I cannot do "Open with Django Editor" on a file nor associate a file extension with it. It appears nowhere in my preferences. How can I activate this editor? I am running Mac OS X 10.5.8 and Eclipse 3.5...

sudo port install arm-elf-gcc3 fails with "No defined site for tag: gcc…"

Am trying to get the ARM plugin for Eclipse ( going on iMac i7, OS 10.6.3, Xcode 3.2.2 (don't want to upgrade during my project). The plugin needs (IIRC) arm-elf-gcc3, which needs darwinports for "easy" install. Of course, probably due to leftovers when I moved from old MacBook to iMac, Darw...