
How do I debug the Eclipse Plugin error "Plugin was unable to load class"?

It is trying to load my TabGroup from the Debug Dialog but I get the error that it is unable to load my tab group class. In the "details" of the error all it says is: "org/eclipse/debug/ui/AbstractLaunchConfigurationTabGroup" Which is the class that my TabGroup extends. ...

Whats the quickest way to find a file in Zend Studio for Eclipse?

I want to be able to find files quickly in Zend Studio for Eclipse without routing through a tree view of dozens of folders and hundreds of files. What I'm really after is something that filters file names as I type. Think spotlight on Mac, or the filter on the start menu in Vista. ...

java eclipse-plugin : menuitems appear in windows but not on linux

I am extending the tools menu with my own action cmds using the below line in the plugin.xml ... <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.menus"> <menuContribution locationURI=""> <menu id="geditorToolsMenu" label="T&amp;ools" ...

Eclipse Plugin Dev: How to use new Rich Text Hovers (since 3.4)

I've implemented plain text hovers in my plugin with ITextHover. And now I want to use new eclipse 3.4 feature - Rich text hovers with text styles, images and actions.But I can't find articles/examples about it. What interfaces should I use and where? I found ITextHoverExtension2 interface, but can't find how to create hover objects (wha...

Grails Eclipse plugin

Hi, I've seen various posts on SO criticising the Eclipse Grails plugin, and am wondering if anyone has found a way to work productively with Grails within Eclipse? I had a look at the Grails plugin page, and the information there doesn't look very promising, particularly the conflicting advice regarding the 'Disable Groovy Compiler Ge...

Extending Eclipse's JavaEditor (to act like Vim/change KeyListener)

Introduction a.k.a. what do I intend to do feel free to skip this part, no real information is comprised in here Because of the lack of a good, free (as in speech) vim-Mode for the otherwise excellent JavaEditor in Eclipse(3.4), I'm thinking about writing one. The available solutions are: ViPlugin: commercial and not good (e.g. no vi...

Eclipse RCP - How to open Launch Configuration dialog

How to open Launch Configuration dialog (like when press mouse_right on project - run as - run configurations) in RCP app via command? or any other way, but command preferred. ...

Can an extra plugin directory be specified on command line

With Eclipse 3.4, is it possible to provide an ADDITIONAL plugin directory from command line? Something like: eclipse -plugin_dir D:/myproduct/V1.1/plugins -clean This is just to save copying of plugins everytime. While copying can be done with script, it's possible that user may not have write permissions to system install eclips...

Is there a ctrl-click through to resource bundles in Eclipse?

If I have a Java source file open in Eclipse I want to be able to click on a resource bundle key to open the resource bundle at the associated line for editing. For example if I had a bundle key1=Value One key2=Value Two And a source file: ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("Bundle", Locale.ENGLISH...

Eclipse RCP: ClassNotFoundException or How to make other bundle load my class.

details: I'm trying to use Jalapeno framework to connect my RCP app with Cache' database. After connection established, I'm trying to get all data from table exactly like in Jalapeno manual: if (objManager==null) return; DBClass cortege = null; try { Iterator terms = objManager.openByQuery(DBClass.class, null, null); System.out.println(...

Getting Bundle [] in Eclipse of all the bundles

I am writing an application that uses Equinox as my OSGi framework. I am trying to discover all of the bundles that are known at the time that my bundle is registered. I attempted to use the following line to retrieve all of the available bundles. However, EclipseStarter.getSystemBundleContext().getBundles(); gives me a warning of....

eclipse probleam installing more plugins

i am getting this error Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the operation. org.eclipse.core.runtime.AssertionFailException and in the detail window Unexpected error encountered while preparing for the operation. null argument: when i am try to update from this site

Eclipse Extensions and Declarative Services

I'm a little confused on the approach to extensions/services in the Eclipse architecture. There are two options available to a developer: The use of Eclipse plugin extensions - The use of declarative services - ...

Eclipse JavaEditor extension: How to add a properly indented line?

What is needed? We are writing an extension to eclipse's JavaEditor. We need a way to add a line before and after the line the cursor is in. The cursor on the new line should be on the correct position (correctly indeted). Sample (# is the cursor): before (I): public class Test { public static void main#(String[] args) { ...

How do I configure Eclipse to launch a browser when Run or Debug is selected using Pydev plugin.

I'm learning Python and Django using the Eclipse Pydev plugin. I want the internal or external browser to launch or refresh with the URL http:/ when I press Run or Debug. I've seen it done with the PHP plugins but not Pydev. ...

OSGi plugin won't start in tomcat.

I have an OSGi plugin with an activator that I am requesting to start under my tomcat jsf project. Based on: and some other docs, I have placed this structure under my WEB-INF directory to start the equinox implementation of osgi. I have been able to access plugins directly, but n...

Eclipse Faceted Plugin Project: Facet version not detected correctly

It appears for some reason that the facet version is not detected correctly for library providers. I have the following extension points in open source Galileo (All they do is enable different sets of JSF downloadable libs to appear (for JSF 1.1 and 1.2)): <!-- JSF 1.2 downloadable library provider --> <extension point="org.eclipse...

How to define suppressions-definitions for checkstyle, that work with both ant and eclipse.

I use in a project checkstyle and I have defined a SuppressionFilter in my checkstyle-configuration. I use Apache ant to make automatic builds via Continuous Integration. My problems comes from the following situation: I don't want to fill to much files into the project-basedir, so the checkstyle.xml and the suppressions.xml are both in...

Anyone got LunarEclipse to work with Eclipse 3.4.1?

I spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to get LunarEclipse to work with Eclipse 3.4.1 and DLTK 1.0 I looked at some bug reports at their sourceforge project page and they said that their 1.2.9 version was supposed to work with DLTK1.0. Problem being they hadn't actually released the 1.2.9 yet. You could get it at their SVN repositor...

Eclipse + Turn an Existing Project into a JPA Project

Is there a way to turn a normal Eclipse Project into a JPA Project? I have a normal project with Entities in it and a Persistence.xml file, but it is not an eclipse recognized JPA project. What can I do? ...