
Eclipse: Nested Editor Tabs?

Is anyone aware of any method (or external plugin) that would allow for nested editor tabs? It would be nice to be able to group related open files into their own "master" tabs, but I'm not sure if this is even possible. Any ideas? ...

How best to maintain an Eclipse RCP plugin target?

I have a plugin for an RCP app that uses BIRT. I have a target for building my app which contains only the plugins/features that are required. I recently updated the BIRT plugin versions in my IDE, which created an incompatibility in the design files with previous versions of BIRT. I have the old version of BIRT in my target and need to ...

Eclipse: Accessing a editor template from plugin code

Let's say I have a editor template (which inserts some arbitrary snippet of code) defined in my editor preferences. I'd like to access that template programmatically. How do I do this? I know the classes TemplateStore, TemplatePreferencesPage, and TemplatePersistentData exist, but I haven't been able to put them together into anything...

How do I get the workbench window to open a modal dialog in an Eclipse based project?

In order to open a modal dialog, you need to pass a parent window, and pass the necessary flags for the dialog to be modal of course. Depending on where you are in the eclipse infrastructure, finding this parent window is not always easy. How can the parent window be accessed? ...

How to write eclipse rcp applications with scala?

The Scala Eclipse plugin page says: * Support for Eclipse plugin and OSGi development including hyperlinking to Scala source from plugin.xml and manifest files. How does this support work? There's no wizards for making Scala plugins. I've found no documentation on how to use Scala in a Eclipse plugin/RCP application. Is it even possible...

Eclipse editor plugin: "ERROR" when opening file outside project

I'm developing an editor plugin for eclipse. It works fine on files within eclipse projects, but when an external file is opened via the "File -> Open File" menu (which works file with, e.g. Java files), I get a page displaying nothing but a horizontal blue line and the word "ERROR". The Error Log of eclipse is empty, as is the log file ...

TableViewer - how to reveal() and item *and* select it?

I have thus far built an Editor and a Viewer that both work on the same sort of database resource. I'm trying to implement the sort of behaviour seen in the JDT: where selecting a files editor selects the same file in the Package Explorer. I have ground to a halt on interaction with the TableView. Can anyone tell me how I can 1) iterat...

Call hierarchy of in Eclipse

I tend to use eclipse's "Open Call Hierarchy" function a lot, to trace where method calls are going in larger Java projects. I get irritated by Threads, as the call hierarchy shows the callers of the method as various internal Java threading functions, rather than the Thread.start() call which effectively led to the thread b...

Use Bundle-NativeCode on Linux does not work

Hi, i creat a plugin wich includes the folder structure src native/so/ META-INF/MANIFEST.MF The manifest include the command Manifest-Version: 1.0 Bundle-ManifestVersion: 2 Bundle-Name: Commands Plug-in Bundle-SymbolicName: de.system.commands;singleton:=true Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: de.system.comm...

The best way to clean your plugins out of eclipse 3.2

Since the configuration manager and update manager for eclipse 3.2 is devoid of nice options for REMOVING or DELETING all my plugins it can be cumbersome to deal with needing to get your plugins in order. Just getting your dependencies worked out can be a nightmare when you have installed one version too high than you needed depending on...

Eclipse Ganymede - Integeration with Tomcat 6 (without the whole WTP)

Hi! If I start with a Eclipse IDE for Java Developers (85 MB) (Ganymede) installation. What plug ins do I need to install to be a able to: See the Server tab and being able to add my Tomcat 6 installation. Be able to create a Dynamic Web Project which I may connect to my server. I want to be able to start and stop the server. See the s...

Limiting contributed extension point data between eclipse plugins

I have 2 eclipse plugins that I am building; let's call them plugin A and plugin B... Plugin A requires a license to run and Plugin B is free to the world. I have created an extension point in Plugin B to which Plugin A contributes (and in some cases overrides) data. I would like to find a way to disregard that data in plugin B if plugi...

Can Eclipse PDT automatically add PHPDoc Blocks to code where needed?

I know most of the java development tools for Eclipse will have a short-cut script for adding in JavaDoc blocks for needed elements (including the page-level). Further, I know that PDT will allow you to "Generate Element Comment" for many things through the Source menu. Is there an Eclipse plug-in out there (or perhaps it exists standa...

Layout problems by FieldEditorPreferencePage

Hello, I have following problems with layout settings in the FieldEditorPreferencePage. My code is something like that: public void createFieldEditors () { Group pv = new group(getfieldEditorParent(), SWT.SHADOW_OUT); Group of = new group(getfieldEditorParent(), SWT.SHADOW_OUT); pv.setText(“pv”); of.setText(“of”...

Why can't I search maven projects in eclipse

I'm using the m2Eclipse plugin ( to handle maven modules in eclipse. After enabling a project for dependency management and for nested modules, I can no longer do a 'File Search' over the project. The search finishes instantly with the search window display "0 matches in empty scope". Any ideas how I can...

Eclipse Webflow IDE

I tried using the Spring IDE plugin (webflow) for Eclipse. It hangs on me. Anytime I Spring-enable a project, and open a flow definition file, Eclipse crawls to a halt. Each operation (read click) takes ages. My eclipse projects is a Maven project and I've Maven-enabled it using a Maven plugin for eclipse. I'm not sure if the Maven plug...

How do I update an Eclipse template variable on the fly?

I've added the following new Eclipse template via extension point. It simply adds a template for a sample testTag tag. <!-- Add code template --> <extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editors.templates"> <template autoinsert="true" contextTypeId="html_tag" description="[Description] Template populated by Snippet ...

Error when updating eclipse

I click update in eclipse and i get error, its because i updated eclipse more than once. Is there any way to fix eclipse and have ability to use update? An error occurred while collecting items to be installed No repository found containing: org.eclipse.jem/osgi.bundle/2.0.202.v200810282000 No repository found containing: org.eclip...

Which BugTracker have image upload/attached using Eclipse IDE?

I've tryed mylyn but i cant find that feature, if anyone have test mantis or bugzilla, please tell me if one of those have that option. Thanks! have to attach code source and show task and assign it to developers. ...

Preferred ruby plugin for Eclipse?

RDT seems to be the preferred ruby plugin for adding ruby language support to Eclipse. However, I see that the main developer on that project has joined Aptana RadRails. Does this mean that project is no longer up-to-date for Ruby in Eclipse. If so, which plugin is the preferred choice these days? ...