Hi, I am trying to add badges to the icons in my android app. e.g. in the facebook app(for iPhone), in the home page the number of pending requests is shown on the requests icon.
Can someone provide any links/ideas on how to do this?
I have a class with the following code:
Process process = null;
try {
process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("gs -version");
} catch (Exception e1) {
} finally {
I can run "gs -version" on my command line and get:
GPL Ghostscript 8.71 (201...
when I want to start CVS repository explorer, it cannot connect to the server.
I entered something like "a.b.com" as "host" and "/c/d" as repository path. I entered my username and password and "module" name correctly. Does anybody know what the problem is?
Thank you so much.
shadi :)
how do I start to develop a plugin for Eclipse? I need a tool which isn't out there yet for my further development... so my main concerns are:
-How to add a perspective?
-How to add menu items?
-How to add a view into the "Show Views" menu?
-How to add to the preference pane?
-How do I get information, like
* where is the work...
I dislike the default Javadocs generated for me when I create a Class or methods, especially the @author variable, which is the current system username on my windows box.
I would like to change it. Is this possible?
Just a quick question:
I'm using a lots of tabs in Eclipse and I wonder if there is a way to have them sorted alphabetically. Is there a settings I'm missing for years or a plugin that I'm unaware of?
Seems that even after unchecking the option in the PyDev/Debug preferenecs pane to launch in the background, once it's launched I have to go to task manager to kill the python process.
I am new to Java (and Eclipse) but I have used .NET (and Visual Studio) a fair amount. I also know about compiling C/C++ code and things like that. I know that at the end I get either an EXE or a nice binary file that can be run from the command line.
I have been making a Java utility that uses some external libraries. I need to compile...
I am running a basic script that sets up the django environment by itself, to enable me to test the ORM features of django without having to implement web pages. The script then imports one of the types defined in my models. This error doesn't happen when I run this script from iPython, only from eclipse. Simply doing this import causes ...
When writing code in an Eclipse project, I'm usually quite messy and undisciplined in how I create and organize my classes, at least in the early hacky and experimental stages. In particular, I create more than one class with a main method for testing different ideas that share most of the same classes.
If I come up with something like ...
Here are the ways the Eclipse documentation states you can navigate the Content Assist list:
You can use the mouse or the keyboard
(Up Arrow, Down Arrow, Page Up, Page
Down, Home, End, Enter) to navigate
and select lines in the list.
But all of the options require you to move your hands significantly away from their natural p...
Eclipse Vaadin plugin has cool autobuild feature. Just clicking "restart application" in debug console will bring up to date application version to live.
Unfortunately importing maven generated vaadin project(using m2e) and copy-pasting .project buildCommands and natures from vaadin eclipse plugin generated project does not works.
Like this:
the "open project" item's color is grey.
In the Android AVD manager (or a new project for that matter), it will give two options for the same API level.
For example, for Level 7 (2.1) it will show "Google APIs - Level 7" and "Android 2.1 - Level 7" in the selection drop down.
What, if any, is the actual difference between these two and why would I want one over the other?
I would like to use GDB to step though the C++ code that makes up the php.so Apache extension. I want to see what PHP is doing while it's running a PHP application. Preferably I would use an IDE like Netbeans or Eclipse on a LAMP system.
Could you please post your experience with any existing open source flex plugins for eclipse ? (anything other than flex builder).
When in incremental search mode in Eclipse, is there a way to select the rest of the word?
For example, suppose I want to find the word “handleReservationGranted”. I type Ctrl-f to enter incremental search mode, and start typing the letters “han”. Now suppose I have found the beginning of “handleReservationGranted”. In my search box I h...
Can you do loops in code templates, e.g I want to print all the fields in a class. Is there a template for that?
In my war is a huge javadoc folder. There is no point in validating it since javadocs are produced by Sun(Oracle) javadoc utility. I have forgotten how I did it the last time. I need to tell Eclipse build not to validate that particular folder.
Reasons why I need it:
1. the html produced by Sun javadoc generation utility does not meet t...
Does Project Lombok offer any benefit compared to code templates / code generation in Eclipse? Are there any downsides (apart from including the .jar)?.