
Making a video editor application in Flash

I'm wanting to build a project, it's an online video creation software in Flash so people could upload some music, choose videos from a library, edit the whole thing and export and download a movie in the end. I've seen websites like www.Animoto.com close to what I want to do but I can't find how it's made and I'd like to make it a littl...

Ide/Editor with split ability, C++ highlighting,

I would like a C++ editor/IDE with the following features -Runs under Linux -Split Windows -Separate buffer selection for each subwindow -Highlighting -Auto indentation -Code completion -Session saving -Multiple simultaneous sessions -Multiple windows -Friendly to custom Makefiles -Built-in terminal emulator I use Jedit like this: htt...

How to get from an EditPart to its Editor in Eclipse? (Eclipse plug-in development)

I am writing an eclipse plug-in that extends editor. Inside the editor I put some EditParts. From some of these edit parts I need a reference to their encapsulating editor (so that for example, when clicking an instance of MyEditPart, I want to programmatically close the editor). Please advise on the API to get from an EditPart insta...

How do I modify my code to collect form input from a popup and insert it into a textarea at cursor location on original page using JavaScript?

The JavaScript shown below inserts form input into a textarea at the current cursor position. The textarea id=mbentry. This works if all code is on the same page. I want to have a hypertext link on page1.php open a little popup window (page2.php for example) so the user can enter text in the popup, close the window and have the input fr...

Visual Studio 2008 - Where is the setting to switch on /off XML auto-comments?

As the title says, my XML auto-comment feature (/// or ''') has stopped working! Spent half an hour trying to find it in Tools/Options/Environment, Googled it, rebooted, etc still no luck :-( Anyone knows where it is please? ...

Cutting edge online WYSIWYG editor wanted

What is the most efficient WYSIWYG editor that can be used on a blog? I'm looking for something like the one in Gmail, but I'm really annoyed that sometimes the cursor gets stuck in some invisible wrapper div tag or after selecting and deleting a part of text the cursor jumps to then end of the whole block. The ideal editor doesn't hav...

textmate move cursor without using the arrow keys

I'm in an ergonomic sort of mood, and realizing that I waste many precious milliseconds by lifting my hands up from the letter keys over to the arrow keys in order to move my cursor. Is there a handy alterate way to move the cursor I can access in Textmate? Generally, I'm looking for ways to keep my head up more while programming. I'd l...

Rich text editor?

I need to create a WYSIWYG editor similar to CKEditor - http://ckeditor.com/ What would be the best way to go around doing this? Just looking for any tips or advice you might have! ...

How can I prevent Visual Studio editor from automatically horizontally scrolling when a breakpoint is hit

In Visual Basic (I've seen this in 2005 and 2008) when you hit a breakpoint or single step and the code on this line stretches past the end of the screen, the window automatically scrolls right so that as much of the line is visible as possible. I can see why this might be useful, but I find it a little distracting as the screen appears ...

Strip HTML style attributes in dijit.Editor (onPaste)

Is there anyway to make the dijit.Editor strip HTML style="" attributes from pasted content? If I copy text from another site, it copies it's font-size, color, etc and puts it into span tags. I would prefer to only strip styles when pasting. I already have a tried-and-tested regex to replace the content, but I don't know how to hook i...

Eclipse Ganymede javascript editor uses huge memory

Hi, I am new to here, but I wish someone can help me resolve the problem: version: 3.5 OS: Win 7 64bit JVM 1.6 I am using the javascript editor to write some code using YUI package, and seems it uses extremely huge amount of memory. Even when I put the mouse cursor on a variable, it will put up about 100M, so it runs to 1G very soon.....

Detect if text is bold

I'm trying to make a WYSIWYG editor, and so far I have it so you can select text and click 'Make Bold' to make the selected text bold. It literally just wraps < b> (no space) tags around the selected text. But my problem is that if I want to un-bold that, my script has some trouble... So far, here is my script: <script language="java...

Built-custom editor with custom intellisense popups and syntax highlight

Hi Do you know any resources how to built custom editor with custom intellisense popups and syntax highlight? I'm searching the one similar to SciTE. Thanks. ...

how to set content of a speicific node inside tinymce ?

I want to set content of an element to the first node of the tiny mce. I can retrieve the id of this node, but don't know how to set content inside it. Help Appreciated. Thanks in advance. ...

Is It Possible to Comment Out HTML Code in a Wordpress Post?

Sometimes I need to inject some raw HTML code into a Wordpress post, and sometimes I need to comment out a chunk of that code.! With a plain text editor, I can just use <!-- Comment --> around the chunk I want to hide. But when I try this in a WP post, it does hide the code but I still see the "closing comment tag" -->. What's the r...

Building Content in Winform XNA

I have successfully been able to build content into my winform using Winform Series 1 and Winform Series 2 but my question is, how do you get the content to be loaded back into the editor the next time you open it. The content, .xnb, file is currently being saved to a temp folder. Is there anyway to have the content be loaded back into t...

Can someone point me to a good Vi (or Vim) app for windows?

Hi all, I've been inspired by yehuda katz ( http://yehudakatz.com/2010/07/29/everyone-who-tried-to-convince-me-to-use-vim-was-wrong/ ) to start using Vi (or vim) as opposed to my current tool of choice, Notepad++. I had a look on the vim.org site but couldn't find any recent windows vim app, am i looking in the wrong place or something...

Joe's own editor config file

I hope this is the right place to post this question. I'm having trouble changing the tab size in joe. I have copied 'joerc' to $HOME and have edited the -tab line to '-tab 4' but this hasnt changed the option in joe. Also the number 4 is green instead of blue when i edit joerc so i think its reading it wrong. Anyone know how to make t...

Custom text editor for Eclipse starting from a parser created with SableCC

Hello everybody! The question of today is the following: I'm developing a code generator for my department at university. It's very simple: they want to use a custom "scripting" language really human readable, parse that and then translate these instructions in Java. I used SableCC to do the trick, it was really smooth. The problem now i...

Eclipse editor show variable occurence

In Eclipse Standard Installation the editor marks all occurrences of a variable if you click on it with a cursor. e.g. Setting the cursor somewhere on the 'foo' Variables it highlights all other foo's too. public void printString(String foo){ System.out.println(foo); } Any ideas where to switch this behavior on again...