
Colemak keyboards with Emacs or VIM

Hello! I've been crossing things out on my TODO list. I've recently picked up Colemak. Next I wanted to learn Vim or Emacs. I was leaning towards Vim, however one of its benefits are sticking to the home row. With Colemak, the home row has been changed. I realize that I could remap the keys, but assigning the functionality to diffe...

Ruby and linux, prefered setup?

Mac's have TextMate as there preferred application for ruby development, but what would be the preferred application for linux? I need something where it's easy to work with multiple files, project structure and setup commands to run my ruby app or if it is one my merb app.Syntax highlighting is also a must. Now I typically use Vim, but...

What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows?

The SciTE editor comes with the Ruby installer, and it's just a generic code editor. I installed FreeRIDE but it seems a little buggy; it actually just crashed on me for no reason. :( So my question is... What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Windows? What are the best editors out there? ...

Eclipse Shortcut to Split Long Strings

I swear I've seen someone do this, but I can't find it in the various lists of shortcuts. Given: String s = "A very long ............................ String"; Is there an Eclipse shortcut to turn it into: String s = "A very long ............................ " + "String"; ...

Clojure editor/IDE recommendations on Mac OS X

I am starting to learn the Clojure programming language. Are there any recommendations for Clojure editors/IDEs on Mac OS X? Update 2009-09-23: The Clojure space has changed tremendously since I originally posted this question. Many of the links below, especially those that refer to clojure-mode with Emacs, are out-of-date. The best Clo...

What is the command to match brackets in Emacs?

Hi, What is the command to match brackets in Emacs (the equivalent of the '%' command in vim)? ...

What IDE / Editor do you use for Ruby on Linux?

I've been using vim, but after reading this question was wondering what is being used in the linux world. ...

Visual Studio Editor does not underline errors anymore

My Visual Studio (2008) Editor has stopped to underline Errors (this nifty wavy red lines). I can't really tell when, but it can be related to the installation of .Net Framework 3.5 SP 1 or the MVC Beta (which I guess is unlikely). Furthermore have I installed and uninstalled both CodeRush and Resharper for evaluation purposes (decided n...

Looking for a simple HTML text editor for Windows

I'm looking for a simple free/cheap Windows text editor for a family member learning HTML. Ideally it would be as simple and non-intimidating as possible. Basically Notepad with code highlighting. Any help would be much appreciated! ...

How do I force keywords to automatically capitalize in the VIM editor?

Does anybody know how to edit a syntax file for VIM so that keywords are capitalized automatically? I need to do this to keep my coding style consistent with the rest of the developers in my team. I'm using VIm version 7.2 (actually gVIM) and the syntax file I'm using is the Progress.vim file (installed automatically with VIM under the ...

How get VS HTML editor to default to single quotes?

Autocompletion in the Visual Studio HTML editor inserts double quotes (e.g. <input type="text"). Does anyone know if there's a setting that will change the default to automatically insert single quotes (e.g. <input type='text')? thanks, Michael ...

Using Emacs to recursively find and replace in text files not already open

As a follow-up to my question at http://stackoverflow.com/questions/269812/how-to-quickly-get-started-at-using-and-learning-emacs It's trying to find out how to do something like this which should be easy, that especially stops me from getting more used to using Emacs and instead starting up the editor I'm already familiar with. I use ...

Mach-O binary editor for OSX?

py-macholib does not work properly on osx (using darwin ports). I have not found any other alternative. Any ideas? ...

Cross platform, multi-syntax highlighting editor

Is there an editor that is: Available for at least windows and linux Highlights multiple syntaxes in the same document. (Ala Dreamweaver) Tabbed interface All the editors I tried highlighted by file extension only which isn't fine grained enough. At the very least it needs to distinguish scripting from html, css and javascript in the...

Are there any good editors for LISP programming, other than emacs?

I'm looking for an alternative, since I find emacs difficult to use. I'd rather use an editor that supports all the usual shortcuts I'm used to, such as arrow keys to move the cursor around, CTRL+SHIFT+RightArrow to select the next word, etc. Basically, I don't want to have to relearn all my familiar shortcuts just so I can use emacs. ...

What's the best non-WYSIWYG textarea editor?

Hi, I'm trying to find an editor (or some simple JavaScript - preferably jQuery) that will allow me to edit the contents of a textarea. I don't want it to be rich text or WYSIWYG; I just want to be able to select a bit of text, click a button/link and have some simple HTML tags that I define put either side of the highlighted text. I a...

Which are the GNU Emacs modes/extensions you can't live without?

I have been using GNU Emacs for as long as I can remember. The Emacs modes I use regularly are: Tramp Template Color-theme Python VCS SLIME Paredit Uniquify RCIRC Org Which ones do you use? ...

Can I search for PHP class members and methods with vim "star" search?

The vim * star / asterisk search (:help star) is a great feature which lets you find the next occurrence of the word the cursor is over. Unfortunately it treats dollar-prefixes as part of the string, so if I press * while over the "SearchTerm" in the class name it finds "SearchTerm" in the comment, and "$this->SearchTerm", but not "$Sear...

Hungry Backspace in Eclipse?

In some editors there exist plugins implementing a feature called "hungry backspace" or "hungry delete". If this mode is active in a text editor then one hit to the backspace key will automatically delete all whitespace chars backwards from the current cursor position up to the first non-whitespace character. For example, this feature ...

Is there a better StringCollection editor for use in PropertyGrids?

I'm making heavy use of PropertySheets in my application framework's configuration editor. I like them a lot because it's pretty easy to work with them (once you learn how) and make the editing bulletproof. One of the things that I'm storing in my configuration are Python scripts. It's possible to edit a Python script in a StringColle...