
Can a text editor be built from scratch in Javascript?

I am aware that Javascript WYSIWYG editors use the inbuilt editor mode of the browser to function, but that comes up with various problems and issues. Can an editor be built from scratch in JS, something like what Buzzword people have done with flash/flex? I came across this blog post recently and I am just wondering if this can be buil...

Web XML Editor - with XML syntax highlighting

I am trying to find a web-based XML Editor with at least syntax highlighting. Something simple in Javascript or Flash would be nice. The more lightweight, the better it would be. ...

Free Syntax Highlighting editor control in JavaScript

I need to let user to edit some code in my web-app. I want to highlight the syntax as he types. Note: I need code to be highlighted on the fly, right inside editor control. I do not need offline source highlighters. Is there some free JavaScript-based code editor which does the job? I'll need to highlight Lua syntax, but I can add it ...

Free Font Editor

For a small project I need to create a font. Is there a good free font editor available? I want to be able to start from an existing font and do some minor modifications. I welcome suggestions for any platform/OS. ...

Emacs equivalent of Vim's foldmethod = indent

Question: Does Emacs have a canonical equivalent of Vim's Folding with Foldmethod=indent? I am particularly interested in something that can work alongside any Emacs major mode and any file. The Emacs searches have not turned up a definitive answer. ...

How did the term "caret" for text insertion evolve?

Where did the term "caret" originate for a text insertion point? I've tried to google for it, but this is something difficult to locate (even my historic computer reference books don't seem to help here). I'm reasonably sure I remember some archaic Wang/mainframe apps that used a literal caret (ie: ^) as a text insertion mark, but I co...

Fast eclipse mode for PHP

Does anybody know of a fast PHP mode for eclipse? I have tried the Aptana PHP mode, and PDT, but neither can place a character in under a second, which is no way to write code. Its probably due to my editing on a network drive, but it seems silly that an editor would depend so heavily on the hard drive. ...

Has anyone ever attempted to re-imagine Vim?

Firstly, I want to state for the record that I am not attempting to be a troll, and I do not intend this question to be flamebait. I asked an earlier question in an attempt to discover what other modal editors existed besides Vi/Vim. I was fully expecting that there would be at least a couple of other general-purpose editors that were s...

Expression Web: Shortcut doesn't point to an exe file, but I want to use it to edit

Problem: I have to support users who need to edit web pages. Some of these web pages exist only as textarea controls. Fortunately, there is a firefox plugin that allows the user to open the textarea in a default text editor. Unfortunately, this plugin requires you to point to the EXE file of the text editor you want to invoke. This is a...

Komodo Edit: Running macros via keybinding versus toolbar

Question: Is anyone out there familiar enough with Komodo Edit to shed some light on this macro? I need to figure out how to do buffer text selection in a macro when it is invoked via the tool panel. Problem: I have a very simple macro in Komodo Edit javascript that works as expected, but only when invoked via a custom keybinding. If th...

Komodo Edit: How to do some of these basic Macro and Snippet operations?

I am wondering how to do (or where to find documentation) on these basic macro and snippet operations in Komodo Edit. 1) FILE/IO: write a string to a temporary file from within a komodo javascript macro 2) FILE/IO: read the content of a text file into a string within a komodo javascript macro 3) INCLUDES: cross-reference local javascr...

Can you grab or delete between parentheses in vi/vim?

Given this line of code in C: printf("%3.0f\t%6.1f\n", fahr, ((5.0/9.0) * (fahr-32))); Is there a way to delete or yank from the first bold parenthesis to its matching parenthesis? I thought about df), but that only will get you to just after the 9.0. Is there a similar way to get vim to grab everything between matching braces, re...

Generic source code browser for Windows and Linux

Hi, I am looking for a generic source code browser for Windows and Linux. The languages I use are limited to C/C++, Python and Perl. This tool must be able to show a view of classes/methods/functions in a tab or some similar user interface. It would be great if it could have equivalents of the VS "Go to declaration/definition" as well...

Best Gnome alternative to UltraEdit?

As I'm switching from Windows to Ubuntu/Gnome, I'm looking for an alternative to UltraEdit. I tried a few tools, but they often lack some really useful features, such as: Syntax coloration FTP editing of files (access files on a FTP without using an external application) Character set management. Which one do you use? And what are t...

Silverlight XML editor / syntax highlighting

Hi, I am looking for a Silverlight text editor control that provides XML syntax highlighting. I found a few answers in Winforms or WPF, like here on Stackoverflow, but I didn't manage to convert them to Silverlight. The fact that Silverlight is missing System.Drawing is probably a big problem. The only text editor I found for Silverlig...

Fastest way to "jump back" to a file in TextMate?

Often, when I am reading code or debugging, I want the ability to quickly jump around files. I especially want to "go back" to where I was. I know about "Command+T", "Command+Shift+T", and, bookmarks. But, I cannot figure out a way to jump around files quickly. UPDATE: I do not think I my question was clear enough judging by two an...

missing file or assembly tinymcetextbox

Hi There I have a project I am doing some maintenance work on and have got the solution files etc and attempted to build it and have got the following error:- Error 4 Could not load file or assembly 'TinyMCETextBox' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified. This is a .net 2.0 project. Can anyone give me ...

How do I add an edit mode to jEdit?

While looking for a light-weight Scala development environment, I came upon an Scala edit mode for jEdit. I don't know how to put it to use, though. How does one put a new edit mode in jEdit? ...

Is there any extendable editor out there with vi-like modes?

I'm looking for a perfect text editor :) The "must have" list: vim-like modal editing, keybindings similar to vim emacs like extendibility - same "real" language for plugins and the editor itself, so that the extension can affect almost anything in the editor and outside... vim script is not enough, python plugin is not enough either ...

What are some of the things you hate about your favorite editor/IDE?

Similar to What are five things you hate about your favorite language? Name some things that annoy or infuriate you about your favorite editor/IDE. No bashing other editors/IDEs. It has to be your current favorite editor/IDE. ...