
How do I configure jEdit for Scala projects?

I'd like to be able to use jEdit to write, compile and test projects written in Scala. How can I configure it to do so? ...

Is there a windows utility similar to HTML Tidy for Javascript

I want to cleanup some javascript files and reformat them with nice indents, etc, Any recommendations for utilities to do this under Windows ...

What is the best way to validate/debug Mathml with free online tools?

Hi there, i have some xml with math ml inside, and i would like to find some free tools preferably online which i can use to validate and if possible even edit math ml. Anyone knows of any good tools which i can use to do this? Thanks. Edit: Does firefox 3.03 natively support MathML? I can't get some equations to show up at all. I kno...

Lightweight Portable Editors

I'm looking for free lightweight editors that can be run directly from a flash drive, without any install. I would like editors that support as many languages as possible, I have notepad++ but I don't particularly care for it. Edit: Forgot to mention I'm looking for editors for windows. ...

What is the best CSS editor available for free

Hi everyone, I am looking for a CSS editor that is decent and free to use. I looked at couple but not sure which one to use or even if there is a better one that I am missing out on. ...

What are some of the tools used to edit Python files?

I am just a beginner and want to know how to edit Python files. Which applications are used to edit Python files? Thanks for the help in advance. Related questions: Poll: Which Python IDE/editor is the best? What is the best WYSIWYG GUI editor for Python? What IDE to use for Python What IDE would you recommend for Python development? ...

What is a good Graph Editor for MacOS?

I need some sort of node-graph editor, that hopefully works on both Mac and other platforms, to generate user created node collections with properties. The graph data will then be used in a data-driven application I'm working on, so kudos if the application can save the graphs in some easy to process format. So far I was using XML with a...

Which editor would you give your mom to let her edit her own website?

I mean this quite literally. A close relative wants to create her own website for her business and asked me for help. I've offered her to set up the website, take care of domain registration and all, but I don't have the time to design the website for her. So, I want to give her a software in which she can edit the page and publish it on...

Did you get any good out of collaborative editors usage?

Hello, today I was looking for a free collaborative code editor for Mac OS X, I don't really need it but I find the idea pretty charming. So I want to know you opinion about that: is there someone in real world who is using a collaborative code editor and gets some benefits out of it? ...

How do you quit the Vi editor with single keypress?

Because honestly :wq! is just too much to type :) Please note that the question is about original Vi (say Vi which comes with FreeBSD) not Vim. ...

Visual Studio 2008, How can I set it to remove tabs when I backspace rather than spacs?

In Visual Studio 2008, it seems that when I tab on a line it inserts either 4 spaces or a tab, however - when I backspace it removes a tab as if it were 4 spaces, one space at a time.. I checked the text-editor settings in Tools.. tried both use spaces and use tabs, neither seem to work. Any ideas? Thanks in advance. Pete ...

Jython support in editors?

I've recently started writing some performance tests in The Grinder 3, and one of the first things I noticed is that PyCheckMate doesn't work because it can't find some of the imports. Which editor(s) provide the best support for Jython? ...

Is There An XSL Code Generator That Can Create XSLT By Example?

Given a source XML document and a sample of what it should look like after it is transformed, is there a code generator that could create an XSL transform to accomplish that. I am not expecting it to be perfect but, much like the code generators that can create XSD from sample XML, it would be a good starting point to then refine by han...

Best non-WYSIWYG CSS Editor?

I'm looking for a powerful CSS text editor. I have no need for WYSIWYG capabilities. Right now I'm using Vim, Aptana, and Visual Studio 2008 depending on the project, but I'm wondering if there are better solutions. Free is better. I want all the obvious features: auto-completion syntax highlighting tab/space options A few les...

What editor do you use for OpenLaszlo coding?

I'm new to developing in OpenLaszlo, and have tried Eclipse (hoping for decent code completion), but found it far too heavy for my tastes. fell back to using Textmate, but the bundle for OpenLaszlo is terribly out of date. Any suggestions? or should I just roll up my sleeves and write a new bundle for Textmate? ...

Any good tutorial for moving from eclipse to vim?

At present I am using eclipse for JAVA project. I always wanted to use VIM for my project. Is there any good resource or tutorial that can help me? ...

How do you learn proper Emacs?

I am about to learn Emacs, have been through the tutorial and borrowed the O'Reilly book on Emacs. But the question still is - how do you learn good Emacs workflow? I guess, you don't use Emacs as you'd use, for example, Vim. This question seems revelant to mine: - Where can I find a video of a professional using Emacs? ...

"Best" background color for your editor

I have a black background with white characters but I want to know if other combination (white with black characters or yellow characters or blue background like turbo pascal) work for you. Do you have any info about which combination is better for the eyes? Why the default is white with black chars? ...

Lightweight auto-completing PHP editor?

I've been using Eclipse + PDT, but it's kind of slow, especially to start. Does anyone know a "smart", lightweight editor for PHP that supports folding, auto-completion and function parameter reminders and runs on Windows? ...

How do online text editors work?

I am trying to develop an Online editor (like FCKEditor/etc) but I have no idea how they work. I know that the WYSIWYG ones have Javascript and IFrames, but how do they actually work? I'm especially curious about having a real-time preview of what's being typed into the editor. ...