
JTable with a complex editor

I have many custom editors for a JTable and it's an understatement to say that the usability, particularly in regard to editing with the keyboard, is lacking. The main reason for this is that my editors are always created with a similar (though often more complex) situation to this: @Override public Component getTableCellEditorComponen...

Changing Editor for Unix INFO Command

Currently my "info" command uses Emacs as its default editor. $ info printf Is there a way to change it into Vi/Vim? ...

Any shortcut to open file in vim?

I want to open a file in vim like in Eclipse using "Ctrl + Shift + R", I type the file name and I get the options of all the files matching that name. I know opening it normally like: tabe: <filepath> new: <filepath> edit: <filepath> The problem here is that I have to specify the whole file path in these cases. Thanks in advance. ...

Vi substitution command

Using vi, how do I substitute the current line number somewhere into the current line? For example, if the cursor is on line 10, I would like to put the number 10 somewhere on that line. ...

Vim for Word (or something like it)

Are there any rich-text editors that have Vi(m) keybindings? Specifically, something like Word where I can compose a document with colors, headings, et al. but use Vi(m) bindings to move around and compose? ...

Should I switch from vim to emacs, and if so any suggestions?

First of all, I love vim. I have been using vim for a few years now and it has changed my perceptions of what an editor is capable of. I also love modes. However I am thinking of switching and here is why: I really like Xcode and it has emacs bindings. I use Mac OS X and it has emacs functionality in all text input fields. I hate using...

How do I turn off the unlimited whitespace in IntelliJ editor?

How do I remove the ability to move the cursor after then end of line in IntelliJ? ...

Disable automatic horizontal scrolling in Eclipse?

Sometimes when I jump into source code, e.g. from search or when looking up the declaration of something, the Eclipse text editor tries to display nearby long lines by horizontal scrolling. This happens even if the item I jumped to is well within the display without scrolling. I find this rather annoying, so: Is there a way to disable t...

Is learning VIM worth the effort?

As a programmer I spend a lot of hours at the keyboard and I've been doing it for the last 12 years more or less. If there's something I've never gotten used to during all this time is these annoying and almost unconscious constant micro-interruptions I experience while coding, due to some of the most common code editing tasks. Things li...

How do you deal with situations where you can't use your preferred text editor?

I was originally going to frame this question around TextMate, which is by all accounts an amazing editor, but only available on OSX. I was curious how those who have spent time learning to use TextMate efficiently deal with the situation where they have to edit on a non-OSX platform. But it's really a more general question. How do pe...

In Eclipse plugins, is there a programmatic equivalence to the markerAnnotationSpecification extension point?

The extension point org.eclipse.ui.editors.markerAnnotationSpecification is used to change how certain user-defined text annotations appear in the editor. Is there a way to create or modify or override these programatically from a plugin? ...

Free distributable XML Editor / Validator

Hi, I am looking for a FREE XML Editor/ Validator that I can distribute as part of my product. Does anyone familiar with such tool ? Thanks, Munish ...

How can I reference the TextInput of an editable ComboBox?

I have an editable ComboBox component and I want to reference the TextInput that is shown, in order to programmatically select the Text in it. This is very straightforward on a TextInput: private function selectNameText():void { nameTextInput.selectionBeginIndex = 0; nameTextInput.selectionEndIndex = nameTextInput.text.length; ...

How can I stop IDLE from printing giant lists?

Sometimes I'll be working with, say, a list of thousands of items in IDLE, and accidently print it out to the shell. When this happens, it crashes or at least very significaly slows down IDLE. As you can imagine, this is extremely inconvenient. Is there a way to make it, rather than printing the entire thing, just give me a summarised [1...

Looking for MsPaint alternative with alpha support

In our codebase I write many things that, for testing, depends on the image Im loading have alpha. Usually, I make all my own testimages/programmers-art in MsPaint. But every time I need an image with alpha, I have to go and disturb one of our artists. (Or start the loading of GIMP and go for a coffee break.) So Im looking for alternati...

Are there any CMS editors out there which users can populate locked down HTML templates with content and submit, but in a very, very stripped down way?

Hi there, We work in email marketing, creating HTML/TEXT emails for clients. In essence we design HTML email templates for our clients. Clients then post us content (via a form) to populate these templates before we send them out. Right now we do this manually, basically cutting and pasting the content from their submitted form into t...

What's your favorite Windows text editor?

Duplicate: What are the good free programming text editors for Windows? I'm looking for a good Windows programming text editor. I want something clean and simple, but that offers flexible syntax highlighting, line numbering, a right-margin indicator, and other creature comforts. My favorites: NotePad++ Vim ...

Free Syntax Highlighting .NET Editor

I need incorporate a syntax highlighting editor control into my application. It is required that the control be free and native .NET code only so the Scintilla.NET control is not feasible. The reason for this is because it is a ClickOnce application. I would like answers that use WinForms or WPF. It doesn't have to be from the same vend...

Can you recommend a couple of really good AS3 and MXML editors for Mac?

I've just switched from Windows to Mac and need to find a few tools to replace those that were Windows-only. I'm most familiar with FlashDevelop, which I've used for years, but it is Windows only. SEPY seems to have been abandoned, FlashIDE's editor seems weak, and I don't want to purchase FDT or FlexBuilder right now. I would like an...

C++ development on linux - where do I start?

I decided to leave my windows install behind and am now running Debian as my default OS. I have always coded in Windows and specifically with Visual Studio. I am currently trying to get used to compiling my code under linux. Although I still have a lot of documentation to read, and don't expect you guys to make it too easy for me, it'd ...