
Open two instances of a file in single Visual Studio session

I have a file a xyz.cpp. I want to open two instances of a this file in Visual studio (btw I am using 2005). Why would I want to do so? I want to compare two sections of the same file side by side. I know workarounds such as 1) make a copy of the file. But the problem is that its not elegant and I dont want to make copies everytime I ...

How can I run the superscript plugin in Jedit?

The superscript plugin provides an environment to run a buffer text in different script engines. I have installed the plugin via the plugin manager -> superscript but now, when I enter in the buffer "2+2" and press "execute script" all I obtain is: bsh.util.BeanShellBSFEngine or org.apache.bsf.engines.activescript.ActiveScriptEngin...

Looking for text editor with directory treeview

If I could have a directory treeview inside of Sublime Text I'd be happy as a peach, because I haven't found a more elegant editor. Can't use TextMate because I don't have a Mac. ...

Editor visual studio 2008

I have this annoying problem. I've used some kind of key combination and now my spaces are dots my tabs are arrows etc. does anyone know how to turn this off? ...

Default built-in editors for the PropertyGrid control

I can't seem to find the answer to this anywhere. What default editors/converters are building into 3.5 Framework PropertyGrid control. Otherwise what object types can I throw at it and it be able to reliably show and edit? I've found a lot of tutorials on using custom editors (which I may do at some point). But right now in my program I...

displaying functions in c using vi

Is there a way to display all functions in a C source file using vim. This feature is available with the brief editor. And this would help me a lot. Note: This is not a programming question. ...

IntelliJ IDEA equivalent of Eclipse "Link with Editor"

In Eclipse you can check the "Link with Editor" option and whatever source file you are viewing in the current tab will be highlighted and have its package expanded in the Package Explorer view. Is there something equivalent to this in IntelliJ IDEA 8.1? I can't seem to find anything :-( ...

What ever happened to Textmate 2?

What ever happened to Textmate 2? ...

Editor with textmate snippets support ?

Hi guys, I know of etexteditor and vim/emacs. Are there any other windows editors which have textmate-like snippets support (eg. you write trigger word, press tab, it changes to something, you press tab again, and it changes to first stop, you can then enter something there and it will change on several other places according to snippe...

Best way to edit PDF's

I need to make additions and modifications to a PDF (Footnotes) What tool or tools are the best/easiest way to do it. ...

Maximum line length of your IDE / checkstyle

Duplicate of Coding standards and line length What is a sensible maximum number of characters per line of code? Line width formatting standard When writing code do you wrap text or not? Is there a valid reason for enforcing a maximum width of 80 characters in a code file, this day and age? Where to wrap a lin...

Is there a way to emulate ReSharper's "extend selection" feature in Vim?

ReSharper has a nice feature called "extend selection": by pressing CTRL+W (I think this is the default) repeatedly, you select more and more from your current caret location. First it's a word, then more and more words, a line, inner then outer block of lines (for example an if-block), then a function, etc... Basically, by pressing the...

Emacs (or conkeror) stackoverflow mode?

Have any of the heavy users put together an emacs or conkeror stackoverflow mode that they'd wish to share? It'd be REALLY nice to compose posts and replies in a text editor rather than switching to the browser. Pages could load in the background while you get coding done, etc. In terms of implementation -- I took a look at how stackov...

Does notepad++ show all hidden characters?

In notepad++ I have set "replace tab with 2 spaces". When coding in python I copy-pasted some code from the web and it appeared indented correctly. But running the code resulted in indentation errors, which I solved in the end by removing all "visible" spaces at line beginnings and inserting the same amount of spaces again. Could it be...

Is it possible to use vim with the mouse

Is it possible to use vim with the mouse? If so, how? ...

I know HTML; what web programming language should I learn now?

So far I have taught myself HTML by coding in Publisher 97 and using W3-Schools. I have picked up small amounts of CSS and PHP. What Should I learn after learning HTML? And what is the best editor for what I'm going to do?(Windows, Linux) ...

Find and Replace within selection in `vi`

How do I do a Find and Replace within a selection in vi? ...

Looking for a good WebDAV enabled windows editor

Within our company we use a proprietary template engine, which stores its templates in a MySQL database. We recently developed a WebDAV interface for this, which allows us to use standard tools to edit them, instead of a nasty <textarea>. The standard operating-system webdav clients aren't great though, so for OS/X we went with Coda, wh...

How can I invoke VIM with C-X e for long, complex, tricky commands?

I found an awesome tip here. You can "[r]apidly invoke an editor to write a long, complex, or tricky command". However, when I press the key combination above, I get Emacs open. I would like to switch it to Vim. How can I invoke Vim with C-X e? [1. Problem SOLVED by Brian Cambell] export EDITOR=vim Add to your .bashrc or appropria...

Tutorial regarding the development of a custom Eclipse editor

I wish to learn about developing an editor for Eclipse for a particular programming language. Is there a tutorial available to help me with this? It would be beneficial if it covered such topics as syntax highlighting and auto-completion. ...