
YUI Editor (RTE): Insert HTML element and place cursor inside

I have a problem. I've been trying to tackle it for a while now and I'm ready to explode. Here's my requirement: I have an external toolbar (not part of YUI) above the editor that I want to use to insert HTML tags. The user should be able to click a link on the toolbar after which a few things may happen: If there's any selected text, ...

Richtext editor for PHP - MySQL web application

I have a PHP web application inside where i need to have a rich text editor(with basic formating options) for my users to enter data in to the portal. Can any one tell me how to do this ? Will there be any change in the database saving part since i am saving data in a mysql DB Thanks in advance ...

Mockup Editor - Free tool to easily add arrows, callouts, etc

I've been using Balsamiq to create mockups. I'm using the trial version, so I have all screens in one mockup instead of multiple files. I want to send an export of these mockups to my team so they can comment on them. They need to be able to easily add arrows, callouts, text, etc. I know you can do some of that in Balsamiq, but it i...

Web development text/code editors for Windows

I'm currently using E-TextEditor. This application is trying very hard to be TextMate for Windows, but unfortunately it isn't very stable. Also, it has some serious problems opening minified files (e.g. 70 kB JavaScript files), which is unacceptable IMHO. Notepad2 has no problem at all opening these files, and seems to be very stable as...

Best text editor with custom syntax

What is the best text editor with the ability to create custom syntax? I used notepad++, but the custom syntax was a bit limited and the plugins (namely textFX) had a few bugs to satisfy me. I heard about Vim and Emacs (which one is better?), but I want a FAST editor with many features. ...

Is there any good IDE or WYSIWYG editor for graphviz?

Actually I had downloaded an GUI for graphviz (dont remember the site), which said that they had won an Apple Design Award. But that tool really only displays an *.dot file I created. That's it. It's just called "Graphviz"... I guess that there are better tools around for using the Graphviz technology. I tried this one: link text Altho...

Turn a single sed command into a reusable Textmate command

I have 7 lines of text: a b c d e f g Now I want to add characters to the end of each line, to end up with: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, I found that I can use the "sed" command and run my selection through sed using "Filter through command" in Textmate sed 's/$/,/' Now, one question remains: how do I turn this into a Textmate command t...

Isn't there a Go To Last Edit Location shortcut in XCode??

I'm rather new to XCode and I still miss so many shortcuts and features available in IntelliJ IDEA. Perhaps the biggest pain point for me is the lack of a keyboard shortcut (or even a menu action) that allows you to move through your most recent change points (points in which you modified files). In case you're familiar with IntelliJ,...

How to make textmate work well with NFS?

I use and love textmate, but over NFS there's a large delay whenever one of its windows gains focus as it rescans all open files for changes. I've looked but not found any way to disable this feature. Does anyone know of a good workaround for this? ...

What are alternatives to regexes for syntax highlighting ?

While editing this and that in Vim, I often find that its syntax highlighting (for some filetypes) has some defects. I can't remember any examples at the moment, but someone surely will. Usually, it consists of strings badly highlighted in some cases, some things with arithmetic and boolean operators and a few other small things as well....

Disabling swap files creation in vim

Hi, Is there a way to disable .swp files creation in vim? or at least create them all in one place so I can find and delete them easily. I find them especially annoying when I copy the parent directory while editing at the same time. Of course I know that I can use find -exec to find and delete them. But I want a more practical solution...

How does one go about writing a simple WYSIWYG editor in JavaScript?

In my project I need to write small WYSIWYG editor (just let users make text bold/italic/underline and maybe some more). So I wouldn't like to use monsters like tinymce or fckeditor. My question is what HTML elements and javascript functions do I need to know for it? An HTML element in which I can edit and format text is a very interesti...

Text editor for editing files over ssh

I can't find any free programmer-oriented text editor that would run on windows and would edit remote files over ssh(sfpt). Any suggestions? ...

[java] call system text editor

I have Java desktop application that works with CSV files. And i want add some functionality. At this moment i need to open selected file with default system text editor. When i run my program on Windows i have no problems, just by calling notepad.exe, but what to do with *nix systems? One way of solution is to customly set the way to pr...

Seeking good examples of Find and Replace user interfaces in text editors and IDEs

I'm working on a Windows application with an integrated text editor, like an IDE. The current Find and Replace features use the standard Windows dialogs, which are showing their age and aren't very powerful. What great examples do you know of Find and Replace functionality, in text editors or IDEs? I'm looking for inspiration for look...

Is there a decent browser-based javascript self-editor?

Is there a decent browser-based javascript self-editor? It is obvious one can make a quick js editor with a page containing a form textarea, some buttons and callbacks. I'm wondering if someone has taken that as a beginning and ran with it. The javascript to be edited could be defined in a global string or it could be a served .js T...

Are there any platform agnostic SQL query builders with syntax, logic formatting etc.?

Are there any lightweight tools that allow easy-to-read crafting of SQL independently of the main apps/utilities associated with a particular database? I lately find myself working with MySQL, Access & now MS-SQL and use Notepad++ to build queries as it provides basic syntax highlighting that helps my unfamiliar eyes, but no logic forma...

.NET Windows control for editing XML/XSL?

Apologies if this has been asked before. Had a quick search and there's nothing that answers my question 100%. I've got some XSL stored in the database which I want the user to be able to edit within my .NET Windows application. I could just stick it into a multi-line textbox but then I don't get anything like auto-indent, colour-coding...

Syntax highlighting for multiple languages in same file: StatWeave/SAS/LaTeX

I am using StatWeave to run SAS code from within LaTeX files. I would like to be able to open a file in a text editor and view the main LaTeX document with LaTeX syntax highlighting and the embedded SAS "code chunks" with SAS syntax highlighting. (The "code chunks" are real (working) code, not just for display, so I don't think the LaTeX...

Where is the class view for a code behind file in VS 2005

I can't seem to find any of my code behind files in the class view tab. I can see other classes that I have added but none of the code behind files. Is there a reason for this? I am missing a setting or something? It is quite irritating trying to navigate my way through the code all the time. I can see all the other classes just fine ju...