
Most feature-full collaborative editor for Mac OS X?

I'm looking for a collaborative editor that doesn't suck :) And that at least supports Ruby syntax highlighting. Also, a developer and I will be using this to program, so Google Docs won't work. In all reality, I just need a collaborative editor that has the concept of a project. Where both users see the folder structure of a project an...

What is a good CSS editor?

I would like to find a CSS editor that also offers code highlighting, syntax checking and code intelligence. I am currently using Notepad ++ which features code highlighting. I know that visual studio has these features, but it seems like overkill for editing CSS files. Do you know of any other good CSS editors? Preferably one that run...

What do you use to edit and develop Classic ASP

What editors and tools do you use to develop in Classic ASP. I am currently use TextPad but its not great so I am looking for alternatives. The problems that i am having with TextPad is that it seems to try to do syntax highlighting but it gets messed up which makes it hard to read. I feel like using a better tool could be more product...

simplest xml editor for non programmers

Hi I need the simplest editor with utf-8 support for editing xml files in windows; something like wordpad is perfect. It's for a non programmer, to edit existing files (up to now he used wordpad, but now that I translated the files in utf-8 encoding a lot of italian accents are obviously unreadable). Any suggestion? Thanks, this would ...

Any online xml formatter or formatter in free text editor?

Any online xml formatters? Ones that properly indent the tags. Or any free Windows text editor which has a built-in xml formatter? ...

What is a great free icon editor for windows?

I'm looking for a good icon editor for windows. Does anyone have some good recommendations? ...

Windows style text editor for .NET

Can you guys recommend a Windows style text editor control for a .net winforms application? Under $100 preferably. ...

[Java] How to open user system preffered editor for given file?

Hi, I'm trying to figure out how to open system preferred editor for given file. Say, we have a file manager, written in Java. User goes to folder and see list of files. And, for example, there are file "Icon.jpg". User double clicks on the filename and file opens in system's preferred editor (i.e. Gimp). The main issue is - how to do ...

RTF editor

Hi, I have a templates written in RTF(with some tags which are replaced by data from DB in app), but when I edit them in MS Word, Word put some invisible tags to the templates, which destruct my tags(I must open template in Notepad and edit code). Do you know some editor for RTF, which strict follows RTF specification? Thanks ...

How to prevent VS2008 from saving bookmarks?

Hi All, VS2008 automatically saves bookmarks and restores them when I reopen the document. How can I tell it to stop saving them. When I open a doc, I want it without any bookmark, as in previous versions of VS. I went twice through the whole options set but couldn't find anything related to bookmarks. TIA. ...

Editor core buffer type and syntax highlighting

I've been thinking a lot about making an editor core functionality wise compatible to vim, similar to yzis. The biggest questions are what buffer type to use. Requirement are: possibility to implement fast syntax highlighting, regex on top of it. possibility to implement multiple syntax highlightings in a single file. similar to text...

How do I run a .vbs file from within Microsoft Script Editor?

Is it possible to open Microsoft Script Editor, then from within the editor open a .vbs (VBScript) file, then run/debug it? I know I can use the command-line cscript (filename) //X to launch the file, allowing me to select Microsoft Script Editor as the debugger, but I want to do everything from within Microsoft Script Editor. I am awa...

What WYSIWYG editor does Stackoverflow use?

This is a great editor. Did you guys build it? Duplicate. ...

What's your favorite Vim customization?

What's your favorite thing about vim? I personally enjoy omnicompletion, cscope integration, and ctags all working together. ...

Image editor component for use in WPF rich client application

Do you know of a simple .NET component which can be used in a WPF client application with these features: load images from file or clipboard into canvas, scaling and moving, define canvas background color, export canvas as new image. Thx in advance, Prensen ...

Tools to manage semantic webs

I've seen a lot frameworks to create a semantic web (or rather the model below it). What tools are there to create a small semantic web or repository on the desktop, for example for personal information management. Please include information how easy these are to use for a casual user, (in contrast to someone who has worked in this area...

How to use multiple tabs when tagging to a function in Vim

I use ctags with my Vim and I rely heavily on C-] and C-T to tag back and froth between various functions in my project. But if the function is in a different file, I'd like Vim to automatically open it in a new tab instead of the current tab. If I pop my tag stack using the C-T, I'd like it go back to the original tab where I pressed b...

Editor showdown: Maintain newlines at the ends of sentences.

When editing non-WYSIWYG (LaTeX, HTML, etc) prose you probably want to have newlines at the ends of your sentences. This has several advantages: Easier to rearrange sentences. Easier to comment out sentences. Easier to spot run-on / overly long sentences. Easier to comment on sentences. For example: % The following isn't strictly ...

How to Debug Java Application using VIM/GVIM?

I asked this question previously: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/495268/any-good-tutorial-for-moving-from-eclipse-to-vim From the inputs, I started using GVIM instead of Eclipse. I added ctags to it and I am able to navigate now comfortably. Only problem left for me is "Debugging"? I tried searching for some links, and couldn't a...

Visual Studio - Why do .ASPX files take so much longer to load than .ASPX.CS files?

Hi all, This may be a stupid question, but it's something that bugs me on a regular basis, so no harm in asking here I guess. What exactly is Visual Studio doing when I open up an .ASPX file and it takes a good 4-5 seconds longer than if I was just opening the code behind file (.ASPX.CS). I've noticed this happening with VS 2003, 2005...