
What is the best language for an introductory CS class?

DUPE: What do you think is the best language to teach college students in an introductory computer science? ...

What are your learning tips?

You know, developers learn during all their life and I think that to be a better developer you should be able to learn faster than average people. So I'd like to know if you have learning tips to learn faster. For example to learn a book in one week (~1000 pages) to pass an exam certification, I worked with Visio aside and every new c...

How would you use design patterns to educate and share design experiences?

Hi all, I work in an environment where scientists and programmers work together to create and maintain scientific simulation software. The software exists for 20+ years, and shows its C/procedural programming heritage, although the intent is to improve object orientation in the design. The scientists have been involved in the developm...

Programming: School vs Professional

I have had these questions for several years and haven't received a straight answer from anyone in the teaching profession. What are the most important things you have learned from higher level education as they apply to programming? What things were sorely lacking from your formal education? Was there anything you were taught that was...

What Level of Education Is Most Useful?

If you were going to hire a programmer to work for/with you, what level of CS education would you prefer them to have and why? This assumes all other things are equal which, of course, they never are in real life. Self taught? Bachelor's? Masters? PHD? The important part of the answer is the why, not the level. I'm looking for how im...

How to explain to your mom what an algorithm is?

How do you explain to your mom what an algorithm is? My family is mostly non-technical, and they don't really understand what programming is, or what an algorithm is. I tried the old cooking recipe analogy, but are there better ways to explain what we do and how we think? Update: There are some really good answers so far that explain ...

How important is the school you attend if you want to be a software engineer?

DUPE: Is an online degree as valid as a degree from a brick and mortar school? And in general, how important is the school you attend? For example, there are some schools that offer software engineering degrees that are well know as online only type...

Education for next phase of my career, and what would the next phase be?

I've been working in web development and design for the past 8 years, which breaks down like this: Graphic Design: 8 years; HTML/CSS/Javascript: 8 years; ASP (VBScript) and SQL Server: 6 years; XML, XSLT, XPATH: 2 years; ASP.NET: Occasional exposure in VB and C#, nothing to write home about. I'd like to move on, but instead of advancin...

Is there an HTML-version of the STL code?

Is there an HTML version of the C++ STL code? I often look something up on the web, e.g. here on, but then I'd like to see the actual source code of the functions and classes. I can find the STL code on my system, e.g. in /usr/include/..., but I don't have an IDE, so it's not hyperlinked, and I have to search for every file by ...

collaborative Q n A management

How to create a collaborative question answer management system like this one? I want to make one for my school where students can ask questions and find answers. I tried forums, pligg e.t.c. but they didn't appeal much. I want something exactly like stackoverflow. ...

The Art of Computer Programming exercise question: Chapter 1, Question 8

I'm doing the exercises to TAOCP Volume 1 Edition 3 and have trouble understanding the syntax used in the answer to the following exercise. Chapter 1 Exercise 8 Computing the greatest common divisor of positive integers m & n by specifying Tj,sj,aj,bj Let your input be represented by the string ambn (m a's followed by n b's) Answer: ...

What C++ open-source projects have good and clean code to learn from?

What C++ open-source projects have good and clean code? I would like to go through it and learn the design and implementation tricks used there. There was a similar question about C code here, but I would be specifically interested in C++ projects, especially in ones that use modern programming approaches and have modular but not bloate...

Videos about C++ programming?

Do you have these kinds of video like those listed below.It better to learn from experts talk.So we don't learn it the wrong way Advanced Topics in Programming Languages Series: C++ Threads Text Processing with Boost Concepts Extending C++ Templates For Generic Programming ...

Looking for dbms coursework theme

Hi! Can anyone give a 'practical' task for my coursework? I am completly run out of ideas. Everything seems to be done before me. To be honest i am a beginner in that field and have little expireince. I d'like to do something little but useful for somebody. Ideally, it should be one with help of which i can learn more about one of wi...

Understanding JVM Better

I want to know the internals of the JVM, how it performs and the details that matters. Can you suggest any resource or best book available for this ?? ...

Programming education and OOP

Just to clarify, I left school some years ago entering with no or very little programming experience. The programming classes was primary c++ and java. The focus was heavily OOP related with interfaces, abstract classes and so on. After working in the IT industry for some years, slowly the benefit of "real" OOP programming is becoming cl...

Diving into JBoss

Can anyone suggest any books/blogs/URLs to start learning about JBoss? I'd like to get an overview of the architecture and get a good understanding of what JBoss can do for me and why I should use it rather than sticking with Tomcat. A tutorial on installing, configuring and getting a hello world up and running would be great. I looke...

What programming languages do the top tier Universities teach?

I'm constantly being inundated with articles and people talking about how most of today's Universities are nothing more than Java vocational schools churning out mediocre programmer after mediocre programmer. Our very own Joel Spolsky has his famous article, "The Perils of Java Schools." Similarly, Alan Kay, a famous Computer Scientist...

Useful resources for the GRE computer science subject test?

I am currently in the process of preparing for the computer science GRE and I was wondering if anyone at Stack Overflow could offer some advice or point me towards some useful resources? Here are some resources I'm already familiar with: Titanium Bits Practice Exam - Additional practice questions made by a third party. Slashdot | GRE ...

Favorite online lectures and presentations

What are your favorite online lectures, presentations and talks? A few rules: Must be programming or software related. try to keep this non-academic. There are many online academic lectures, but let's try and keep this fun. try to post freely available stuff (YouTube, etc...) try to post specific talks, not just "google talks have goo...