
javascript text animation and replacing

Hi, I have the following problem: I try to animate text so that it shows up letter by letter. This works for me like this: var a = 0, speed = 85, text = [], story = "bla bla... text"; function tickertext(){ obj = document.getElementById("textbox"); text[a] = document.createTextNode(story.charAt(a)); obj.appendChild(text[a]); a++; a !=...

jQuery: Applying effects to a textbox contents

I am trying to fade out and fade in the text inside a textbox. Is this even possible with jQuery or javascript? Thank you. ...

Destructive effects for vector drawings in XAML

There are several applications out there that either allow editing vector graphics in some native format and exporting to XAML format or deal directly in XAML but all of which seem to lack in terms of ability to edit drawings through use of destructive effects. What I mean by destructive effects are ones that can be applied to a vector d...

How to apply sound effects like echo, flange etc to music in iphone sdk

Hi, I want to give sound effects like echo, flange etc to a sound in iphone sdk. Can anyone help me out how can I achieve this. Thanks ...

How practical is it to embed the core of a language with an effectful function space (like ML) into Haskell?

As Moggi proposed 20 years ago, the effectful function space -> of languages like ML can be decomposed into the standard total function space => plus a strong monad T to capture effects. A -> B decomposes to A => (T B) Now, Haskell supports monads, including an IO monad that appears sufficient for the effects in ML, and it has a ...

jQuery effect loads too soon, works inversly

I have an element that, when hovered over, slides up and down. However, if the user happens to have their cursor over the element as the page loads, it sometimes reverses the action, going down and up. This makes it especially difficult for the visitor because the element is constantly disappearing on them when they try to click it. Thi...

How to add hover effect to menu using jQuery

Hi. I've got the top menu on this page, implemented as a list (UL with ID "top-nav"): http://bit.ly/dzVXB1 I've been wrestling with it and trying to figure out how to add a fade-in/fade-out effect using jQuery when the user hovers over it. So instead of the background image changing instantly, it would fade in slowly. Here's the HTML:...

jQuery Link Fading. Help!

I am trying to animate my navigation menu with jQuery Link Fading effect. I got the script from David Walsh Blog. I've put 3 test links right above my main navigation menu. It works fine, just as I expected it to. But when I add the class="fade" to the <ul id="topmenu" class="fade"> like so: <script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.d...

JQuery: scrolling animation problem

I've written these 2 JQuery functions which are supposed to take 9 blocks with IDs set from "C1" to "C9" and scroll them upwards until they reach the top and then each block that reaches the top should go back and start again. The strange thing is each time they start over the space between the blocks gets larger until everything gets m...

Turn square image into round rect button with shine [Objective C]

In this picture you will see several TV show images that have been put into a rounded rect button with the same gloss/shine that an iphone app button usually has. In one of the icons you even see a ribbon saying "On air". I'm wondering; how do you replicate this effect? My guess is the programmer masked an image on top of the square...

ASP.NET beginner question regarding Hover effect

I am a complete beginner to ASP.NET and need to know how do I create the hover effect like in the following website:- http://www.viking.com/Chairs/Chairs.asp There's this link "Shopping cart" in the upper right hand corner of the web page...when you move your mouse over it, a text box is shown.. How do I create that effect ? I just ...

Silverlight scrolling animation utilizes large amounts of CPU time

In our app, we have some scrolling credits in a ChildWindow. When showing this window, our CPU utilization is very high. The text is using a BitmapCache and hardware acceleration is enabled. Even after removing the clipping rectangle and the drop shadow from the child window, the CPU usage climbs to 80-90%. When I enable redraw regio...

JQuery Beginner Question regarding slide up/down effect

So I tried creating the slide up down effect like in this example http://paulsturgess.co.uk/articles/show/83-jquery-text-slide-up-slide-down-effect The problem is..its showing the text when the web page opens I want the "Paragraph" to be displayed ONLY when mouse is over it and NOT when the page first loads I am a complete noob to Jq...

PHP:MySQL what if we don't close the opened connections

in PHP + mySQL $conn = mysql_connect("server","user","pass"); mysql_select_db("datbasename"); this is what we do to open a connection. and mysql_close($conn); this is what we do to open a connection. WHAT if we don't close the connections...what are going to be the effects after what CONDITION the opened connections a re automati...

Jquery - using toggle() but disable it until the animations are done

Hey, i am using the jquery toggle function like this: $(".class").toggle( function() { //things to do... animations and so on }, function(){ // other things to do... } ); Now when I call the toggle effect by clicking very often the animations of the two functions don't wait for the other to finish. So I would like...

Winforms Minimization Techniques

I am trying to make my application "flip" when the minimize button is pushed. By flipped, it should be kinda like a coin when flipped. It "flips" down into the taskbar. I am wondering how effects like this are accomplished in WinForms using C#. Can this be done or does something like this need to be done using DirectX? ...

Are there any shader inputs other than TEXCOORD that wpf supports

I know that you can tie constant registers to dependency properties as well as tie a brush to a sampler, but every example I have seen of a wpf shader uses the declaration main( float2 uv : TEXCOORD ) : COLOR I am a complete newbie to HLSL but I know there are other semantics than TEXCOORD. Can any of them be used with a WPF shader? ...

How to animate multiple effects at same time using jquery?

I am using Jquery's animate() function to animate a div. When i give multiple effects like height 140 and width 200, then what happening is the the next effects starts only after the previous effect finish. I want to execute simultaneously. Plz help. Any help will be appreciated Code: $(document).ready(function(){ $...

Glow effect does not "cycle"

On my mx:Image component I have a creationCompleteEffect="glowIn" <mx:Glow id="glowIn" duration="700" alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" blurXFrom="0.0" blurXTo="30.0" blurYFrom="0.0" blurYTo="30.0" strength="2" color="0xCCFFCC" effectEnd="glowOut"/> <mx:Glow id="glowOut" duration="800" alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" blurXFrom="30.0" blur...

Jquery fadeIn/fadeOut animation issues.

I am using Jquery FadeIn/FaeOut to show and hide content on my page. Like so: $('.subnav_company').click(function(){ $('.aboutcontent').fadeOut('slow'); $('.company').fadeIn('slow'); }); My problem is that because the div '.company' is positioned below '.aboutcontent' whe...