
iphone interface glow effect question

Hi all, I'd like to achieve the glow effect on what I believe are UILabels (or maybe a custom control?) in this application called convert. I think the app looks pretty neat and I'm trying to achieve a similar effect for my own application Any help? Best regards david ...

Dynamically added glow effects to UIElement using triggers

Hey, Im new to wpf, and looking for good tutorials to help understand triggers better but im not having much luck. So i thought I would seek some help here. Here is what im trying to do, i have a ScrollViewer that has a stack panel, in the code behind I browse a media folder and added MediaElements to the stackpanel using a foreach loo...

Silverlight data grid glow

I'm trying to think of a way to make an individual cell within a datagrid glow. I know that you can apply a dropshadoweffect like this to the whole grid: [data:DataGrid.Effect> [DropShadowEffect BlurRadius="100" ShadowDepth="0" Color="Red"/> [/data:DataGrid.Effect> but what I really want to do is have the individual cell glow red...

Glowing WPF Buttons

After clicking the WPF buttons in our app they glow blue, back to original color, back to blue, etc. This appears to be default behavior on Windows Vista/7. It does not happen on XP. I have searched this site and googled to hell but I can't find how to disable it. Any advice? Thanks Jason ...

Windows Aero-Glass (WinForms)

Hi All I have a Form on my Windows 7 pc and my form has the whole Aero Glass effect on the whole form. And I'm wanting to know if there's a way to draw text on the form that has glow effect, just like the text you see in the title-bars on vista and win7? Thank you ...

How to eliminate "halo" in images with transparent backgrounds.

I'm using DrawImage() to paint some images on a form with transparent background. Those images which are partly transparent cause a "halo" effect.(Look at the screenshot) What's the best way to prevent that from happening EDIT These same icons look great on my desktop so there should be some better way of painting the icons. ...

Glow around Button

How can I draw a slight white 'glow' around a button or label in 10.5 and later? I have seen some apps do it, but I am still confused how I should do this. ...

glow when touch the button in the view in iphone

Hi, I am new to iPhone development. I have seen the Facebook application in Facebook --> Camera(Click)--> Photo Albums-->Thumbnails--> Write a caption View. Here click event is highlighted. In this view where ever I touch, the touch is highlighted. How can this be achieved? Is there any sample code available? Please help me out, Than...

How to get a glow effect in Quartz for the iphone ???

I am searching for a glow effect in quartz 2d for the iphone. I tried making lines with different alpha values to simulate glow but it didn't work... Can anyone help me with that ?? p.s. I'm making an app where the user can draw with glow. I have the basic lines, but no glow :( ...

Glow effect does not "cycle"

On my mx:Image component I have a creationCompleteEffect="glowIn" <mx:Glow id="glowIn" duration="700" alphaFrom="0" alphaTo="1" blurXFrom="0.0" blurXTo="30.0" blurYFrom="0.0" blurYTo="30.0" strength="2" color="0xCCFFCC" effectEnd="glowOut"/> <mx:Glow id="glowOut" duration="800" alphaFrom="1" alphaTo="0" blurXFrom="30.0" blur...

Glow in

How can I make a glow effect in Aforge. I have blobs on black background and I would like to surround them with a glow. tnx ...

Using canvas can you create a glow effect on a semi-transparent shape?

I have a semi-transparent shape: ctx.fillStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5)"; ctx.beginPath(); ctx.moveTo(0, 150); ctx.lineTo(300, 0); ctx.lineTo(300, 450); ctx.lineTo(50, 500); ctx.closePath(); ctx.fill(); I want to add a bit of shadow, but I want it to only appear outside of the shape, I guess more of a glow than a shadow. Is t...

How can I put a Twitter-like fade-in glow around an HTML text input field?

I know a glow around input fields is standard, but Twitter manages to fade it in smoothly. I've been looking around but can't seem to find a solid way to achieve this. How is this done? ...