
Integration testing with White

Has anyone got experience with the white framework? www.codeplex.com/white ? I'm thinking about using it for the next project for basic smoke tests of our windows client. I'd like some advice on articles or your own experiences. Thanks. ...

How do I access a MessageBox with white?

I have a simple message box in a WPF application that is launched as below: private void Button_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { MessageBox.Show("Howdy", "Howdy"); } I can get white to click my button and launch the message box. UISpy shows it as a child of my window I couldn't work out the method to access it. How do ...

Testing PictureBox in white

Hello, I am currently evaluating the White testing framework. Pretty amazing stuff! Everything looks pretty promising, but I have run into a small wall. How can I test a .NET 2.0 PictureBox? There is no predefinied UIItem for that. Though there is the Image class, but how would I use it in combination with my PictureBox? I also tried ...

Is there Anyone who Successfully Implement UI Test Automation Regime using Microsoft UI Automation?

I am looking for an Automated UI test framework/ software tool. In the past I have been using TestComplete, and although it's a good piece of software, but the concept of GUI test automation was deemed to be sufficiently difficult that I wrote a few posts to complain about it. One of the problems with third party test automation tool i...

How can I get a control's DataContext from an external application using UI Automation (and/or White)

I'm using White to drive the UI of a WPF app, and it's worked well so far. I'm at the point however, where I need to poke into the internal state of the app under test to check some conditions. Specifically, I have a DataGrid (from the WPFToolkit), which is databound to a List<MyBusinessObject>. Each row therefore has a DataContext of ...

Assigning AutomationId to a ReportViewer control (hosted in WPF)

Hi, I'm trying to do some UI testing using the White UI Automation framework, but I've run into a bit of a challenge when trying to get a handle to a WinForms ReportViewer control. The application is WPF-based and so we use a WinFormsHost control to host the ReportViewer control. But when I try to set a AutomationProperties.AutomationId...

css Gif white background stroke?

Does anyone know how to fix the white background stroke in the css that you see when a transparent gif is overlayed on a colour? ...

Fiddler with White UI automation

Hi I have very wired problem. I have a WPF application that calls web services. When I run the application I can see the communication to the services through fiddler. I wrote some UI automation test for the WPF application, using White framework from thoughtworks. When I run the tests with NUnit, the tests will start up the applica...

bubble unhandled exception to white automation from silverlight

Hi, I am using the white automation API to test a silverlight app, but when an unhandled exception occurs in silverlight I don't know of a way to report this back to the unit test or check in the white api to see if there was an exception. Anyone got a way to do this? ...

jQuery 1.4 .html() problem with IE

Hi, I have a box displaying my shopping cart amount. When the customer adds a new product I make a ajax request and send back the amount of products in the cart. This looks like this: ... success: function(data) { $("#basket div a").removeClass().addClass("active").empty().html(data +' Article'); } ... I started using jQuery 1.3 ...

How to eliminate "halo" in images with transparent backgrounds.

I'm using DrawImage() to paint some images on a form with transparent background. Those images which are partly transparent cause a "halo" effect.(Look at the screenshot) What's the best way to prevent that from happening EDIT These same icons look great on my desktop so there should be some better way of painting the icons. ...

How to use White to test OpenFileDialog on Silverlight 4.0 application?

I'm trying to test an OpenFileDialog that is created when the user clicks on a button in my Silverlight 4.0 application. According to the FAQ, the correct way of finding modal dialogs is this: Window mainWindow = application.GetWindow("main"); List<Window> modalWindows = mainWindow.ModalWindows(); //list of all the modal windows belong...

Silverlight tests not working unless RDP connection open

I have a few Silverlight UI tests that I'm automating with White. These tests are subsequently run by a TFS build agent, which is running interactively so it can access the desktop. The build passes if I have a Remote Desktop connection open to the build agent as the tests are run; I can see the mouse pointer moving around. When the t...

iPhone SDK "White Flash" transition

I want to make a button; when you press it the screen fades to a "flash of white" and back like in those powerpoint transitions. I'm thinking maybe dynamically changing the opacity of a white square or something? What do you think? Is there something like this that already exists like part of Catransitions or something? Thanks guys. ...

[codeigniter] extra white space

Hi all, i getting extra space at the beginning of page ( output ), the thing is i didn't edit any file, i just uploaded the codeigniter framework to my server, and in the welcome page i get that space , in localhost i don't get it, i changed all files to utf8, checked if there is any space before ( there is no ?> ) did someone had to d...

Extra white space, on HTML output, on PHP MVC

Hi, I'm getting extra white space, that is not CSS, or nothing like it on the view output: The HTML. I've checked for ?> (removed, where I could), saved UTF8 without BOM. Checked for existent white space in the beginning of each file, even at end. This is the structure: index.php - this is the entry point; MODEL/ CONTROLLER/ VIEW/ ...

Facebook White Screen

We keep getting a white-screen on our FB application, although the server is successfully getting hit and no errors are occurring. Is there a setting or something we can do to resolve this? Does anyone know about this issue? ...

WPF, Project White and Infragistics

I am trying to use Project White to write automated tests for my WPF application. It is all going well until I try to interact with Infragistics controls. Has anyone had any experience of this set up and would you be able to post an example of how I can (for example) interact with the XamRibbon or XamOutlookBar? ...

what is and how to Whitelisted desktop facebook

hello all my desktop application that invoking FQL query's , for the first time im loged in as different user ( not the developer user ) and im getting this error massage : "error_code":606 : xxxx is not permitted to requested mailbox permissions from xxxxxx from reading i know i need to Whitelist my desktop app , but now one tells ...

Run White UI Tests using Hudson CI

I have Hudson CI installed on a linux vm and a slave on windows 7 vm. I have a project running on the slave and it has some unit tests using the Project White Automated UI testing framework. All of those tests involve launching the application first in order to perform tasks like clicking on a button. Problem Hudson builds the proje...