
Using Effect For Fog of War

I'm trying to apply fog of war to areas on the screen not currently visible to the player. I do this by rendering the game content in one RenderTarget and the the fog of war into another, and then I merge them with an effect file that takes the color from the game RenderTarget and the alpha from the fog of war render target. The FOW Rend...

jQuery plugin Tablesorter 2.0 behaves weird

I downloaded the jQuery plugin Tablesorter 2.0 from http://tablesorter.com/jquery.tablesorter.zip and modified the example-pager.html which is in tablesorter/docs directory I wrote additional Rollover effects: $(function() { $("table") .tablesorter({widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra']}) .tablesor...

OuterGlowBitmapEffect Alternative Without BitmapEffects

What is a good alternative to OuterGlowBitmapEffect? Preferably one that can be used in a theme/style and one that can be used without BitmapEffects. ...

jQuery queue on matched set

I'm trying to trigger a sequence of effects (simple animated show/hide) on a group of images inside of div where images are tagged with classnames that provide a filtering ability thru class selectors. <div id="myDiv"> <img class="tag1 tag2 tag3" ... /> <img class="tag2 tag3" ... /> <img class="tag1 tag2" ... /> ...mor...

Given n report thumbnails, how do I create a Flex Effect that zooms into the selected report?

I am worried about performance issues. If I just render all n reports zoomed out, then that will cost me in performance. Even animating a zoomed out report to zoom in, will also cost me in performance because it has to recalculate all the UIComponent's of my report as it transitions from zoomed out to zoomed in-to view. Any solutions/s...

Should I commit or rollback a transaction that creates a temp table, reads, then deletes it?

To select information related to a list of hundreds of IDs... rather than make a huge select statement, I create temp table, insert the ids into it, join it with a table to select the rows matching the IDs, then delete the temp table. So this is essentially a read operation, with no permanent changes made to any persistent database tabl...

Way to determine Flex 3 Effect direction?

Flex Effects include "isPlaying" property to check whether Effect is currently playing or not. But is there a way to find out what is the direction of playback (whether the play was started with playReversedFromEnd)? ...

Silverlight Gradient Border Effect

This was done in Photoshop: The white box I would create using a Silverlight Border. How would I then create the dropshadow kind of effect. As you can see it is a bit different from the standard dropshadow. Would Shazzam help achieve this? Edit: Graeme got me looking in the right direction. I ended up using this solution which I fou...

Add image silverlight hovereffect from codebehind

Hi I have a stackpanel that has a dynamic amount of images that are added programatically, Is there a way I can set a hover/click effect programatically on these images. I would like for the image to "glow" when clicked. How do i do that in silverlight? I've noticed the Image.Effect property, but I'm not really sure how to use it. ...

How do I stop a jquery animation based on CSS values?

So, I have two divs: #div1 and #div2. I want '#div2' to disappear when '#div1' has the CSS value: top = 0px. Here is the CSS: #div1 { top: 0px; } #div2 { display: block; } if ( $('#div1').css('top') == '0px' ) { $("#div2").hide(); } else { $("div2").fadeIn(); } $("div2").click(function(){ $("#div1").animate({t...

Does jQuery have a plugin to display a "message bar" like the Twitter "wrong password" bar at the top of screen?

Twitter will pop down a message bar at the top of the screen say "Wrong password" and after 10 seconds, it will slide up and disappear. Chrome also shows "Do you want to save the password" message box using such a way. Does jQuery have a plug in to do that already? Does it also work in IE 6? Because usually, the display of relative to...

Can I create rain effect in javascript?

I need to achieve something like this for my website: Flash Rain Effect Is that possible to do in Javascript? I want it to be just as smooth as it is in Flash. Another flash rain drop water effect ...

How to intercept and apply effects to Firefox audio/sound output

Hi I want to build a Firefox extension that will allow me to directly manipulate the audio output, applying live filters and effects, from (for example) a streaming video site. Im struggling to find any good resources to help me. I think the effects bit will be ok but I need to find a way of intercepting the audio stream output. Does a...

What is the exact rule of jQuery's animate() parameters?

jQuery 1.4.2's animate() API spec is .animate( properties, [ duration ], [ easing ], [ callback ] ) but it seems that we can supply duration, callback, and no easing .animate({left: '+= 100'}, 600, doThis) and it will work. But if we supply easing and callback and no duration .animate({left: '+=100'}, 'swing', doThis) then the...

added Effects and removed Effects start almost together.

Hi, I have run into a problem where I am removing a component and adding another one. I have set addedEffect and removedEffect for corresponding component. But the addedEffect starts before the removedEffect completes. How can i make them in order ?? I am doing this in actionscript.So, in this case i'm not using state and transition....

Create a "inset" effect using CSS in websites

Hello, I am very much impressed by the "inset" like effect in many latest websites. Some examples are and The line in the center. Nowadays, many websites use these kinds of lines/effects. I tried to achieve the same with borders but the color combination is not working me and it is not proper. Do other websites use images for th...

DSP - Filter sweep effect

I'm implementing a 'filter sweep' effect (I don't know if it's called like that). What I do is basically create a low-pass filter and make it 'move' along a certain frequency range. To calculate the filter cut-off frequency at a given moment I use a user-provided linear function, which yields values between 0 and 1. My first attempt wa...

How to get the shine effect of UIButtonTypeInfoLight?

When tapping a UIButton of type UIButtonTypeInfoLight you get a nice shine effect around the button. Is it possible to add this effect to custom UIButtons? ...

Creating effects in 3D game from scratch, using c++ and DirectX

So the title says it. I couldn't find any info on how actualy build effects into 3D game. I'll maybe stick to some engine later, but for understanding of this whole thing I would need to try it on my own for this time. I found a few about particle systems which may be the right way but any other connection between DirectX and particle sy...

Algorithm for creating rain effect / water drops?

What is the principle behind creating rain effect or water drops regardless of using any particular language. I've seen a few impressive rain and water effects done in Flash, but how does it actually work? Rain Effect Example Rain Drop Water Effect Example ...