
Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite'

I've installed ELMAH 1.1 .Net 3.5 x64 in my ASP.NET project and now I'm getting this error (whenever I try to see any page): Could not load file or assembly 'System.Data.SQLite, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=db937bc2d44ff139' or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an inc...

Are there any ELMAH-like exception-logging FOSS packages?

Are there any ELMAH- or crashkit-like exception-logging FOSS packages? Specifically, these are exception-logging applications; the code you write pushes exception reports to these systems so they can be logged, grouped, searched, and acted-upon. Both apps help with the approach of Exception Driven Development (not a fan of the phrase, ...

Using ELMAH and Silverlight together

Is it possible to redirect exceptions thrown in a Silverlight application to ELMAH? ...

Dynamic email subjects with Elmah?

I'm using the errorMail functionality of Elmah to send an email when ASP.NET encounters an error. It allows you to configure the SMTP settings as well as hard-code a sender, recipient, and subject. My question is: can I use a dynamic subject? Specifically, I would like to use the Exception.Message property as my subject, so that I can t...

Proper Exception Handling with ASP.NET MVC, ELMAH and custom Error Pages

Hi folks, consider the following situation: There is an ASP.NET MVC application which utilizes ELMAH for centralized ExceptionLogging. A Controller is marked with the HandlerError Attribute to catch a specific type of an exception and presents the user with a view. For example [HandleError(ExceptionType = typeof(ModelSpecificException...

Configuring ELMAH: Unrecognized config section error

Setup: Windows XP .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 ASP .NET MVC Version 1 I've been trying to set up ELMAH by following the instructions at http://code.google.com/p/elmah/wiki/MVC but I just get the following error when press F5: Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Pl...

Using ELMAH with ASP.NET MVC in VB: Compiling: Elmah does not have a strong name

I've read through the posts and code for passing ASP.NET MVC HandleError errors to ELMAH and converted the code to VB: Imports System Imports System.Web Imports System.Web.Mvc Imports Elmah Public Class HandleErrorAttribute Inherits System.Web.Mvc.HandleErrorAttribute Public Overrides Sub OnException(ByVal context As ExceptionC...

Logging all yellow screen of deaths, even when its a compilation problem

Earlier today we experienced a YSOD on one of our MVC sites running on IIS on Windows Server 2003. Usually, these are reported via e-mail using ELMAH (using this setup), but since this was a compilation issue (of some sort), it did not get reported via e-mail. The specific error was: "The directory 'App_GlobalResources' is not a...

Fogbugz and ELMAH - Communication Plugin

My employer is currently trying out Fogbugz and one feature that would be nice is some sort of automation between our exception logger (ELMAH) and case generation in FogBugz. Specifically, it would be great if there were a module to send error reports to FogBugz and then in FogBugz process the error, look for duplicates (perhaps grouped ...

Error gathering and reporting for ASP.NET MVC

Is there any tool like ELMAH for error gathering of an ASP.NET MVC that, unlike ELMAH, can work indistinctly on x86 and x64. Currently one single ELMAH cannot do that because of its dependency on SQLite which has native code (for one or the other platform and not both). Even though my setup is fully x64, Casini, the web server used by V...

Yet another elmah problem ... works everywhere but production

Howdy All, I have elmah setup to use SqlErrorLog and this is running fine on both my local using the developer webserver, and my integration environment under IIS. On my production box elmah is able to log exceptions with XmlFileErrorLog writting to the app_data directory. When I switch back to SqlErrorLog I get nadda. I have ensured th...

How to disable Elmah memory logging?

We're using Elmah in an asp.net 2.0 web app. Is there a way to disable the default Memory Log provider? In other words, we're logging to SQL Server and because of this we want to completely eliminate the MemoryErrorLog provider that is true by default. Thanks, Jason ...

ELMAH looking for binaries on Virtual director

I have a virtual directory just above the root of my web app that I use to store product images. After I installed ELMAH for logging I realized images stopped working. This was due to ELMAH looking for its dll under productimages/bin folder. After i created a bin dir and placed the dll images are now working I don't like this as a lon...

Debug/Trace messages using ELMAH in MVC application

How do we add debug/Trace messages using ELMAH in MVC application ...

How to mockup Elmah?

Hi I seen this post but I am sort of confused by it. http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1019833/how-can-i-mock-elmahs-errorsignal-routine I am looking at option 2 Create a wrapper class around the call to Raise and just mock out the wrapper class. public class ErrorSignaler { public virtual void SignalFromCurrentContext(Exception e...

ELMAH HandleError - not working

I'm trying to implement logging of exceptions using ELMAH HttpHandleError class. Followed the reference http://stackoverflow.com/questions/766610. Also registed the modules in web.config and yet cannot see the exceptions in the log. Anything that i'm missing? Thanks in advance.. ...

ELMAH setup - The type or namespace name 'Linq' does not exist in the namespace System

I have downloaded the latest ELMAH and copied the sample app's Web.Config settings to my ASP.NET 3.5 Web.Config. I have made sure to reference the 3.5 release version of the DLL, but I am still getting the above error (as per the title of this post). ...

ELMAH setup - errors not being caught

I've setup ELMAH exactly as with the sample app. I attempt to throw an error to test ELMAH by using: throw new InvalidOperationException(); Unfortunately however my app is going straight to the error and ELMAH is not catching/logging the error. I am using ASP.NET 3.5. I am not sure what I am doing wrong as the Web.Config is exactly t...

Use single Elmah.axd for multiple applications with single DB log

We have a single SQL Log for storing errors from multiple applications. We have disabled the elmah.axd page for each one of our applications and would like to have a new application that specifically displays errors from all of the apps that report errors to the common SQL log. As of now, even though the application for all errors is u...

What users need write access on App_Data folder for Elmah to write the error files

I have published my site and an exception is thrown but no error files are generated in the App_Data folder. I am wondering whether its write access to the folder. The documentation says the ASP.Net process needs write access but not sure what is meant by that. Can someone tell me which user needs rights to this folder? Thanks UPDATE...