
Send email from Elmah?

Is anyone using Elmah to send exceptions via email? I've got Elmah logging set up via SQL Server, and can view the errors page via the Elmah.axd page, but I am unable to get the email component working. The idea here is to get the email notification so we can react more quickly to exceptions. Here is my web.config (unnecessary sectionss ...

Adding extra information to a custom exception

I've created a custom exception for a very specific problem that can go wrong. I receive data from another system, and I raise the exception if it bombs while trying to parse that data. In my custom exception, I added a field called "ResponseData", so I can track exactly what my code couldn't handle. In custom exceptions such as this on...

does elmah handle caught exceptions as well

I was wondering if something like elmah logged exceptions even when they do not bubble up to the application? I'd like to pop up a message when an exception occurs and still log the exception. Currently I've been putting everything in try catch blocks and spitting out messages, but this gets tedious. ...

Is there any way to programmatically set the application name in Elmah?

I need to change the app name based on what configuration I'm using in Visual Studio. For example, if I'm in Debug configuration, I want the app name to show as 'App_Debug' in the Application field in the Elmah_Error table. Does anyone have any experience with this? Or is there another way to do it? ...

How can you get the "real" HttpContext within an ASP.NET MVC application?

Unfortunately, I need to do this. I'm using ELMAH for my error log. Before I route to my error.aspx view, I have to grab the default ELMAH error log so I can log the exception. You used to be able to use Elmah.ErrorLog.Default However, this is now marked as obsolete. The compiler directs me to use the method Elmah.ErrorLog.GetDe...

Castle MonoRail & ELMAH

Is anyone using Castle MonoRail and ELMAH with success? We are using a number of Resuces to present users with friendly error messages, but if we do this the exceptions never get as far as ELMAH as the MonoRail rescue intercepts them. Ideally we want the user to see the rescue, but for the exception to be logged in ELMAH. Any ideas/po...

How do I setup / configure ELMAH on GoDaddy ASP.NET hosting

FYI: ELMAH is the Exception logging framework that is mentioned on Coding Horror here. How do I setup / configure ELMAH on GoDaddy ASP.NET hosting? I seem to get 404 errors when trying to access elmah.axd. I have followed all of the instructions here to modify my web.config and bin deploy the Elmah assembly. I was using the BETA 2 bi...

Using Elmah with jQuery?

I am using jQuery to invoke page methods for my AJAX calls using $.Ajax. This works very well, and is very lightweight. However, I have noticed that when an exception is thrown from the .NET code, Elmah just logs it as a File Not Found exception, or will not log anything at all, rather than logging the actual exception that was thrown. I...

How do I convert from axd to ashx?

I'm trying to deploy elmah. For inexplicable reasons, I'm getting an error: .axd files are explicitly forbidden. I've already fixed what I can control (my web.config) and solutions requiring collaboration from the system admin are not available (such as editing machine web.config or updating IIS mappings). I also verified that it works...

How to block (or unblock) the ASP.NET error logger Elmah?

Some one configured my server in a way that intentionally or inadvertently blocks ELMAH. I wish I know what that was. My current server admin can't figure out what's blocking it either. Clues have so far Error message is "This type of page is not served...it has been explicitly forbidden" Ordinary .ashx handlers work just fine. (Hel...

Separate viewer application for ELMAH's log

We're using ELMAH for error logging in our ASP.NET application. We use the SQL Server error logging. Because of security and configuration constraints in the application, we would like to have the log viewer UI (Elmah.ErrorLogPageFactory) in a separate web application, connected to the same database. However, ELMAH filters errors on app...

Help with Elmah Configuration in ASP.NET

I'm trying to setup ELMAH to log errors for our application. I have successfully added the modules and am having no problems loading the ErrorLog page (elmah.axd). However, Elmah isn't logging any test exceptions that I'm generating. My web.config looks like this: <configSections> <!-- Other stuff --> <sectionGroup name="elma...

Secure ELMAH in asp.net application that doesn't use forms authentication

I have a very basic asp.net application that relies on a master page's INIT event to verify the user via a session object. Yes, I know this is way-suboptimal. I'd like to add ELMAH to it, but can't find any references to securing the console without using forms authentication and a web.config allow/deny setting. Is there another way to...


I am using ELMAH to email error messages. Is there an elegant solution to query a database for SMTP settings rather than use web.config? I would need it to be done before each error is thrown. The solution/s suggested here are a bit hacky for me. ...

ELMAH SQL Error Handler database not available- what happens to logging?

I'm testing ELMAH and have deliberately turned off the database connection for the ELMAH log in my application to see what will happen in production if the DB isn't available. It seems that ELMAH can't trap its own errors- the AXD file isn't available when the SQL databse log fails. What is the intended behavior of ELMAH if the databas...

Is there anything like ELMAH for Java?

Duplicate: Exception Driven Programming in Java I have been looking at ELMAH and was wondering what kinds of similar applications are available for Java. Thanks for the recommendations for log4j and other frameworks. Like the author of the post this question duplicates, I'm just looking to see if a more full-featured solution exists ...

Block 404 FavIco error in ELMAh

I noticed out of the box that ELMAH logs a 404 not found for favico on my local server. How do I suppress this error through a filter? I'm not so familiar with configurating it yet.. ...

ELMAH and ASP.NET MVC custom errors not getting logged.

I am trying to use ELMAH for my error logging, and I've tried several others Neither of which seem to log errors when the custom error feature in ASP.NET is enabled I'm using the [HandleError] attribute in all my controllers, at first I thought that was the problem but it isn't just whenever I enable the custom error pages it doesn't l...

How to get ELMAH to work with ASP.NET MVC [HandleError] attribute?

I am trying to use ELMAH to log errors in my ASP.NET MVC application, however when I use the [HandleError] attribute on my controllers ELMAH doesn't log any errors when they occur. As I am guessing its because ELMAH only logs unhandled errors and the [HandleError] attribute is handling the error so thus no need to log it. How do I modi...

Using log4net and where to implement it and usign with elmah?

Hi there, does anyone have experience with log4net, i have been looking at elmah which is great. But i wanted a little bit more control i.e. to use logging not only in asp.net but also in wpf. Anway i decided to take a look at log4net. I have 2 clients, (wpf and asp.net) that both share business logic. Should i be raising events in ...