
How to find a memory leak in C++

Hello Stack overflow, What would be a good way to detect a C++ memory leak in an embedded environment? I tried overloading the new operator to log every data allocation, but I must have done something wrong, that approach isn't working. Has anyone else run into a similar situation? This is the code for the new and delete operator overl...

When is CRC more appropriate to use than MD5/SHA1?

When is it appropriate to use CRC for error detection versus more modern hashing functions such as MD5 or SHA1? Is the former easier to implement on embedded hardware? ...

Experience building and using Qt Embedded

I am currently trying to compile and build QT for Embedded Linux on an Ubuntu box for ARM architecture. So far, I have run into MANY errors while trying to MAKE. The biggest one being a 2000 line C++ function which caused a compiler error. What are other peoples experiences with this and how did you fix it? ...

Qt Build Error

After configuring with $./configure -embedded arm -xplatform qws/linux-arm-g++ -opensource I get this output when Making and can't figure out why: ../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_arm.h: In function char q_atomic_swp(volatile char*, char)': ../../src/corelib/arch/qatomic_arm.h:125: warning: address requested for ret', which is ...

How to test Berkley socket (BSD) API?

I'd like to test the correctness and the completeness of an implementation of the BSP API. The test set has to be cross-compiled for an ARM sam7x. ...

Can I write a C application without using the heap?

I'm experiencing what appears to be a stack/heap collision in an embedded environment (see this question for some background). I'd like to try rewriting the code so that it doesn't allocate memory on the heap. Can I write an application without using the heap in C? For example, how would I use the stack only if I have a need for dynami...

How can I prevent the need to copy strings passed to a avr-gcc C++ constructor?

In the ArduinoUnit unit testing library I have provided a mechanism for giving a TestSuite a name. A user of the library can write the following: TestSuite suite("my test suite"); // ... suite.run(); // Suite name is used here This is the expected usage - the name of the TestSuite is a string literal. However to prevent hard-to-find b...

PIC16 C compiler

Hi all! I am looking for a good C compiler for the PIC 16 family, working on Windows. A couple of colleagues use bknudc but some seem to dislike it. Apparently you cannot use the linker efficiently, and it turns out that the best is to set all code in include files. SDCC seems nice, but looks like it is still in beta, and not easy to ...

Can I implement the Factory Method pattern in C++ without using new?

I'm working in an embedded environment (Arduino/AVR ATMega328) and want to implement the Factory Method pattern in C++. However, the compiler I'm using (avr-gcc) doesn't support the new keyword. Is there a way of implementing this pattern without using new? ...

serialize and sync data on embedded device

In my embedded project I have to move(sync) data between two systems. The data structure is complex and hence need some quick utility.I guess i should convert my data to XML format and sync it using rsync ? Boost is not going to be there on our embedded platform. Could someone suggest lightweight yet efficient library to convert my da...

Console_init Causes Kernel paniC

System Details: OS: Debian/5.0 kernel 2.6.26-2 i686 SMP Hardware: IBM Thinkpad T40 Type 2373 Pentium M 1.5GHz, 512MB RAM Sources: sudo apt-get install linux-source-2.6.18 linux-patch-debian-2.6.18 linux-support-2.6.18-5 Toolchain: arm-linux-gcc3.4.cs-uclibc0.9.27 as installed by scratchbox arm-linuc-uclibc-gcc/-g++ -v: Reading ...

As a hobbyist, what do you want in a hardware dev kit for .Net Micro Framework?

As a hobbyist that works on embedded systems/robotics. What would you like to see as hardware features of a Micro Framework development kit? I have seen plenty of questions about what is available, and nothing really about what is missing. I also find most existing kits to be aimed more at product development than the hobbyist. Are m...

How to use DSP to speed-up a code on OMAP?

I'm working on a video codec for OMAP3430. I already have code written in C++, and I try to modify/port certain parts of it to take advantage of the DSP (the SDK (OMAP ZOOM3430 SDK) I have has an additional DSP). I tried to port a small for loop which is running over a very small amount of data (~250 bytes), but about 2M times on diffe...

Server-Side Web Framework to use for an Embedded Device

What server-side web language/framework do you recommend for use on an embedded device? The device is similar to a linksys wireless router. Ideally I am looking for a framework that is fast, efficient, and will run well on a device with limited resources (CPU, Memory, etc). Some initial considerations are PHP, Django, or even mod_perl....

How do I Emulate/Debug Windows CE 5.0 applications in C#?

Here's my problem. I'm currently trying to develop a .Net Compact Framework 2.0 application (in C#) to a Windows CE 5.0 device. Firstly: How do I debug/emulate the application in Visual Studio 2008 ? I doesn't mean debugging an application already deployed on the device, but debugging the version on my desktop. I have limited or no acc...

How to check how much resources a java program uses?

Hi How do I check how much resources a java program uses? In java it is quite easy to create a big nice program that does practically everything you want it to, but a little side effect is that is also very easy to indirectly allocate to much memory and cpu cycles by mistake (i.e. let's just use "new" a couple of times in the wrong pl...

Unit Testing Embedded Software

What best practices have you used in unit testing embedded software that are peculiar to embedded systems? ...

Who's Messing Up this TCP Connection?

I'm responsible for some embedded software that has to work with a customer's proprietary TCP interface (also embedded, but running under a well known and well regarded RTOS), but it's not getting through the three-way handshake, even though the HTTP interface, etc., all work fine, and I can communicate using the custom protocol with a p...

time.h - problem with clock()

I try to measure the clock cyles needed to execute a piece of code on the TMS32064x+ DSP that comes with the OMAP ZOOM 3430 MDK. I look at the "Programmer's Guide" of the DSP chip and it says that the DSP supports the clock() function. What I do is really simple, I just do start = clock(); for (i=0;i<100;i++){ /* do something here ...

What are the available interactive languages that run in tiny memory?

I am looking for general purpose programming languages that have an interactive (live coding) prompt work in 32 KB of RAM by itself or 8 KB when the compiler is hosted on a separate machine run on a microcontroller with as little as 8-32 KB RAM total (without an MMU). Below is my list so far, what am I missing? Python: The PyMite V...