
java socket server and embedded device - can't handle disconnect properly

I'm writing a server that is supposed to communicate with some embedded devices. The communication protocol is based on a fixed length header. The problem is I can't get my server to handle sudden disconnects of the devices properly (by "sudden" I mean situations when I just turn the device off). Here is the code for the client thread ma...

What Skill set should a low level programmer possess?

I am an embedded SW Engineer, with less than 3 yrs of experience. I aim to "sharpen the saw" continuously. I was wondering if there was anything specific to low level programming that C/C++ coders should be proficient with. What comes to my mind is familiarity with the hardware's architecture and instruction set. Knowing how to fiddle ...

Are any MP3 encoder libraries PIC microcontroller compatible?

I know that are many MP3 encoder libraries, but any of them could work on a PIC microcontroller? ...

Games programming versus embedded programming skills

Recently, I've been trying to make the switch from games programming to embedded programming. (Out of necessity, not choice). To me, my experience in low-level engine and graphics programming on consoles is a perfect fit for embedded systems. However, I've found IT recruiters seem to be befuddled about the commonality between the two (i...

Testing Real Time Operating System for Hardness

I have an embedded device (Technologic TS-7800) that advertises real-time capabilities, but says nothing about 'hard' or 'soft'. While I wait for a response from the manufacturer, I figured it wouldn't hurt to test the system myself. What are some established procedures to determine the 'hardness' of a particular device with respect ...

Embedded Programming Patterns

What patterns have you come across as being used frequently with successful results? Is there a resource of patterns used in embedded programming? Most patterns books such as the GOF book focus on OOP techniques, surely there are similar patterns in the embedded systems domain. ...

Alternatives to explicit stacks in RTOS-removal excercise?

In an embedded application programmed on C on ARM7 (with portability requirements), currently using a commercial priority-based preemptive RTOS, we need to remove that RTOS and any RTOS dependency per customer mandate. We have 8 tasks using many HW interfaces, sleep statements, I2C communications. As it is, the SW makes good use of RTOS ...

Looking for an efficient integer square root algorithm for ARM Thumb2

I am looking for a fast, integer only algorithm to find the square root (integer part thereof) of an unsigned integer. The code must have excellent performance on ARM Thumb 2 processors. It could be assembly language or C code. Any hints welcome. ...

Narrow band extensible message format

I'm putting together a technical response to tender, one of the requirements is to pass messages using an extensible format over a narrow bandwidth network (10 bytes/sec or so). To make life easy on the server, which will be receiving info from 1000's of devices I'd like to use Xml. To help with the bandwidth issue I could use compressed...

Grabbing the X server with XGrabServer

In an embedded Linux system, I'm trying to show a shutdown notification that should override any other windows when shutting down. Now creating the window isn't a problem, but showing the window reliably is. The X server or WM is somehow too busy to draw the notification every time. Considering the limited CPU power we have, its not surp...

Are there any vendors providing MSIL / CLR on hardware?

I have a set of MSIL / CLR applications (written in C#). I am looking for a way to burn them onto a pure hardware platform. I've seen that Altera has an embedded processor called NIOS II that appears to support eCLR (embedded common language runtime), but it's just a processor and not something I would consider end market product. Can...

How would you approach using D in a embedded real-time environment?

To all those familiar with D programming language, how would go about using it in a embedded real-time environment? I understand that it's original design is not targeted for real-time embedded environments, but this question is more about how would you go about making real-time capability happen. Which constructs of the language would ...

Embedded vs. .NET/Applications Careers

I'm a fairly junior engineer (2-3 years exp) about to make the jump from an embedded software environment at a large aerospace/defense company to a position at a smaller, private medical device company working on a large windows application (.NET/C#). The move was more or less inspired out of necessity due to the recession, pay cuts, an...

CodeWarrior vs. CodeSourcery G++ for ColdFire Development

I am interested in any comparative analysis between Freescale's CodeWarrior tool chain and CodeSourcery G++ for developing embedded applications for the ColdFire family of processors. ...

C XML library for Embedded Systems

I'm working on a project for an embedded system that's using XML for getting data into and out of the system. I don't want the XML handling to devolve into a bunch of bits that build XML strings using snprintf()/strcat() and friends or parse XML by counting "<" and ">" characters. I've found several XML libraries, a couple of which migh...

Please suggest an open source web browser for an ARM Linux platform

Hello everyone, I'm tasked with choosing an open source web browser to run on a fairly low-end embedded Linux system, that is ARM based. I'd really appreciate some advice. I've been doing some research and there appear to be a few choices: Firefox/Mozilla - too huge to run on limited resources Konqueror/Embedded - the development appe...

embedded application

Hi there In the last two months I've worked as a simple application using a computer vision library(OpenCV). I wish to run that application directly from the webcam without the need of an OS. I'm curious to know if that my application can be burned into a chip in order to not have the OS to run it. Ofcorse the process can be expensiv...

Formatting characters on serial output!!!

Hi Guys, I'm interfacing an SD card to ATmega128 using EFSL. Card gets initialised, but I get an error saying "Unknown error 0xff(see sandisk docs p5-13)"... on serial port output. That's not all, I hv used 'sprintf' to form strings which I display on serial port. The puzzling thing is, I'm also getting the actual formatting characters...

Interfacing a slow device to a MCF5270 Microcontroller

Hi, I'm looking for ways to interface a slow device (an ADC - ~1.2MHz) to my mcf5270 microcontroller, which is a rather fast device (~150MHz). I am using ADC0817, and have tried the following: GPIO read off the data lines, memory mapped access (since the adc is uP compatible). When mapped as a location in memory, I am using the maximu...

Silverlight 3 won't install on Windows XP embedded 2002

Well, I tried HARD to install silverlight 3.0 on Windows XP embedded but keeps displaying that "Install Sivlerlight Logo" as if it never picks it up or installs at all ... Anyone had same problems? Any solutions? ...