
ANDROID : Adding Empty Space to End of ListView

Good Morning, I have a ListView that with alphabetical headers for each letter. I also have an index function that brings the letter headers to the top of the screen. My problem is when I reach the end of the list setSelection is unable to bring the last few headers to the top because it will not scroll past the end of the list. My...

My form fields are being deleted on submit

And as a result its not passing validation. This is my embedded form : - form_for [@organization, @referral] do |f| = f.error_messages = render :partial => 'referral_fields', :locals => { :f => f } = f.submit "Submit", :class => "button" #_referral_fields.html.haml .grid_7 .grid_1{:style => "width: 64px;"} = f.label :o...

MySQL Join with 3 tables and empty rows

I'm giving up for now with my JOIN creating a view for search reasons - I need help :/ Here are my tables: Profiles id company user_id 1 ACME 2 2 Joe 4 3 Wolf 5 Users id role_id online 2 4 2010-10-08 4 2 2010-10-08 5 4 2010-10-08 Rubrics id title 1 Stee...

C++ how to check if folder is empty / list existing files

Possible Duplicate: How do you iterate through every file/directory recursively in standard C++ Hello everyone! I've been looking for a way to check if a determined folder is empty or not, and if it isn't, list the existing files in the folder, but of course to no avail. I've been looking around and found something called di...

best way to check a empty array?

hello! how can i check a array recursively of empty content like this example Array ( [product_data] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [title] => [description] => [price] => ) ) [product_data] => Array ( ...

empty ListView, how can I show a message on a ListView when it's empty?

Hello. I'm developing an Android application. Is there any way to show a message on a ListView only with it's empty? I'm using a custom ArrayAdapter, so I have to create a specific object with the text I want to show. I'm wondering if there is a specific field on ListView to setup a message when it's empty. Any advice? Thanks. ...

Advantages of an empty class in C++

What could be the possible advantages/uses of having an empty class? P.S: This question might sound trivial to some of you but it is just for learning purpose and has no practical significance. FYI googling didn't help. ...

Determine if returning nothing.. PHP MySQL

I have the following code: <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Service</th> <th>Status</th> </tr> </thead> <?php $result = mysql_query("SELECT Service, Status FROM services WHERE Company='Company 1'"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { // ^ must be a single '=' !!!! echo '<tr><td>' . $row["Service"] . '</td...