
Remove empty lines

I have large string which I split by newlines. How can I remove all lines that are empty, (whitespace only)? pseudo code: for stuff in largestring: remove stuff that is blank ...

ISNULL equivalent for empty fields

Is there something like ISNULL() OR COALESCE() but not that checks for null value but for an empty value. for example: SELECT cu.last_name, cu.first_name, cu.email, hu.email FROM (SELECT DISTINCT c.first_name, c.last_name, c.email, c.household_id, h.head_of_household_id FROM rd_customers c JOIN rd_households h ON c.household_i...

Call to ListView's setEmpty method not working (nothing is displayed when the list is empty)

Hello. I have an Activity which contains a ListView defined in XML (its not subclassing the ListActivity class). I want to display a message when the ListView is empty, so I tried doing so with the setEmptyView method: listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.list); TextView emptyListText = new TextView(this); // also tried with the fol...

Php Magic Methods and Empty

Having the following code class test { private $name; public function __get($name){ return $name; } public function __set($name,$value){ $this->name = $value; } } $obj = new test(); $obj->a = 2; if (!empty($obj->a)) { echo 'not empty'; } This is calling __isset. But this is not being defined so...

Java process.getInputStream() has nothing to read, deadlocks child

I am having an issue with some process wrapping, and it's only occurring in Windows XP. This code works perfectly in Windows 7. I'm really stumped as to why the streams are empty in XP. I've also tried using the String[] version of Process.Exec() and it made no difference. I am using the following class to read from the process' STDO...

No error or warning when attempt to access property of non object (not assigned)

Can somebody explain to me why PHP does not report a warning or error when accessing a property of a empty object (var is not assigned)? For example: $oMyObject->test = 'hello world'; // $oMyObject is not assigned but no warning or error When i do this, it produces an error: $oMyObject->test(); // Error: Calling function on non-obje...

PHP Form Validator/MySQL Insert

I have written a small PHP file that gets the information that was posted to it, then checks to make sure it is no empty. If it isn't empty, it checks to make sure the username doesn't already exist. If it does, it redirects. If not, it adds the information to the MySQL database. I don't know what the problem is, but when attempting to n...

When SQL Server bcps into an empty table with an index what does it do internally?

If I have an empty table with an index and I do a bcp, does SQL Server (internally) drop/disable the index, load the data and then re-apply/enable/build the index? ...

Display empty field if no results have been found during edit

Hi, I'm trying to display an empty field when I edit a rows. I have a machine table with ipvsix table. Code in ipvsixes/_form : <% unless @machines.blank? %> <% f_machine.fields_for :ipvsixes do |f_ipv| %> <%= render :partial => 'ipvsixes/form', :locals => { :f_ipv => f_ipv } %> <% end %> <% else %> empty ...

Android ExpandableListView does not work (Black/Empty Screen)

Hi @ll, i try to build a ExpandableListView with a own ExpandableListAdapter but the ExpandableListView is not visible in my activity :-( Below you find my Source-Code. Thanks for your help :-) Greetings, Kangee Here the Code from the activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceS...

how to empty the jqgrid grid after sending the data?

I have a jqgrid and after sending those grid records to server I want to empty the grid ...I am trying with reload but its not working...i am using it under complete ...but its not empty the grid grid instead it show me the same data... how can I achieve it ... ...

Efficient/Easy method to validate for empty text boxes?

I have a about 6 or 7 text boxes which needs to be validated to make sure they are not empty from server side code. So how I usually do this is, check each textbox 1 by 1 to ensure that they are not empty. Are there any other efficient methods to do this? I have searched on SO and have found out that adding all the textboxes to a list an...

How to Return an Empty ValueCollection

I have a dictionary whose values I'd like to return to a caller like this: public ICollection<Event> GetSubscriptions() { return isLockDown ? Enumerable.Empty<Event> : subscriptionForwards.Values; } Unfortunately, the empty enumerable type is not compatible with the stated return type. Is there another BCL facility for this? p.s...

sizeof empty structure is 0 in C and 1 in C++ why?

Possible Duplicates: Empty class in C++ What is the size of an empty struct in C? I read somewhere that size of an empty struct in C++ is 1. So I thought of verifying it. Unfortunately I saved it as a C file and used <stdio.h> header and I was surprised to see the output. It was 0. That means struct Empty { }; int main(v...

Check if C++ Array is Null

how do i do that? well i want to check if the array is empty ...

Checking whether a vector is empty

Suppose I have a std::vector say Vector Now after performing some operations on the vector(either insertion or deletion) I want to check if the vector is empty and on the basis of that I want to perform some operations. Which approach is better Approach 1 if (Vector.size() == 0){ /* operations */ } Approach 2 if (Vector.empty()) {...

Create "missing objects" (aka: "empty symbols" , "empty objects") / needed for formals manipulation/

Hi everyone! How to create an "empty object" in R? [edit: I don't know how to rightly call this "thing" so I am calling it "empty object", others: "empty symbol", "zero length symbol", "missing object" might also be used] [edit2: finally I tend to settle down on the "missing symbol object" for the name of the "thing". It also appears t...

Dealing with null values versus empty strings in a database when only empty strings are coming from the client via HTTP POST

My MySQL database has carefully defined fields. Some fields, if there is a chance that they can be unknown, allow a NULL value. I'm writing a web-based CMS to handle the data in said database. Obviously, the post arrays from the HTML forms never contain null values, only empty strings. I don't want to confuse the users of my CMS by ad...

Python: how can I initialize my empty objects ?

how can initialize empty objects in python ? I need to initialize my class members (for examples tk.frames, vtk visualizations etc) thanks ...

PHP file uploading headache

Hi there. I am having a tough time trying to upload files through PHP. My form: <form action="blah.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post"> <p> Upload file: <input type="file" name="xmlfile"/> <input type="submit" name="upload_submit" value="Upload" /> </p> </form> Checklist: No 'smart' quotes in sight. Fine. Proper enct...