
Set textbox to "nothing" in WPF but MV value not updated

I have a user interface where a user can enter a value and that value is updated in the ViewModel (and eventually written back to a database). This works fine if the a value is actually entered. But if you want to clear that value (i.e. set it to nothing) it doesn't seem to work. So for example if it was 'dog' but I clear that text ...

How do I find out if no results are returned from a mysql_query w/out dieing.

I am grabbing the time from a list of ids. Not every id has a time associated with it. How can I tell if there are no results (EG ID is not in the table yet) and then not get lots of Warning: mysql_result() [function.mysql-result]: Unable to jump to row 0 on MySQL result index 9 in /home/aslum/... errors... $tquery = "SELECT time ". ...

CoreData save does no persist over app lifestyle

Hi, I got a strange issue. I am inserting a new object into my Core Data database. I can make request over all my datas but when I close the application and launch it again all my datas are gone ... With iPhone 0S 3 I haven't got this problem, but now with iOS 4 ... Someone have an idea? ...

regex for sepcifying empty string in java

i dont know how to generate a regex that can represent empty string in java ...

clear input boxes on button click with javascript

hi... I've a program which creates text input boxes dynamically. I want to clear the contents of the boxes on the click of clear button. var elems = document.getElementsByClassName(CLId); var myLength = elems.length; var total = 0; for (var i = 0; i < myLength; ++i) { if(elems[i].value != null && elems[i].value > 0){ var el = el...

What does xmlns="" exactly mean

Given the following (piece of) a soap call; <m1:NextCommencementDateInput xmlns:m1="http://foo.bar.com/Types"&gt; <aDate xmlns="">2010-06-02</aDate> </m1:NextCommencementDateInput> Apperantly this is the same as (when validating against the xsd using XMLSpy) <m1:NextCommencementDateInput xmlns:m1="http://foo.bar.com/Types"&gt; ...

Inheritance Costs in C++

Taking the following snippet as an example: struct Foo { typedef int type; }; class Bar : private Foo { }; class Baz { }; As you can see, no virtual functions exist in this relationship. Since this is the case, are the the following assumptions accurate as far as the language is concerned? No virtual function table will be creat...

Which should i use for empty string and why?

Possible Duplicate: What is the difference between String.Empty and string variableName = ""; or string variableName = string.Empty; ...

excel empty string formula

On Excel why putting a formula with the contents ="" sometimes make the replacement for an empty string and sometimes it places literally that text in the cell. Note: every cell of the worksheet is in the text format. ...

Convert view xib to empty xib

I have created a "view xib" but I want to convert it to an "empty xib" (Without of course removing the old xib and creating a new one). Is that possible? ...

android listview empty message with header

Is there any way to display the empty message and the listview header at the same time? It seems that when i set the empty view and the list is empty, the header will not be displayed. thx Ben ...

Get empty objects over WCF with entity framework

Hi! I've a WCF Service, that uses entity framework (with POCO objects). One methods returns a list of users. It was working correctly, but another method cannot insert anything because the database wasn't having "IDENTIY" setted on the primary key. Since I've done that, regenerate the EDMX model, I've a problem to get my list of user...

What is inside an empty index of a Hashmap?

I have a hashmap that is 101 keys in size, but I know for sure about 6 of those have no data inside, and there may be more without data as well. What exactly is inside the empty indexes? Is it null? or is there a Hash(index).isEmpty() method that I can use to see if its empty? I realize there is a isEmpty method inside hashmap, but I th...

Installing an empty directory with RPM

In my install section of my rpm Spec file I have a bunch of mkdir's to create the directories I need. The ones that don't have any files installed in them get pruned out in the end and don't end up getting created. How can I ensure that the empty directories get created when it is all said and done? ...

VBA Check is variable is empty

Hello there! I have an object and within it I wanna check if some properties is set to false, like: If (not objresult.EOF) Then 'Some code End if but somehow, sometimes objresult.EOF is Empty, and how can I check it? IsEmpty function is for excel cells only objresult.EOF Is Nothing - return Empty objresult.EOF <> null - return Empt...

jQuery autocomplete returns empty list if no text in textbox

I am using jQuery autocomplete with a textbox under asp.net mvc 2, and everything works fine. I type in a search and it returns a list of results. But if I type some characters then backspace and erase all the text out of the text box I want a default list of items to appear. Unfortunatley the ajax call to my controller does not get fire...

MySQL: Return 0 if row doen't exist

I've been bashing my head on this for a while, so now I'm here :) I'm a SQL beginner, so maybe this will be easy for you guys... I have this query: SELECT COUNT(*) AS counter, recur,subscribe_date FROM paypal_subscriptions WHERE recur='monthly' and subscribe_date > "2010-07-16" and subscribe_date < "2010-07-23" GROUP BY subscr...

Is there a way to specify an anonymous empty enumerable type?

I'm returning a Json'ed annonymous type: IList<MyClass> listOfStuff = GetListOfStuff(); return Json( new { stuff = listOfStuff } ); In certain cases, I know that listOfStuff will be empty. So I don't want the overhead of calling GetListOfStuff() (which makes a database call). So in this case I'm writing: return Json( ...

Parsing Text Between Two Empty XML Elements in Objective C

I already know how to parse XML Elements that contain content (<this> Content </this> in Objective C but I am currently using a web service that returns the content I need in between two closed elements (<begin-paragraph/> The content I need <end-paragraph/>) I have been looking online for any examples of anyone else doing this, but I c...

Can we have Class.Empty Object like we have in String.Empty

Hello, I am using .NET 3.5. I am creating a simple class and wants to make sure that the class after processing should not be null or should not be a new too.. So if we can just Test it like that Dim objClass as new Class() ' do some processing with the class ' ' and then.. check that if this object returned is not empty ' If (objCl...