
Using ASPNet_Regiis to encrypt custom configuration section - can you do it?

I have a web application with a custom configuration section. That section contains information I'ld like to encrypt (was hoping to use ASPNet_RegIIS rather than do it myself). Web.Config: <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/.NetConfiguration/v2.0"&gt; <configSections> <section...

Error After Encryptingweb.config

I encrypted the AppSettings part of my web.config, tested it on my machine and it worked, but when I uploaded to use it online it gave me an error: Configuration Error Description: An error occurred during the processing of a configuration file required to service this request. Please review the specific error details below a...

Java Plugin Framework that will only load from sealed JARS

I am looking to load a JAR at runtime but want loading to fail if the JARs aren't either signed nor sealed. I know that Java JCE has this capability when loading new crypto algorithms. Do any of the plugin frameworks already support this functionality? Otherwise, what is the best approach? ...

Identity-Based Encryption and Open Source

I recently ran across the notion of Identity Based Encryption (IBE) which seems like a novel idea. However, I haven't noticed many in the cryptography community attempting to find ways to break it. Am I wrong? Likewise, I am of the belief that unless you can actually distribute open source implementations where the blackhat crowd can at...

C# SHA-1 vs. PHP SHA-1...Different Results?

Hey, I am trying to calculate a SHA-1 Hash from a string, but when I calculate the string using php's sha1 function I get something different than when I try it in C#. I need C# to calculate the same string as PHP (since the string from php is calculated by a 3rd party that I cannot modify). How can I get C# to generate the same hash as ...

Javascript AES encryption

Is there a library available for AES 256-bits encryption in Javascript? ...

Why opensource database like Postgresql and Mysql don't have encrypted stored proc?

Why opensource database like Postgresql and Mysql don't have encrypted stored proc? Is it because of their innate open source philosophy? What are the compelling reasons to encrypt the stored procs? ...

Migrating password encryption schemas

I am possibly taking over an app that literally just encrypts user passwords by doing md5( password ) They have ~2000 users to date, so I'm wondering how I can migrate those passwords (or can I?) to a stronger encryption schema (e.g. involving a salt, user-specific hash, and their password, all encrypted with sha1, bcrypt, whatever) Th...

How to encrypt string without mcrypt library in php

in function need key to encrypt string without mcrypt libraly in php function encrypt($str, $pass){ $str_arr = str_split($str); $pass_arr = str_split($pass); $add = 0; $div = strlen($str) / strlen($pass); while ($add <= $div) { $newpass .= $pass; $add++; } ...

iPhone and Crypto Libraries

Hi, I think I'm going to have to use the Crypto libraries in my iPhone application. I wanted to ask you about the implications regarding the crypto export policy applied by Apple. Do I need to do something extra (such as filling forms etc.) 1) If I use hashing with MD5. 2) If I use symmetric encryption. Thanks, ...

Php file encryption methods. Does something simple exist?

It's seems that there isn't any pleasant way to encrypt a file in php. The built in methods of php, mcrypt, aren't very portable as most servers don't support them. Command line encryption tools are like ugly hacks. There's encryption for strings which is nice, but if we want to encrypt a file it doesn't help very much especially for ...

Can I encrypt email and decrypt it back using python default library set?

Ofcourse similar questions have been asked in stackoverflow but I dont want to use any third party library like Crypto or something. So I need to generate a code based on user email and decrypt the code to generate the email back. Can I do it in python? ...

How do I create a .p12 file in Ruby?

I've looked at the Ruby OpenSSL documentation, but I can't quite figure out the pieces I need to put together to make a .p12 file. There's also this tutorial, but the comments belie an ambivalence about its correctness. ...

How can I convert a Blowfish encoded binary string to ASCII in Ruby?

I would like to encode some plain text using Ruby and the Crypt library. I would like to then transmit this encrypted text (along with some other data) as an ASCII hexadecimal string within an XML file. I have the following code snippet: require 'rubygems' require 'crypt/blowfish' plain = "This is the plain text" puts plain blowfish...

Rot13 for numbers.

EDIT: Now a Major Motion Blog Post at http://messymatters.com/sealedbids The idea of rot13 is to obscure text, for example to prevent spoilers. It's not meant to be cryptographically secure but to simply make sure that only people who are sure they want to read it will read it. I'd like to do something similar for numbers, for an appl...

Is it possible to reverse engineer AES256?

Imagine I have this: $cdata = AES_256($data, $pass); AES_256 algorithm is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Advanced_Encryption_Standard If I know the content of $cdata and the content of $data and also have the AES256() code, can I reverse engineer and find $pass? ...

Encrypting contents of a file when uploading

Hi, Am using asp.net's FileUpload control to upload a word file to the server. I want to encrypt the contents of this file (using our custom encryption API) and then save it in the server. How do i achieve this?what should be my approach? Thanks. ...

How to interface with PKCS #11 compliant HSM device in .Net?

I am supposed to write a client application in C# that communicates with Thales WebSentry and I need a few hints at how to start. Device comes with Java SDK but I need to do my programming in .NET. Are there any libraries in .NET that I can use, or will I have to do it all low-level (directly to socket). Any hints or pointers on how and...

Encrypted passwords of not-encrypted passwords user base

Some time ago I joined new project. It was under development for quite a long time. The thing that surprised me was that all users' passwords are stored in non-encrypted form. I explained huge security vulnerabilities of this to our management - it looks like they agree with that and want to make project more secure. Team members agree ...

Authentication ticket ( Forms authentication )

Hello, Q1 - Forms authentication module encrypts its authentication information ( ticket ) before placing it in a cookie. Now, little I know of encryption algorithms is that they usually use some randomly generated value to encrypt and decrypt a piece of data. Thus if same algorithm uses value A to encrypt some data, then it will als...