
How to get public key from a certificate in iPhone programe?

Now I have a certificate which includes a public key,i want to get the public key from it in iPhone SDK programming, and encrypt a string by RSA with the public key.What should i do? Please help me!!Thanks very much. ...

Java RSA decryption did not work for the data decrypted with its public key in IPhone

Hi I have created my rsa public key in java and send to my friend. My friend is using IPhone, he encrypted data with that key and send me the decrypted data then I decrypted the data with my private key. But I am getting errors for Bad Padding. I and my friend both did not use any padding explicitly for RSA. Thanks Bapi ...

Encryption Problem TDES

Hi there, I have a class called tdes which looks like this: Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic Imports System Imports System.Collections.Generic Imports System.Text Imports System.Security.Cryptography Imports System.IO Namespace security Public Class tdes Private des As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider() Private utf8...

Hand rolled keysharing

Framing info I'm traveling and don't have access to my paper documents, and don't have a working phone setup, or easy access to a printer or a fax. Yes, I could find an internet cafe and print things up and then fax them. But I hoped to find an easier, but still secure solution, that only relied on me having network c...

Password hash and salting - is this a good method?

I was doing a little research or googling for different methods of handling password hashing and salting and came across this interesting link: http://phix.me/salt/ Now, essentially what this proposes is the creation of two user functions, one for hashing and one for checking the hash. The salt is pseudo random but is in actual fact ...

Question About Wireless Encryption Settings in Windows

In Windows Vista, if i click the "properties" of my wireless connection, and go to security tab, i am allowed to set the "authentication type" and "encryption type". I am confused, so any client computer who connects to the router wirelessly can set those 2 things? so computer A can set encryption type to WPA, and computer B can set it t...

Salts and Passwords - prefix or postfix

This is a question about salting phrases that need to be hashed. I was wondering if it more secure to prefix the salt to a phrase or postfix it? salt + phrase or phrase + salt My question comes from this comment on this post on MD5s. I am not sure I understand the reasoning behind the author's comment. ...

Office Open XML (OOXML) Specification: Encryption

I am trying to understand how encrypted ("password protected") Office 2007 documents are bundled (specifically, Excel documents). I am experimenting with a known, password protected spread sheet. When I unzip the XLSX file, I encounter three entries: [6]DataSpaces (Directory) EncryptionInfo (File) EncryptedPackage (File) How is the ...

12 digit number - Java Encryption Question

I have already read http://stackoverflow.com/questions/321787/using-java-to-encrypt-integers http://www.exampledepot.com/egs/javax.crypto/PassKey.html All I need is a simple Encrypter which transforms a 12 digit number to a 12 digit number with the following constraints The encryption must depend on a password (which will be constan...

Is it possible to use .NET Reactor with ClickOnce deployment?

After reading this post and encountering the same issue (when attempting to build the manifests): MSB3171: Problem generating manifest. Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies. An attempt was made to load a program with an incorrect format. I would like to know if anyone has had success using .NET Reactor (Encryptio...

Generate AES key with seed value

Hi, How do I Generate AES key with seed value so that whenever I generate key with same seed value,I shud be able to get the same AES key? I want to generate this key for my Blackberry Pearl 8100 device. Please help. Thanks. Hi again, I am not able to generate AES key with AESKey(keyData) . Also whenever I print it either in the ...

What encryption method (algorithm) is used for password protecting MS Access 2003 database?

My application uses MS access database to save some sensitive information. Though that information itself is protected, I need to convince a client that there is an another wall of database encryption with strong password that has to be broken first. Do you know which encryption algorithm/method is used for encrypting access database? ...

What mode to use to decrypt RSA message from iPhone in Java?

My friend has encrypted data with PKCS1 padding on an iPhone. How can I decrypt that data in Java? Java requires me to specify "algorithm/ciphermode/padding". The padding and the algorithm are known, but neither of us knows the cipher mode; it is not specified when encrypting on the iPhone. ...

Simulating MySql's password() encryption using .NET or MS SQL

Hi guys, I'm updating an old ASP/MySql webapp to ASP.NET/MS SQL. We would like to keep the logins from the old website working in the new app. Unfortunately the passwords were stored in the MySql DB using MySql's password() function. Is it possible to simulate MySql's password() function in either .NET or MS SQL? Any help/links ...

Encrypt/Decrypt ECB/PKS5/Blowfish between AS3Crypto & Javax.Crypto fails with padding error

I have a secret key that was sent to me as a file so I can encrypt some xml data using Blowfish. How do I access the key so that I can use it with AS3Crypto? I assume I need to Embed it using the [Embed] meta tag. It's mimeType="application/octet-stream" but I'm not sure if thats right. How do I embed, then reference this file as the sec...

is there any AES encryption python library that will work well with python 3.0?

I want to know is there any python 3.0 supported library for encryption. To encrypt files of 128 bits of data?? ...

Cracking a N bit RSA modulo numbers

This is related to my previous post, where my only option was to have a RSA algorithm which seemed relatively weak. Let us assume that I want to encode a 35 bit number (From 0 upto 34359738367) with a 36 bit modulo (between 34359738368 upto 68719476735). Referring to http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RSA I can see that my n is between 34359...

Silverlight: encrypting username and password for web service

Encryption is not my forté. I'm writing an application in Silverlight 3 which communicates with a web service to authenticate users. The web service won't necessarily be hosted under SSL. I'm trying to find a way to reversibly encrypt the user name and password before passing them which doesn't rely on the key and salt being hard-coded ...

What's the best method of Encryption whilst using ProtoBuf?

I've migrated my database on my mobile device away from VistaDB because it's just too slow. I'm now using ProtoBuf instead to create a series of flat files on a Storage Card, the only issue is there's obviously no encryption. Which encryption method works best with ProtoBuf? I'm basically serializing a collection of data entities to a f...

Effective Password Encryption

I've taken a look at the StackOverflow question, "Password Encryption / Database Layer AES or App Layer AES," and I'd like to effectively and efficiently hash my passwords on registration (web app) and then be able to check they are correct on login. I'm using VB, but comfortable using C#. I would love to use Jeff Atwood's Encryption...